Should I just leave???
By AnnaB87
@AnnaB87 (761)
United States
May 2, 2007 10:59pm CST
I mean I feel like I am not important to anyone, and I feel like my husband thinks of me as a burden, so maybe I should just leave right??
The only thing is I do not know where I would go and I have no money to leave on.
What should I do??
I am tired of trying it seems nothing ever gets any better and things are always either bad, or worse or just plain bad, never good or even peaceful. I feel like I walk on eggshells all the time.
Maybe I should try to figure a way to leave, maybe that would make things better?
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20 responses
@little_angel (2458)
• Australia
3 May 07
Hello AnnaB87
Why should you leave, leave can make anything better i think especially for your self.
Try to talk to your husband about this, and you are important for someone who love you.
Don't feel like that, cheer up your self, live is beautiful and you must fight to have happiness.
God created you with a duty and God never created useful person.
God bless you
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@little_angel (2458)
• Australia
3 May 07
sorry i miss something i mean God never created a useless person
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
Thanks, I just don't feel well tonight and I am worried about a lot of things and I feel helpless to fix any of the problems here.
And everything I have tried to do to make things better has not helped and my husband just stays mad all the time.
It may just be because of the stress of soon to have no job, and having just been diagnosed with a health problem, so he is taking it out on me.
Somethings are getting to me a little tonight, I am trying to not let things bother me, but some things are.
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@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
3 May 07
first of all.. why do you think you're a burden? and if you know you're burdening others.. why not find a better solution? leaving is a not a solution.. you're just hiding from facts.. and this will only make things worse.. do you want to cause more problems in the future? i think first.. you need to identify the main problem.. have to figure out a solution.. if you think you no money.. then find a way to get money.. but make sure it's legal... leaving definitely is not a solution.. and i strongly disagree you to do that.. think before doing anything okay? :)
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
3 May 07
I know what you mean. I have felt like this many times myself...and I am in the same situation. I really don't have family to rely on ..and I have no what do you do? You feel trapped. I would say that you need to look at this life you have closely. If you feel things are not going to change with your husband than you may have no choice. I would tell him how you feel and that you are thinking of leaving and see what his reaction is? I know some days are worse then others and you can't see things getting better...but take it from me they do...eventually...I hope you two can work it out...and that you find something that makes you happy...
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
Thanks I think that things will work out eventually. I think last night was just not a good time for me, as I had defended him to my mother several times over, as she keeps telling me how things could and should be better, and so on.
And sometimes I let thngs get to me I don't need to be doing that.
I doubt I would ever really leave although at times I am tempted to because I see people who are not even trying to be good wives or anything and they are living better and have nicer things.
People such as my sister who is married but does not like her husband so she ran him off, and has someone else's husband with her now. And she has nicer everything.
And I don't do things like steal others husbands or a lot of other things she does, and her life seems easier in so many ways, she has nicer clothes, a better home, furniture, she is able to gove her kids things I have never been able to gove mine, etc etc, and I see so many people who make less money than we do and they are able to afford to buy their own homes.
I guess sometimes I don't appreciated things like I should.
My husband at least does call me almost everyday from work, he does not really say anything just tells me he loves me and thats about it.
Anyway, I think I need to just stop letting things get to me.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
3 May 07 down..!!
First of all try to find it out what IS the basic PROBLEM in your relationship ??
Then if it seems like your a burden to them, become their need and make them as your addicts..!!Work hard to give them a serious addiction of yours..!!
Start handling every work at home...!!(one by one)
Start taking care of evry family member(or those who are important)
Start earning some money-(Get a JOB!!)
Stand on your feet and let them know "you don't need them", but make them say-"they need you".
Then you'll see there will be a drastic change in your life..!!
All It needs is- TIME.....LOVE.....CARE
Stay HAPPY Forever.
@BGBabe (78)
• United States
3 May 07
Awe Anna, my heart goes out to you. Sounds like you're in a pretty bad situation. It's hard though, to give any advice without knowing the specifics. So, I'll just assume that maybe there is some abuse going on there, whether it's mental or physical doesn't make much difference. Sometimes mental abuse is worse, so if you have either going on, GET OUT. I know it's easier said than done, given your financial situation. It doesn't sound like you're very happy with the situation you're in, so you NEED to do SOMETHING about it. If you have friends or family that care about you and love you, explain your situation to them. If not, look into a shelter. (That is if there is abuse in your home) Some of these shelters can be a real turning point in your life, a way to start over. I hope I was of some help to you. You take care of yourself and be happy. EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY.
