A Hindu by birth ..yet believe in the glory of Jesus Christ.

Thiruvananthapuram, India
May 5, 2007 11:59pm CST
Quite recently , I visited a local bar to have a couple of drinks in order to straighten up my nerves. As is vogue in our area,power failure crept in and the lights went out. Candles were brought and lit on all the tables of the bar room. Suddenly ,I felt a craving to smoke. I took a cigarette and ventured to light it up from the nearby candle. A youth sitting adjacent to me chided me : ' sir, please don't do it ... the candle , it's the melting heart of Jesus '. Myself being a non -Christian would have ignored his words. A sudden awakening came to me ...' I shouldn't do it '. The mere mention of Jesus Christ whom I have always regarded with utmost reverence filled my heart with guilt. Not only did I light up the cigarette from the candle, but I threw it away.The enlightenment I received on that day is inexplicable. My conscience pricked. I prayed for forgiveness. May The glory of Jesus pervade in all our actions. Good luck and blessings.
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21 responses
@rrargh (96)
• Philippines
8 May 07
It's not about having a religion (or religions), but more importantly about having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus may mean many things to you, friend, philosopher, guide, even a cult figure, but if you have accepted Him into your life, you must realize that He is first and foremost your Lord. He was Lord even before He came to earth to be our Savior. Having Jesus as your Lord means obeying His commands. How do you know what His commands are? By reading the Bible. The Bible says in Exodus 20:3 and in Deuteronomy 5:7, "You shall have no other gods before (or besides) me." No equals, no contemporaries, and certainly no superiors. God has many names (The Great I Am, The Lord our Healer, The Lord who Provides, etc.), but nowhere in the Bible is he referred to as Krishna or Allah. You can't choose to retain what you think is good in all your different beliefs and ignore what you think is not good, because that is no different from establishing your own belief system, with your own definition of good and bad. That is not an act of faith in the Bible, which should be the ultimate authority in your life, if you have truly accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Jesus is the perfect example of a man who lived a life pleasing to God. He did not come into the world to attain ultimate happiness--that is hedonism. He came to serve God. As followers of Jesus, we follow his example. We put God's happiness before ours. In the book of Acts, the early Christians were described as follows: They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. - Acts 2:42-47 A lone-wolf Christian is a myth. To be a Christian, you must be in fellowship with other Christians. Encourage one another toward serving God. Jesus didn't spend time meditating in a secluded cave all day, but mingled with the people. Only by interacting with other people can you practice being a follower of Christ. I did not say these things to dissuade you from your recent enlightenment. In fact, I am glad that another person has been awakened as to the truth about Jesus Christ. However, I strongly suggest that you read the Bible as often and as intently as you can, and find fellow believers as soon as possible. There are a lot of lies out there, and you can easily be misled, especially if you choose to walk alone. The Bible is your source of truth, your ultimate guidebook. May the Holy Spirit bless you and guide you toward the One True God in Jesus' Name, Amen!
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
I'll give due weight to your suggestions . thank you in return.
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@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
6 May 07
Well, this is a good gesture you have done! A nice one! I apreciate and admire such things as a spiritual path follower! Because I think who believes in integrity has to understand that respect to all the monks, saints and spiritual master must be kept in our heart! And you have just shown that kind of gesture ... Congratulation!
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
As for me , I weigh all the spiritual masters in the same balance... they have things in common...SACRIFICE.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
6 May 07
What a wonderful story, have you converted to Christianity? If so which branch of Christianity. What will your family think of this? Will they accept your decision?
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
Hey ! pal , do I have to convert myself to establish my faith in Jesus .. in Him I find a friend, philosopher and guide. What fools these mortals be .. You just don't have to be a Christian to be an ardent devotee of Jesus Christ.
