do u beieve "Love hurts all the time"?

May 4, 2007 12:25am CST
some people go on the stage of their life that they almost tell to other people that no body loves them. They are so depress that they left alone by their love ones. Is really love hurts all the time????
1 response
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
4 May 07
It really depends. But if you love, you should be prepared to get hurt. That's the essence of it. Get ready for whatever may happen in the future. However, if you find the love of your life or your true love, there'll be no problem. You may quarrel at times but it's just alright. ?True love really makes your life easy and in order. You won't necessarily get hurt if you find the right person for you. Just keep on searching for the right one. Well, for lucky ones, they just come your way. LOve is all around. Feel its worth.
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