@hotholden82 (1)
• Australia
3 May 07
look girl just get out of it now all the signs are there
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
3 May 07
Unless and otherwise we have made certain observations before coming to such a conclusion, it is most likely that we need a break. We all at times get physically exhausted to continue with our routine jobs. This leads to mental stresses which is the route of such feelings. You should try to go on for a tour, if possible, or, as I have told already, simply take a break for a good span of time. I think you will find life more meaningful.
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
3 May 07
Sorry to listen to that news. Anyway there are some other way to relieve your stress. Listen to music. It purifies mind. Good luck.
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I agree sometimes people do just need a break from everything especially stress, and we have had a high stress marriage, for us things have never been easy.
I would like to go on a tour but that is not possible without I earn lots of money, and at the rate I am going it will take a long time. LOL

@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
3 May 07
Hi AnnaB have you tried talking to your husband about it? Maybe you should before taking any further steps. And if he isnt happy and you cant works things out then make a plan. Im sorry to hear this. It sounds like your very unhappy. I wish you all the best. Keep us informed. Take care
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@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
3 May 07
I'm sorry to hear your situation.I really feel for you.You have mentioned that you tried to have a heart to heart talk with your husband to settle those things but he refused many times to talk to you.Yes it's miserable to leave with somebody who don't even care and never give you importance.You're decision to leave might be right but thinking that you dont have any relatives or friends to stay with and even no money to live with your own so I guess your decision is very difficult to do right now.I think you have to find for a job first and if you have it now and you can say that you're stable now then that's the time to leave your husband and and start a new life with your own..I hope and pray that everything will be OK for you.Just keep on praying.Prayer really works. Goodluck and God bless.
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
Hopefully things will get better, and I wiill be trying to get a job soon.
I don't have one right now. I will have to find a way to buy clothes that are decent to go look for a job. Most everything I have is worn out.
Maybe things will get better that is what I keep telling myself anyway.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
3 May 07
Hello my friend. Sorry to hear that. Here's a suggestion. Make sure you have somewhere to go and some money to get food before taking off. Bear it a while longer.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
3 May 07
leaving is not the best solution. Rekindle the spark in your marriage. It usually happens to all marriages that after a long period of togetherness the relationship becomes dull and this you have to work hard to revive the vows. Try to draw back the love that you once had and that brought you both together. Besides don't dwell too much attention on self pity. Sometimes you have to socialise and in contact with the outside world.
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I do seem to be having a pity party tonight, I need to stop that,
Anyway, we have been married a long time about twenty years is all. And I did not really know him at all when we got married just a few days.... anyway I would like to get out of the house some maybe I can tommorrow,,,
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
3 May 07
Aw, try not to be down! I know it's hard. Just take some time and think if you WANT to save your marriage. If you do, I suggest not leaving and telling your husband how you feel. If he is unresponsive, you might need couceling, either each by yourselves, together, or both. Leaving and running away isn't always the answer though-that should be a last resort. Maybe if you can't decide, take a break. Somehow spend a few days or a week apart so you can get your head straight. I wish you so much luck. Sometimes I feel like a burden too, but I hope i'm wrong.
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@BrianKomeini (276)
• Philippines
3 May 07
the last thing you would want to do is to feel that you are unimportant.
cheer up. if you've been getting through rough times, i suggest you get in touch with a friend. life's not as worse as you might think. the water still tastes good, the sun is still shining, the rains still do fall when it gets really hot. smile - others have gone through rougher times and yet they're still standing up with smiles on their faces.
communication isn't just about talking - its also about making others feel what you feel. if your husband doesn't talk to you - make him feel that you're feeling uncomfortable with it. or maybe you should try to make him feel how important you are to him by making him feel how much important he is to you. give him a massage when he's tired for example. ask how his day went. i'm sure he'll feel the subtle changes.
don't feel that your someone that's unimportant. at least, for ME - YOU still are that important. smile and be happy - the world will stop if you don't.
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
And I have been doing some of that I have even given hm foot massages because his feet hurt a lot.
I do need to work on being cheerful that is something I have a hard time doing.
I am glad things are not worse.
Hopefully things will be better soon.