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• United States
6 May 07
you said and i qote "You just don't have to be a Christian to be an ardent devotee of Jesus Christ. "however do you know that if you are an ardent devotee of Jesus then my friend you are a christian!You dont have to join a church for sitting in a church will no more make you a Christian than sitting in a garage will make you a car !if you believe in him you are a christian that my friend is all it takes !welcome to the family
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@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
It is a good story and No you dont have to join a certain thing or church group I dont like that for I believe like I have read in my king james version bible that as long as we have Jesus in our heart and we ask Him to forgive us of our sins and ask him into our heart and we talk to him and well this to me is what it it takes. To me there is to many that think you should be methodist, baptist or one of htose and well that may be good but I believe in jesus and we all Pray to the same God so what should it matter? All that matters is that we have Jesus in our lives!
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
6 May 07
I am Catholic and I also believe in karma, I learned about Karma from a Hindu when I was very very young. To me it's a simple what comes around goes around, and to this date, I never doubt it. Among so many religions, Hindu and Buddhists are the least people I heard or knew criticizing Christians and Catholics. Still, your story is amazing. I really hope that God will shine the truth into your heart, mind and soul.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
My dear pal, The Gods whom we worship ..they are the single manifestation of the supreme soul. All beliefs, all faiths, all religions end up in recognizing this truth. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist... aren't we all part of the same unseen force that guide us in all our activities and form part of our body and soul.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
Faith is the seed of victory and the foundation of making the impossible possible.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
keep your faith . you will definitely be saved. god bless you.
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
10 May 07
God Bless You Sir, that is a wonderful story! Our Lord is amazing in the ways He brings Himself to our attention. I'm so thankful that you came to know Him as your Savior. SheliaLee
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
10 May 07
Thanks a lot. I'll try to understand Jesus Christ more and more. God bless you.
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@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
10 May 07
It was a nice act that proves that you respect others faith and religion. Of course you could not be a christian from that night, but you realized what the Christians may feel about/ toward Jesus. I do not think that all the God is one. I believe that everyone has his/her own God in her/his soul, and our private God says us what is right to do, and what is not. In fact I dislike the churches, and religions, because all of them wants to say the people what to do. I believe that instead of them we should listen to our soul, where our God exists in real. Your God bless You!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
25 May 07
I sincerely appreciate your act! Any sensible man with clear conscience would have done the same thing! I appreciate your human concern. You have taken care of the emotional attchment of your fellow human being! Thas is really great thing! Having done so, the happiness what you felt, you have associated with Lord Jesus! Well it was really nice of you! I once again respect and reard your positive frame of mind,concern for humanity and searching happiness in small things! May God bless you!
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@sithlord (167)
• India
6 May 07
well done..nice to know you discovered the glory of christ on your own..keep it up dude..a long way is there for yu to go..and trust me when i say..fasten ur seatbeltz...cause itz one hell of a bumpy ride..anywayz congratz once again...and as long as yu trust him..and have faith he wont leave yu..but u got keep da faith goin...never let it go down...peace and gud luck...
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
Yeah ! I have good faith in Him...and do hope that He will save me from these ordeals.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
6 May 07
Wow that is inspiring! Thanks for sharing this with us. I think that things like this happen all of the time. I really do. Again, thanks for sharing this with us! It is an eye opener!
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
Yes ! faith protects and saves. I have good faith in Krishna, Jesus and Allah.Aren't all they the same manifestations of the true God.The one and only one !
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• Kottayam, India
6 May 07
I am very happy to hear that you have accepted, now your duty is to got a church of new testament pattern.Where is your residence, send me private message.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
A church, A temple, a mosque, a Gurudwara ,a synagogue ... all these abodes of god are my visiting places . Why must I in particular go to a church ! Jesus ! He is in my heart.. He will linger on to me forever.... This kind of worship need no vouchsafing from religious high priests. I made things clear,i hope. Good luck and all the very best to you my dear pal. God bless you !
