@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
United States
May 5, 2007 12:27pm CST
This was writen years ago along with "Women" now I have both in the same place
"may be reprinted with proper credit"
Men.................Most of them are wonderful. I like men! Most of my best friends are men. I am the mother of 4 grown men. I have been married to one for 42 years. Here is my salute to those special guys in your life. The ones we know and love. He can be your husband, boyfriend, your dad or your brother, You know who I am talking about. He can be wearing a blue collar, a shirt and tie or a uniform. He can be a teacher, a truck driver or retired. He can be tall, bald, have a beard and have brown eyes. He can have a contagious laugh and a twinkle in his eye. He can take your breath away.
The men we know are happy to come home to beef stew, kids bikes in the drive way, and the paper already read. Our men will hand over their pay checks and just ask for a little back. Our men will say grace at the table, carve the turkey, and clear off the table. Our men change their own oil, coach ball games, and install programs on the computer. Our men carry baby pictures and wedding pictures in their wallets.
They love their family and will protect them from harm. They will reheat their dinner if they are late for dinner and will start the coffee in the morning. They will go out on a cold night for baby diapers. They will stand in line for tickets to see the newest kiddie movies. They will climb on the roof for the kittens. The men we know haven't had a new suit in years. But they insist you get a new dress for church. They would rather go to McDonald's, but they take you to the new trendy restaurant in town. If your child is in a school program he gives up the play-offs to attend. He drives in the rain to pick them up from school, so you don't have to leave the house when you have a cold.
Our men are funny, bright and true to themselves. They have been generous in their giving of their time, money and effort. They will mow a neighbors yard, when her husband had a heart attack. They will feed the cats for his son and his roommates when they go camping. He will pick up his daughter from a party, so she will be safe on the way home. He won't think twice when asked if he would like a romantic evening. He will put on your favorite after shave, and light the candles. He will even drive the kids to grandma!
The men in our lives leave the best part of the roast beef for you. They get the mail on hot days, so you don't have to drive the golf car in the heat. He will surprise you with "take out" on PMS days. He takes the kids to the park on his day off, so you can have a minute alone. He carries the heavy bags in from the supermarket. He even makes sure you have a full tank of gas in the beginning of the week. He will run the vacuum when unexpected company call from down the road. When his family surprise you with a wonderful gift, he is so happy for you.
He supports you in things that make you a better woman. He quietly sits on the side, and lets you get credit for being a great mom, wife, daughter or sister. Even though it was his advice, support and cheering that got you there. He will wait for you while you make a compassionate phone call, or a visit to a sick friend. Because he knows you can say words better then he can. He trusts you give a cool hand and warm heart to help a sorrow become softer. When his eyes brim with tears, you know he is hurting and a hug will help him. No words need to be spoken. You can communicate to each other with just a look.
What is it about him that you love? His laugh, his eyes, his honesty or the fact he was what you have been waiting all your life for. I am a big believer in chemistry. When the butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach, and the goose pimples rose on my arms, I knew this was the man I wanted to share my life with. Now it is your turn to give your big guy a hug, the reason to hug him is because you are the luckiest girl in the world. Then write me about what makes him "your kind of guy." And give him a copy. He can never hear "I love you" too many times.
These past few weeks we have heard how deceitful men can be. One phase I hate is "boys will be boys." I think men get a bad rap a lot of the time. It is only the crummy ones you read and hear about. The good ones are the real heroes. They stand heads above the news makers. I believe in the goodness of men. I think God made Adam first, so Eve could appreciate him.
by Carolee Kaufold
3 responses
@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
7 May 07
Good one Carolee, but I thought we were only able to ask questions and start discussions on here. Are we allowed to share writing such as this??
1 person likes this
@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
• United States
7 May 07
No one has never said I should not. I think what happens is I start more discussions about what I wrote about, you think?
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
6 May 07
I've been lucky in that many of these qualities/characteristics can be attributed to the men in my life,father, brothers, uncles, cousins, husband, sons, nephews and friends. I love men. They've helped me to become who I am, and I'm happy with that.