Taking sick children out in public
By mememama
@mememama (3076)
United States
May 2, 2007 1:03pm CST
I know kids get sick, that's just a fact of life. But this recent cold my son has had kind of makes me mad. We were at the playground (I know all of my posts are about playgrounds lol) and I saw a kid with snot streaming out of his nose. He was rubbing his nose with his hands and wiping it on the playground equipment. I grabbed my son and we bathed in hand sanitizer, but we still got sick! Why would a person take their sick children to somewhere that a lot of children play? Have you ever done this? I think the only time I've really taken my son out when he was sick was to the store, my husband was deployed and I didn't know anyone who would babysit a sick child so we went to the store for some cold stuff like a humidifier and vapo-rub.
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18 responses
@moodycow (42)
• United States
2 May 07
I don't take my daughter out when she's sick unless I don't have a choice and even then I try to keep her away from other people or let them know to keep their kids away.
We were at a playgroup and this lady brought her daughter and made a point of saying how her daughter was sick so she didn't want to put her down to play with the other babies. Well, next thing I know, her daughter and mine were playing all over each other. Two days later I had a sick baby. I know these playgroups are more for the moms at this age, but why would you knowingly take your sick baby to be around other babies just cause you are bored! I was really mad. I haven't gone to a playgroup since this!
@mememama (3076)
• United States
2 May 07
that's why I used to go to playgroups-for my sanity. But the one I was in became a competition, like whose baby is sleeping through the night first, plus they thought I was a weirdo for using cloth diapers and attachment parenting-I hope your group doesn't become that catty!
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
2 May 07
I'm with you. I've never taken my kids out when they were sick unless I ablsolutely had to. I got you beat...I was at a restaurant standing by the food bar..there was a kid in front of me that was obviously sick. His mother had her back to him getting food, next thing you know he starts coughing and sneezed all over the food bar. His mom didn't even care. Needless to say I skipped that entire food bar. Sneeze guards don't work if you're under 5 feet tall lol. I wouldn't take my kid out to eat, let alone have them stand by the food bar with me while they were sick. I can't believe some peoples badge judgement.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
2 May 07
My son has never been sick so far. He's had a runny nose that happened at the same time as teething, but that's it. I don't think it's ever been anything contagious. Just from crying and what not. But...I don't think I would take him out if he was sick. I know for sure I wouldn't take him to a playground or something. Maybe to the store if my husband was on 12-14 hour shifts or something, but that would be it. Kids don't need to be around a bunch of other kids when they are sick.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
2 May 07
My son has a killer immune system. He used to go next door to the babysitter, and her two boys would hug and kiss and sneeze all over him when he was from about 6-9 months old and he never once got sick. I was a little worried about leaving him there, because it seemed like one of hers always had a runny nose.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
2 May 07
Wow that's amazing, I think this is my sons third cold in his 1 1/2 years of life. The first one he got was when he had his routine pedi appointment at 4 months, probably the germs in the waiting room. The second time he caught it from his cousins.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
5 May 07
I would never take my child out into public sick, unless of course, to the doctors and then the pharmacy....I do not understand why parents would want to subject others to the virus that their child is experiencing.
My husband is a disabled veteran and is usually at the house unless we all went somewhere together.....he gets ill very easily...my grandchildren have brought him home many many colds from school....this is one of the public places that it really irritates me to see a sick child. I know that a child is only allowed to miss certain number of days and I, myself hated "make-up homework" but if a child is sick...they are not getting any benefit from school.
I wish more parents felt like we do, mememama, my friend.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
3 May 07
No way! I wouldnt take my kid out like that to make everyone else sick! Maybe to a grocery store if I had to and I had no one to watch the sick one, but no way to a playground or a place where tons of kids are going to be! That seems pretty selfish and unfair to the other parents and children!
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@nica269 (1395)
• United States
2 May 07
I personally would not take my child to a public place where other children could get sick because he's wiping his snot on the equipment, that's just rude and inconsiderate.