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• Kottayam, India
7 May 07
How come one to know Jesus Christ, absolutely it is from Bible.Bible is word of God.If you accept Jesus you must accept Bible also there is no other way.In Bible those people who accepted Jesus Christ were together for fellowship.Without fellowship one cannot be a follower of Jesus Christ.If you consider Jesus Christ as one of the gods,I am sorry, you are mistaken, first you have to study Bible.
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
7 May 07
It is wonderful that you have found a religion to embrace. I have not and am still searching. However, you have prompted me to think back to a book that I have read and LOVE! It is called the Life of Pi. I am sorry but I do not remember the author. It talks about man and the human condition in a weird fashion (that I loved!) In the book the main character is a Hindu boy. He grows up believing in this faith and worships in this faith. But then he meets a very nice man how is a Muslim. After talking with this Muslim man he decides to go to this place to worship on a certain day while still worshipping in the Hindu way on another day. Then he goes to a catholic school where he meets a very nice preist and decides to go to this place of worship on yet another day! Well the boy and his parents are out for a walk one day and they run into the preist who tells his parents what a wonderful young catholic man he is and they should be proud, well his parents say I am very sorry but he is a very good hindu boy. Just then the muslim man comes along and says that he is a very good muslim boy and his parents should be proud, both the father and the preist say he is not muslim he is ....... they all turn to the boy and tell him he MUST select a religion and that he can't practise them all. The boy asks them Why not? and it continues on. I love that part of the book. There is more to it and I encourage everyone to read this book. But that is what your post reminded me of.
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
It is not important, to which religion do you belong to. It is in your deeds and character that reflect your religious fervor. I am not going to change my religion. I will continue to have faith in the finer aspects of all beliefs. God bless you.
@missak (3311)
• Spain
7 May 07
I believe in all religions and I try to learn from them all. I have seen thiskind of miracles from different ones, so I think you don't have to worry, God is above our human errors discussing details and differences between religions. I think all religions have some real point about God, but their differences are made by human misunderstandings, misconceptions and bad memory. Their essence is the same, all religions talk about love, peace, and living right.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
You are right, my friend. There is nothing unusual in having different faiths at the same time. The manifestations of God are the same.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
8 May 07
:) I forgot to say thanks for sharing your experiences!!
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
6 May 07
Thank you for being open and for the reverence you have afforded to Jesus Christ. That truly is a touching gesture. In spite of your being a non-Christian, you respected such belief. I remember too when we visited Buddhist temples in Thailand, we also respected their places of worship. . bowing and keeping quiet inside these temples. You did exactly what was proper, and I salute you for that. There is really a need to respect each other's religious beliefs. . .after all, who knows, it could be a way by which people from different cultures could come together and unite in one common form of worship. God bless you.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
Respect for all religions, that's my way of thinking. The plethora of religious beliefs have one thing in common - attainment of bliss.You and me are striving to achieve the goal.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
25 May 07
Wow, that was way kool.. I loved reading it.. many blessings to you!**
• United States
7 May 07
I sent you a message, please check out you email messages my friend.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
6 May 07
Thank you for sharing this change in your heart and life. I trust you are not persecuted in your family and society for this change. God bless you, friend.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
Why ,the fear of persecution ... religious harmony and co-existence ..it's being practised successfully in our place.Krishna , Jesus and Allah .. worshipped with equal fervor ... Strange , you would feel. May God bless you and your family. All the very best from us here .
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
7 May 07
What an awesome testimony! Thanks for sharing it.
• United States
6 May 07
it is true he often speaks to us in a still small voice but he still speaks !if you revere him so much why not look into faith in him further !
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
6 May 07
Jesus , He lives in my heart. He is my friend , philosopher and guide. God bless you.
• India
6 May 07
its possible because i belived in god...... i think u may be hindu. but u dont disobey others religions.............. thanks...............
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
8 May 07
As for me, I am not deeply religious. I respect all religions and try to imbibe what is good in all of them. God bless you.