Do you have friends that you don't want to be friends any more?
By jamaja
@jamaja (51)
May 2, 2007 11:39am CST
Are you polite and have friends that you don't want to be friends with any more?
What do you do?
I was trying polite to get out of friendship but it is very hard if u don't want to hurt people
They are very good people but we don't have what to talk about and they like us a lot.
6 responses
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
2 May 07
I was in a similar situation. I had a close friend whom I'm not so close anymore. We're still friends but we don't hang out as much anymore. And that's because she's always taking advantage of me. She'll ask me to do favours for her, take care of her kids all the time, do errands for her, etc. But when I ask her to do the same for me, she always give me some kind of excuse..busy, sick, etc. She's a really nice girl and we get along good as friends but she's just not someone I can rely on and would consider to be a close, good friend. So, we're just more like acquantainces now. We still see each other in group gatherings and chat once awhile but that's all. I just slowly distanced myself from her.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 May 07
Well, in life I feel we have or will experience this in our lifetime. Sometimes this is because we tend to grow apart with our friends in our thoughts and feelings as we get older. Sometimes we develop views, or start doing things that make us different and drift apart, or maybe choose other friends that are not Good for the other partied involved, so you loose a Close friend.
In reality though I think a lot of times it is when 2 people move away from each other, and then try to remain friends, they end up growing apart, and end up finding they have nothing in common anymore, so it is hard to be a Friend. But when this happens, I feel they need to leave on Good terms, and not let it drag you down to the point you might be afraid to get close to someone else. It should be done with mutual understanding, and hardor No hard feelings if possible.

@jamaja (51)
• Australia
8 May 07
Thanks for your response,
I agree with you,
I lost a lot of friends when war made us "run for life" in different directions and different experience,...
Also I got new friends "in running for life"
When bad things happend than you can see "real" friends
I have now 3 old friends that I have contact regulary(we are in different countries)
and couple of new ones (I mean real friends)
We don't have much in common but we understand and have tolerance for each other
@shivaranjani (164)
• India
2 May 07
well friendship is a very pure feelin...
nd sumtyms we cant hold on 2 a realtionship wen it breaks once..
lyk if d trust is broken..
but sumtyms u cAn still hold on..
after all u never knw wen dat fr myt need u..
and a fr in need is a fr indeed ;)

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
10 May 07
I try to be as polite as possible with everyone that I know, regardless of how frustrated I am with them and regardless of what friend status I wish to keep them at. I just feel it's right. There are some people however that I'd really like to push away as best as possible and it's hard, but I'll still keep on friendly terms with them, I just try to distance myself from them as best as possible.
@inallduetime (741)
• United States
2 May 07
I have never had this experience. I would say, being direct is not the best approach. Just slowly distance yourself from them if you really dont wan't to be friends anymore.
Or maybe you can try and spend more time with them and discover somethings you can talk about. Suggest things to do or anything that will give you common ground or things that you can talk about before throwing away the friendship, if they are as nice as you say they are. Good-luck.
@jamaja (51)
• Australia
2 May 07
thanks for response,
slowly distance - that is what i already do, and I feel bad about it as well
they are nice people and we live totaly oposite lifes but they started telling me how we suppose to live (I am artist and craft maker-) and I don't do that to them(or anyone)
I usually make jokes about it but it getting to make me nervous when they want to come(and my kids)
@tony_thadhani (128)
• India
2 May 07
ya,there r many people in my life whom i dont want to talk but i m forced.......i try to ignore them but then also they dont leave my back.......
@brand4less (1061)
• Indonesia
2 May 07
i have one friend like that.i always in her side whenever she needed me but on my wedding day she didn't show up nor i decided to stop being her friend.but i don't know she's a stupid or what, several months after my wedding she sms me and acted like normal, and this pissed me off even i ignored her calls, didn't reply to her sms, just try to avoid her as best as i can.and it's working, until now i never hear anything from her.