Christian Sects and Communities.
By missak
@missak (3311)
May 4, 2007 10:40am CST
One of the most usual points for refutations of the old religions by the so-called evolutioned monoteists is that this old religions have different and contradictorious versions of the legends of their Gods. But isn't it the same with the Christian religion? Catholics, Orthodoxs, Gnostics, Evangelists, Protestants, Baptists, Opus Dei, Masons, Mormons... I know some belonging to one of these branch wouldn't like others to be in this list, as all of them claim to be the original and authentic representants of Christ, so usually they fight against others. Why do you think they are so many branches/paths for christianity? If you are christian, what "branch" do you belong to? Why is it better than others? Do you think others are you enemies? And a question for christians and non-christians: do you think humans always have some kind of necesity of different versions of a story, like different ways to choose or understand things? Do you think something is not true because of contradictions? Or do you agree that contradictions rather prouve this fact has been seen from different points of views, as always humans have? Do you think an official declaration of the quthenticity of one of thoose versions actually worth to destroy other versions?
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9 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 May 07
people fight because they have this need to be right. Can you imagine how anybody would feel if they found out their religion was a lie? So everyone defends their religion as being the right one and therefore all the others have to be wrong.
I am anglican (Protestant) Christian. I believe that all relgions are just as right as any other. I believe the hindu expressions that all roads lead to the one, and the one being God.
Contradictions can be different points of view, and that is okay. It is because of the different points of view that you have so many denominations,
whether it be christianity, islam, Judaism, even hindu, it all comes down to different points of view and that is okay too.
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@livewyre (2450)
9 May 07
If Jesus said no-one comes to the father except through me - how can other religions lead to the same God?
Either Jesus was wrong, or the other religions are wrong - what do you as someone who professes to follow Christ, think about Jesus saying he was the ONLY way?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 May 07
the point is every single religion in the entire world feels the same way, how can everyone be right or everyone be wrong, think about that.
you will choose christianity because that is what you believe, but if you were born into another religion you would defend that religion just as much as you are, because that would be your religion and you would believe it with all your heart.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
9 May 07
I think that fact that everyone claims the same for his own religion proves that all of them are the same. So livewyre, what if for example Buddha and his path, was the same Jesus himself appeared to another culture with another name, just to show them the same thing with an explanation more according to their day to day life?

@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
4 May 07
Good discussion! I think humans will always have their own interpretations of just about anything. Since religious beliefs are so personal, I believe each person would like to think his/her interpretation is the right one! Personally I know mine is
No, seriously, I think that all the denominations, sects, etc. have a portion of picture which is right, but no one has it all. I think God, religion, science--all those things people believe in are too big for the finite mind to fully grasp, so we get it in pieces. Kind of like the blind men feeling different parts of the elephant.
I feel sorry for those people who are so convinced of their total rightness that they have closed their minds to learning or understanding anything else. That's like saying the rainbow is only one color, just because you can't see the other colors.
I am a Protestant, by the way. A Methodist only because I like it better than some of the others. I don't pretend to agree will all their doctrines or think the Methodist Church is the "only" church.
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
4 May 07
Very interesting discussion-rated:-) I have joined evangelical sect many years ago. I was reborn Christian and just was too curious to knew more and more about it.I visit several churches and their seminars -just to see the difference between them and the official Ortodoxal religion in my country. All of them pretend that they strictly support the Bible views. But in fact all of us because of our humanity interprete the Bible facts and adapt them to their own doctrine.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
4 May 07
Well in regards to the churches the first christian church was the Church Of England and from that the people that did not like or believe in their sects and wanted to go and develop their own churches this is when they developed other churches today. I do not really think that other churches are better than others that is why I belong to the United Church which is open to all.
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
4 May 07
I think that different religions are an occurance of a need for control or power. Someone wants some power so they create a new set of beliefs and and break away to form their own group. There are hundreds of different religions and all claim that their particular beliefs are the truth.
You have the power to either believe or not, religion is in each and every one of us , it is how we choose to address it that makes the difference and what ever influences or direction determines what religion we will be.
Personally I don't need anyone to tell me what I can or cannot beleive, I make my own choices and I don't try to influence or force others to follow my beliefs. Hopefully people will start to realize that they can have their own beliefs without necessarily or summarilly discounting others. There would be a better chance for peace that way.
@jessemt35 (294)
• Qatar
4 May 07
The different Christian confession has the same basic tenets of faith and that is the belief in one God. IMHO God reveals himself to man in every events of history until he fully grasp the true nature of God and it culminates in the entrance of Jesus in the history of humanity. The problem why there are different Christian denomination is in man in his attempt to correct what he thinks is wrong in the faith but forget that the protestation took a life of its own like fire and burn the whole of Christendom and what we got is a mushrooming of different version of Christianity. Pride is root of all this variation. There is no better religion than practicing what you believe with love and humility and not considering yourself better than the others.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
16 Dec 07
I am from India and here we have almost 30 kinds of religion even more than that!!
and each of them 10 kinds of branches..!
So I find it pretty hard to haard to understand why people make such branches in same religion..??
I guess its because of people's thinking ability..!!
Each and every people on this earth is unique and have unique way of thinking ability..!!
So thats the reason why we have so many branches in single religion..!!
People understand things in dfferent ways and they belive in different things.
Well thats what "I" belive.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
17 Dec 07
Wow, don't know how i missed this post, you realy steped into it this time didn't you? Well I beleive the reason there are so many diferent sects of Chritianity is simple. It's about power. One who says "I only know the truth and has a following then has power over that following. Power also brings welth, plain and simple. All these sects say they are the true church, but seriously how can any one of them calim that? all take from the bible what suits there purpose and discard or explain away the rest. Truthfully there is only one church though, it has no building, no collection box, no guilt and no priest. Church meanig congragation or gathering, is simply those who beleive. If on beleives he/she is the chruch. We need no priest becouse we are all preist of our families and Jesus is the high priest over us all. No need to ask a priest for forgivness becouse we have already been forgiven once and for all, what more could a mear man do? There are no guilt trips in the church becouse we are now spotlees in Christ, what man could couse us to be guilty in the site of god or Jesus after Jesus has forgiven you of all things past ,present, and future. It is all EGO!, I'm better than you becouse I belong to this or that church. Why are you Christians cousing Jesus to be mocked by the unbeleivers becouse of your stupid traditions? There is One Church, One body, One Mind, And ONE GOD no matter what noame you give him. He is the creator of life and all things, he is all that ever was and all that will ever be and we are here by his will.