Are The Cure "Goth" music?

May 4, 2007 3:31am CST
A lot of lazy music writers and ill-informed people tend to label the Cure as a "goth" band. I'm not expert, neither am I goth, but I have friends who are who will argue until they're blue in the face that "No! The Cure are NOT goth music". They argue that just because Robert Smith had big hair and dark make-up the Cure's music has never and will never be considered goth. So what are your thoughts? Are you goth? Do you think the Cure are goth?
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7 responses
• United States
4 May 07
well, The Cure came before the Goth genre ever did. they did lay the seeds for the goth rock genre but by the time goth caught on in the mid 80's, The Cure had moved away and cross over into the more mainstream. their genre is Rock, however their styles thru the years have ranged from; alternative pop/rock, goth rock, post punk, and new wave. here is a site that gives all kinds of info on the cult music of The Cure;
• United States
12 May 07
Well, I'm not goth, but I do tend to enjoy the darker things in life. Much of the Cure's music is very dark, very brooding stuff. Maybe your friends haven't listened to Disintegration, their fourth album (which MyLot won't let me write) or Faith. That's some heavy, moody music that beats any "goth" band I've ever heard.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 May 07
I agree with scarywhitegirl...I too lump them in with the Goth genre but also they fit (more appropriately really) with 80s new wave... As far as your friends claiming what is and isnt goth...well let me tell ya, just becuase I DONT wear dark clothes and make up and just because I DONT fit the "goth style" ppl claim that I'm not Goth..whats funny is those same ppl are seriously misinformed on what REAL Goth is about...mind you most of these ppl are much younger than I am and were still smelling like pee if they were even alive when the Goth scene really burst out back in the 80s LOL....I think what ticks me off is when ppl assume goth is about how you look....its NOT a fashion statement, its a thought process or philosophy really not a runway show ;-)
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• United States
4 May 07
I believe I've read an interview with Robert Smith where he even says that The Cure are not a goth band. That, more than anything, lends credence to the idea that they are not goth! At the same time, however, I am a huge fan of goth music, and The Cure is one of my favorite bands. I lump them in with goth music, because quite a bit of their music fits that genre, at least marginally. Honestly, though, I could also lump them in with 80s New Wave music, which is probably the more appropriate genre.
• United States
4 May 07
I agree with all of this...I think most critics lump them into this goth category: 1. they dont' acually know what goth music is and think it's just sad depressing music. 2. they feel that this is the kind of music The Cure makes because they've never actually listened to the band. The Cure have written some of the most adorable sweet upbeat happy songs. So, yeah, I agree with what you said!
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• United States
9 Jun 07
While I think that Robert Smith is one of the god fathers of Gothic style and his music COULD be considered Gothic The Cure are just that The Cure! they are themselves and no one else.
• United States
10 Jun 07
The Cure is a gothic '80s band. I think your friends are confused with what gotic is or they are comparing it with todays gothing music, which is totally different from 20 years ago. Music does tend to change over the years. I am not gothic and I listen to all styles of music. I really like The Cure and i am a big fan.
@Buwahaha (20)
• United States
14 May 07
Cure isn't a goth bad but yeah like the others said. The Cure along with Souxie and the Banshees, Depeche Mode, and who ever else did pretty much start the whole goth genre of music. I like to jsut say they are anyways. Lol.. I don't think it really matters as long as it's good music who cares what genre. ^.^