How do you use your cellphone to connect internet?

@youless (112383)
Guangzhou, China
May 2, 2007 6:43am CST
Here the GPRS connection is expensive. Therefore, I use the cellphone connecting wire or bluetooth to connect internet via my desktop computer. And it'll be free of charge. Next time when I will buy a new cellphone, and be sure I will buy one with Wifi.
3 responses
@cf1016 (227)
• China
7 May 07
Now i am using the bluetooth ,it is OK.I don`t think it is expensive,after`s usefull!
@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
7 May 07
Bluetooth is totally free of charge, very good:)
• Indonesia
9 May 07
Free of charge? No for the first time. Coz you have to buy your bluetooth dongle, ha..ha..ha.. :D And after that, free.
• Indonesia
7 May 07
In my country, GPRS connection is expensive. Not worth it! Ususally I use the cellphone connection via cable or bluetooth to connect internet via my PC.
@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
7 May 07
I also have the same opinions like you.
@vin_kmr (227)
• India
3 May 07
Ya now i have a broad band connection, earlier i too used internet through cell phone only to my desktop computer, there was inbuilt modem in my cell phone, but speed is bit slow from cell phone, i used to connect through data cable, as there was some problem with bluetooth, it is also good to use through cell. as no wire problems like broad band, but still there are some dis-advantages by using cell phone to net, as you cannot download things faster,you can only browse, when GPRS is costly, better to use in your way only.
@youless (112383)
• Guangzhou, China
4 May 07
You are right. When I use cellphone to connect internet. I also won't download anything, as it can never compare to download it from computers.