Who or What are you Commited to? Are you Really?
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
May 6, 2007 5:55am CST
I have a commitment to my church, my family, my friends, my work, and nature.
So what about you? Do you have commitments? Do you show your commitment or merely go through the motions?
Earlier this morning I read a daily devotional by Woodrow Kroll titled "Commitment". It really got me thinking about commitments and how faithful I am to all of my commitments.
This is a portion of the devotional:
"Commitment: an absolute dedication and faithfulness to someone or something. It's something we all claim to have, yet very few demonstrate it. Many people claim to have a
strong commitment to the local church, but they rarely attend, even when they have nothing else to do. Others take wedding vows which include promises of commitment. Yet those vows are broken rapidly and all commitment is nullified. Nothing is so distressing to the Lord God as to see a Christian who is only half committed to Him. (See Revelation 3:14-22.)" Woodrow Kroll
You can have these devotionals delivered to you daily by e-mail along with several others at this site:
If you would like to read the scripture referenced above and don't have access to a bible you can read it here:
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32 responses
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 May 07
I honestly have to say that I have long ago stop making commitment. I do not know anymore if what I'm doing is commitment or not. I mean, I know my girls need me. I have to keep working, a house to tend to and I religiously attend church services every Sunday. I do not even have time for myself.
Maybe, I can say that I have responsibilities. I take everything in stride and I tried to fulfill all my duties. All the while, my mind is thinking of something. I can't say that my heart is 100% committed to what I'm doing. I'm just tired, that's all.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
Yes stress can be a big distraction. I did manage to listen to the sermon today and got a lot out of it, all this month the topic will be discipleship, but now and then my back did bother me and that was a distraction for me.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
Oh dear I understand completely what you are saying. I was actually thinking very much this same thing about myself. I walked to church this morning, 2 blocks, and along the way was thinking 'why can't my mind stop for a minute?" I mean, I was on my way to church, I love going to church, it's my month to act as a greeter and I love doing that but while I was walking I was thinking of all the other things I want and need to do. I actually felt quilty for thinking :(
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 May 07
I understand, faith. There is so much in our mind everyday and no matter how much we try to shut it down for a while, its just too impossible. I went to church this morning and I had to admit that my mind is not in there. I can't even understand what the pastor is saying. I guess I'm just under a lot of stress.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
6 May 07
I am committed to my children. and also God. I had a dream last night that i actually saw Jesus. It was weird i was in the back of this pick up truck and the girl driving saw Jesus and she plunged into the ocean. So we all had to swim out. I told her i thought she was testing Jesus to see if he would save us. I went by Jesus and told him Thank you for being there for us. he smiled and i moved on. Isn't that a weird dream??
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
Oh wow - I don't think it's a weird dream at all, what a blessing to have Jesus in your dream and to have Him smile at you. I'm getting spiritual shivers just reading and thinking about it. Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus for giving my dear friend/sister this blessing.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
I'll do that but I'm guessing he will say God speaks to us in many ways, maybe He just figured you needed some reasurance. I look forward to the day I will see Jesus. A few years back there was a picture circulating on the Internet of what Jesus should have looked like taking into account His heritage and the facial features of the area He lived... I didn't like it - there was something missing and after some conversation figured out it was the eyes - I know in my heart that Jesus has eyes that reflect His love for us, kind and gentle. The eyes in this picture didn't reflect that at all.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
6 May 07
I knew you would appreciate that dream sis. :) Yeah it was a blessing to actually see him. he kinda looked the way you see pictures but not exactly. he was actually wearing modern clothes. LOL it was so cool. You should ask your pastor what he thinks about that.

@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
Your welcome - the one for devotionals has a lot of different ones, I get 4 of them myself daily, I don't read all of them every day but at least a couple and there is always something I can use for the day.