@BrianKomeini (276)
• Philippines
3 May 07
yeah. be cheerful. try to hear the chirping of the birds everytime you wake up in the morning.
we have this belief here in the Philippines - we may be poor, me may be getting on hard times, but as long as our family is together and we are happy, then no one can break us.
keeping your family together is the most important thing that you should do. leaving your problems isn't always the good idea.
we call husbands in our families "haligi ng tahanan (pillars of our home" because they are the providers. moms in our families are called "ilaw ng tahanan (the light of the household)", because they are the guides for the kids to follow, and the inspiration for the whole household.
now, imagine your household without you? it will be a dark home indeed!
so be happy always - there'll be always someone to support you. let me be the first one to volunteer. ;)
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@pramodthakur (2365)
• India
3 May 07
From your details it seems you are having negative attitude this time. This may be because of your few years past life which is full of obstacles. No matter, now you first start positive thinking. Take everything as a positive. If your hubby is considering you as burden. Don't mind. My suggestion is to leave such narrow minded people, if God has given birth, he will give life also. Need not to worry much. In each person can work for himself/herself as per his/her ability. So you first see that what type of work you can do this time as per your age/capacity/qualification. Then set a target of work, start thinking about that and take help of your good friend. Start that work, you will get some money. Start a new life leaving your hubby and narrow minded family members. Within few months you will feel happy with new and lonely life...believe me. Only thing you need to keep is positive thinking. At initial stage you may faily on many matters but after sometime you will start winning everything. Be positive, everything in your life will turn in positive way automatically.
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I think I am just negative tonight because I don't feel well and there are many problems here, and maybe my husband is just tired tooo. I don't know.
I have never lived on my own really. I have been married since I was a teenager and now I am almost forty, maybe I am just getting old and depressed. maybe its the weather. I don't know/
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@moamenmashael (4)
• Egypt
3 May 07
you may be want to break your life routine by doing a new thing every day
like sport, playing with kids, camp ... etc
do what you want to do
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I would like to have some fun things to do, but right now I don't everythng cost to do.
And I don't know anyone close that I could go visit even.
I feel isolated a lot and I think that is part of the problem.
Before I was married I had lots of friends now I feel like I don't have any.
And that is depressing.
maybe if I can just get healthy and get a good job that will help.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
3 May 07
It sounds to me like you really want to leave, but are throwing up obstacles to keep yourself from doing what you know is better for you. Put yourself first, and devise a way to get out of a bad relationship. Get yourself a job, make some money, put it in a separate bank account and get out. Whatever it is you decide to do, I hope you are in a safe situation away from any physical or emotional harm. Good luck!
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@feliniti (875)
3 May 07
hi Anna. I am sorry to hear about the pain you are going through at the moment. You say you have depression, and I hope you are getting counselling for that. If you are not you should do. Sometimes other people cannot understand the pain of depression, and that is why it makes it hard to communicate with them.
All I can say to you is not to rush into anything. Get someone who you can talk to about the way you feel. Try to talk things over with your husband, but if you feel you can't at present, then perhaps talk to your counsellor about it, and maybe he/she will be able to help you to better communicate what you want.
If you don't have anywhere to go, or any money to leave on, it is not the right decision. You should only do that if you really have explored all the alternatives.
No one can give you proper advice here, because no one knows your personal situation. But things can get better if you communicate with each other. Try and take things one step at a time and avoid arguments but I think you need to talk things through with a counsellor if you are depressed.
Kindest regards.
I do hope things get better for you soon my friend.
@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I don't go to any couselling that is not something we can afford.
Anyway, I think that I am mostly upset because my husband does not talk to me about anything important, my relatives call me and say mean hurtful things, and just don't get out of the house at all.
I think if I could get outside more that would help some. I don't like being cooped up.
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@mohit1123 (564)
• India
3 May 07
Can u disclose why in the first place do u and ur husband have this communication gap
Because when u would have married him u both wouldnt be like that what made this situation change. Since nothing happens without a reason. There should be one in this case as well
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@fazelath (1174)
• India
3 May 07
how long have u been married for,i think u should keep your self busy,i think u have more free time,may be that is the reason to feel,as maybe ur husband is very busy so he cant give much time for u,give some time for ur relationship,and keep your self busy,every thing will be fine one day
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
3 May 07
I have been married for a long time like twenty years. And he works seven days a week usually so he stays tired all the time.
And he does not want me to drive so I can not go anywhere until he gets home, and then he does not feel like going anywhere,
and there is really only so many ways to clean a small place, and I get so tired of the only thing I ever really get to do is clean or cook, or cook or clean, and never see anyone outside of the kids.
I feel like the world is just leaving me behind in so many ways. And like I am agng so fast I don't even know the person in the mirror.
I would like for my husband to have more time but he does not, and now he is starting school on top of going to work seven days a week. I feel like we are strangers.
And I hate not having anyone to talk to or even a way to get out of the house. and walking anywhere is just too far and there are no sidewalks.
Maybe its just me,,,