what are the benefits of swimming?

May 2, 2007 11:04pm CST
can you give me the benefits of swimming?is it true that it makes your body more firmer and sexier?thanks!
7 responses
4 May 07
well swimming is a great all round exercise it tones up definately and helps get your heart rate going and breath better it exercises all your muscles and somebody who exercises a lot will look fitter and more toned than others i like swimming in the open water more than pools but some pools i visited in europe are outdoor and fab to go to swimming in the sea is even better as you can swim against the waves and it needs more energy yes i won a beach babe comp and i go swimming a lot and the guys loved it....
• Philippines
7 May 07
woahhh!well congrats..i really wanted to try..it just so happened that i do have a hectic schedule because of my work..can i only try this once in a week?
15 May 07
thanks i think if you go swimming just once a week thats fine but try and find a good place to go i dont know where you live but some pools have non chorline type water or its even better to go swimming in the sea as you can swim against the waves
• Philippines
16 May 07
we have clubhouse here..i dont want to swim in the beach or sea..i am afraid that the waves might take me away..hehehe!
@howhigh (757)
• Canada
3 May 07
with one exercise you are able to train many muscles also swimming does not strain your muscles like with weight training. Plus there is constant motivation to exercise because you have to look at yourself in a bathing suit! Swimming is fun too
• Philippines
3 May 07
hehe..!does wearing swim suit will help me to become more slimmer?hehe!just kidding..so swimming will help me?
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@howhigh (757)
• Canada
3 May 07
aha where a swim suit may motivate you to get thinner but i think it would get uncomfortable before the suit made any difference.. go to the pool and swim you get a strong body.
• Philippines
3 May 07
hhmmm..youve got a point..thanks for the advice..
@chm236 (34)
• China
3 May 07
haha i think it could make me healthy and feel happy and comfortable
• Philippines
3 May 07
haha?why is there a laugh?swimming makes us healthier and its fun..
@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
17 May 07
Swimming is one the best exercise i think. Aside from it makes your body become firm and sexy, your stamina will also increase. .
• Philippines
18 May 07
they say so..i'll try it for my health also..
@randy88 (683)
• Indonesia
6 May 07
the benefits is our body is healthier and I agree with you that swimming can make our muscle bigger so our bosy is sexier
• Philippines
7 May 07
@creb11 (416)
• China
15 May 07
Oh it is best sport I think as it is do not make you have much sweat( or you can say you can not feel the sweat). And then it is best choose in the summer,you need not worry about the hot sun and you skin turn to the black. Most my friends choose swimming to reduce weight.If I overweight and need to keep health I will choose swimming to.
• Philippines
16 May 07
hehe..you really wouldnt feel that you are sweating..lol!maybe i will try overnight swimming..hehe!
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
3 May 07
I think any exercise will help. Swimming is better for the joints - there's no strain on the joints coz it's low impact. (not the muscles)! It's used a lot for rehabilitation but yeah i guess it could work if you want to lose weight but make sure you do it a lot & on a regular basis. Any exercise only works if it's done regularly & for a decent amount of time each day. Maybe you could try half an hour of swimming every other day or something & when your body gets used to that, you could do it every day. It's a lot of fun too so i guess you could extend it & do it for longer than half an hour!
• Philippines
3 May 07
yeah..i wanted to try swimming instead of gym..thanks for the info...