Bible Gateway has many different bible translations and different languages also.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
Have you heard of e-Sword? If not it's a downloadable bible program (free) you can pick which translations you want to download, commentaries, dictionaries, and devotionals. Think there's more but those are what I have right now. You can pick which translations you want to view, up to 4 at one time and it will show the verses side by side. I love it because I can use it off line and all the 'stuff' in one place.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
6 May 07
Hi faith , you have made a very good point here and have got me to thinking.I do have commitments such as to family,friends,and nature,by nature it covers a large area....I feel committed to my marriage...I have failed as to being commited to my church i must confess,i will explain,as you know i was raised with a strick church/religious back ground.I was commitmented to one church ,one pastor for years.That pastor passed away and since then i have found it hard to commit to one church.I am here at this town so that my husband can get treatment for his health...We will be leaving here probably in the next 2 months,and until then all i can do is just visit churches because i cannot make a total commitment to any one church at this time...I am however committed to God,even though i have not been able to have a steady commitment to any one church.I have a solid foundation as far as my belief in God,that i will never back away from.I have got certain standards and morels that I have been grounded and rooted in,and that will never change.I totally believe in getting into one church and staying there and putting all you have into that church.I will be trying to look when i return home for a church that i can get involved in totally..I do have devotionals delivered to me daily through e-mail....This is a very good post and hopefully will get us all to thinking very stronly about our lifes..
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
I understand the situation with church and am sure God does too. I'm always amazed at my parents, Mom and step-father. He is a very commited Catholic and it doesn't matter where in the world they are he will find a church and they will go to mass. I can't do that - I'm still uncomfortable around strangers and although I know God would like me to go no matter what I pass when I'm out of town.
LOL - that was part of why I decided to post this before I left for church, prayerfully it will get others thinking as well, on several different fronts :)
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
6 May 07
indeed, we seem to have much in common because I have a commitment to my family, my friends, my work, and GOD too. My family is the love I come from, the symbol of earth of the love who generated all of us, I mean the first love, I mean God. They are the people I can completely rely on and who i dedicate all my energy and never ending love. Then there are my friends, those few special people who bring light to my life and make it a better place. My work is one of my greatest passion. It means sacrifices but also inner satisfaction. And God is the resting thought, the light at the end of this strange tunnel that our life can be
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
You put this beautifully! Pastor talked this morning a lot about 'Love' and the commandment that we love and how we should love. He really stressed that to be disciples of the Lord we must have love in our hearts.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
I agree with you totally. I'm afraid lately my commitment to work has been low on my priorities and I really need to get back into it as I can see it's effecting my work.
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
7 May 07
right now im committed to my school. instead of summer vacation, im having this On-The-Job training. as in my world turns different when this training started. i have t wake up around 4 in the morning and log in around 6:30. the training ends at 3pm. i wanted to spend my summer with my family but i just cant cause i have to live downtown. my parents house is a bit far from the inner of the city.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
6 May 07
I wasn't sure if I should respond to this considering our different religions, but I really like you so I will. =p
I am committed to my Gods. I consider them and my relationship with them in all things I do, every decision I make, every step I take. My commitments to many other things (like nature) kind of stem from this commitment for me.
I am committed to my husband, he has been very kind and very loving towards me, and I strive to show him the same.
I am committed to my son, for whom my love is boundless. Every day I discover new and wonderful things about him, and my commitment to being a positive part of his life is something I take very seriously.
I am committed to my friends, to being a loving and kind person they can count on, and always treating them well in every way. They are the family I never had in the people that are blood related to me.
I am committed to making the world a better place, in helping others who are in the situations that I grew up in, in protecting anyone I can from having to suffer the things I have suffered. I have shown that commitment in the past through personal sacrifice (nearly getting my butt killed protecting someone) and through charity and volunteer work.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
lecanis I am very glad that you did respond - when I posted this I posted it under 'life' because I feel this is something that people of all beliefs and religions should or might think about.
I have seen of late a rash of people not making commitments to anything and I think that effects their lives and the lives of people around them. I am anxious to see if I get anyone respond to this with "I'm not commited to anything or anyone" if they do I am guessing we will find a very angry and bitter person.