There are times when you HAVE TO take your children out, and that's understandable, but don't take them out where they can get other people sick -
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
2 May 07
My children are grown up now. It still bothers me to see people dragging their sick kids around. The kids are obviously not feeling good and they are crabby and their mom is getting upset because the child is crying or crabby.
Now I know that lots of stores are offering wipes for the handles on the carts but that just isn't enough. Kids are all over those carts.
And how about those people that sneeze and cough in public places and don't cover their mouths or nose. Now that makes me want to run for the nearest exit.
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@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
4 May 07
I find this to be ignorance on the part of the parent,First off this kid should be at home if he is sick.Second,if ut is just allergies he should have been on medication.My friend runs a daycare.I pick up 2 of the little girls from there when she closes because their mom works late.As soon as one of them gets a fever,runny nose ur any kind of sickness she calls me to pick them up.This is only common sense.It kinda makes you wonder how nasty their house is if the kid is allowed to run around the house like this.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
2 May 07
I know that sometimes you have no choice and have to take your kids out when they are sick. Parents do have a choice about the park though and they shouldn't take them there when they are sick. I also can't stand it when parents send their children to school sick. It spreads around so quick.
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@fox123 (285)
• Philippines
3 May 07
I understand your sentiments, you really cant avoid it, but if you want not to be contaminated with it then take some vitamins, i mean your child must take some of it to be strong and not easily got sick amidst of the children in the playground.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
3 May 07
If my kids are really sick then we stay home and let them rest and get better. But there are times when we just have to go out to the store or post office. However, if it is just a little cold or just allergies and they want to go out i'm not going to stay trapped at home.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
2 May 07
I don't ever take my daughter out when she's sick. Especially to the playground of all places! There have been times when I've had to take her to the store with me to grab some medicine or something. But that is only in cases when I have to go and my fiance is working. Getting my daughter out when she's sick will only make things worse and I would feel awful if she got someone else sick. I know I can go stir crazy when she's sick from having to stay in all the time but it's just something that needs to be done.
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@student7 (1002)
• United States
2 May 07
I know that my children are getting over being sick. I told them that they couldn't go outside and play because they are sick. If I do have to go out, I keep them in the car. I have a twelve year old and a nine year old. I do this because, I don't want to get others sick. I think that mother was being neglectful and very disrespectful as well. I don't take my children to the park if either of them are sick. I try to keep them at home INSIDE.
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@windhair (498)
• Germany
5 May 07
It sounds terrible to let the children play on such playground. Sometime, the sick children and their parents feel so boring staying indoor, they also want to get some fresh air outside, but, remember, you should also think about the others, this is the basic social morality. I never let my daughter go the the public when she is sick. It is not only good for the others but also for the children, because the enviroment in the puclic place may postpond the hal time.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
12 May 07
I have never taken my kids out in public when they are sick unless it is an absolute necessity. I have always felt that they need their rest more than I need to do a few errands, unless they are like groceries or something like that. If I do have to bring them out we take lots of kleenex with us and my children no better than to sneeze or wipe boogers on anything. Yuck.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
3 May 07
I teach pre-schoolers computer skills and they all have to share the same equipment, including the mouse. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten sick because kids were sent to school when they were actively spreading germs. I am constantly using anti-bacterial gel and wipes on them and the equipment to stop the spread. Like you said, sometimes taking a sick child out in public is a necessity, but if you can keep your sick child at home, it's best for their recuperation and for everyone else too.
@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
3 May 07
haha.. i agree with you.. but it's not really that kid fault. .it's more to her parents fault.. her parents should have do something if they know their kids are not healthy.. many people are not aware that such thing might give big effect to others.. they think it's okay since it's just a cold.. i'm sorry to hear that you and your son got sick... such irresponsible parents should have some lesson on child caring before getting a kid.. haha.. just kidding anyway... anyway. .don't worry about getting sick....unless your antibody is weak.. or you might improve your antibody days later =)
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