Also, thank you for the compliment - that you like me, it makes me happy to know that people can like each other even when they don't agree on everything. Thank you!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
7 May 07
I noticed that it was under life, but I also noticed that you mentioned your religion a lot, so I was a little worried about offending. But then I remembered your other discussions I had responded to, and realized that wouldn't be the case. =)
I have seen a lot of those type of people as well. I think I narrowly escaped being one of them myself. So many of those people have histories of being abused and abandoned like my own history. If it weren't for my religious beliefs, and the people who chose to be kind to me without having anything to gain from it, I honestly think I would have turned out that way. That's part of why I work so hard to help others whenever I can.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
We do have a lot in common - with my history many would expect me to be very angry and bitter about life. I too have a life of abuse and abandonment but decided rather than to take that route to instead take what I learned from my experience and use it to help others the best I can.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
6 May 07
I am committed to GOD first and foremost! Then my husband and my children and family. Before I moved here, I was very active in my church, but I broke down. I guess overload. Maybe one day I'll get back to being that way, but I need to be where I am for now.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
You are correct, God should be our first commitment over all others. I'm active in the church but not to where I'm overloaded. Greeter for a month every other month and then the newsletter for the women's group twice a month during the school year. One summer I was co-leader for the women's group for the summer months and another year I was the leader. I've done small things here and there helping for a day or two but for the most part just the two activities and I love doing both. LOL I actually miss it when I'm not on as a greeter.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
I have been very blessed, the first person I met the first time I came to my now church is a retired pastor who works for the church part-time (as if that's possible - he's on staff part-time but still works for the Lord full-time). Anyway he and his wife have become my best friends and Pastor keeps a close eye on his little group - he told our small group one time about people who do too much. God wants our best and the church needs our help also but if Pastor sees someone starting to take on too much or into something they can't handle he will advise us to 'back off a bit' there is no shame in not being able to do everything is what he's told me before so that helps to keep me in check.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
7 May 07
I am committed to my God and what a wonderful covenant we have! I am committed to my husband,I take my wedding vows seriously. I am committed to my local church, I am committed to the ministry that God has entrusted me,committed to the point that I know I'll be doing it full time soon..
I am also committed to my family-I love them so much, I committed my self to pray for them always and give love to them to the best of my ability.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
What ministry will you be doing full-time? I would love to know and add to my prayers.
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
10 May 07
hi faith! We have a ministry with the poor kids in different areas, every saturday, we have feeding and teaching sessions,we also have hygiene days for them where we bathe them,cut thier nails and hairs and teach them about grooming.Sometimes we have recreationals too like the mini carnival..remember that? I would love to do this full time,there are lots of kids who are not into school and we want to help them, we are now into fund raising for thier school support -sometimes I feel sad that I think I am not giving my best beacuse I still have office works.
God has given me big dreams..someday I want to put up a center for this kids where they could rehabilitate..one or two kids at a time..that we could get out of the street would make a big difference..We're still praying..
right now, I am just so blessed to have given such privilege to serve along with my husband.
Now, I have one more prayer partner in you! thank you so much.
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
7 May 07
It's an interesting question I have asked myself, from time to time. Like someone else said, I am more inclined to think that I have lots of "responsibilities," and some time back there was a light that went on for me that it seems like most people's lives (including my own) are SO jam-packed with "stuff" and "actvities" that it almost sabotages our ability to make genuine commitments... we're ALWAYS "on the run."
Some folks talk about how people were "more committed" in the good old days, and I think that is actually TRUE on some level. Maybe it's just a rationalization on my behalf, but if you only have five "things" in your life, it is surely much easier to be commited to them, than if you have 50 "things." I think demands of our modern society spreads us humans "too thinly" to make the level of commitments with once did. Not saying we CAN'T just saying it is ever more challenging.
I suppose if I have a single "constant" in my life (I think of that as being as close to true commitment as I can get) it is my drive to "be part of the SOLUTION, not part of the PROBLEM." I sometimes ponder my commitment to my exes... and wonder if it is truly "a commitment" if it's not reciprocal... and it didn't last.
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@christiana25 (181)
• Philippines
8 May 07
I have committed myself to being a good mother to my kids Krista and Rocky, to be a good provider and supportive of their dreams and ambitions. I have committed myself to my boyfriend and promised to stay loyal and faithful to our relationship and wait patiently for his return. And lastly, I have promised myself to keep the commitments I have made and pray to God everday for strength so that I may stay true to all the commitments I am wiling to make.
@niang03 (147)
• China
7 May 07
I have commitments too..my first commitment to my God..i try my best to fulfil this commitment,although sometimes i've failed..But,i realized God had done so many things to my life,He guided me already until now,moreover He educated me many times to be more mature and wise..second commitment is my education..i've planned my future from now on .the others are family and friends..i can't say i always show my commitment because sometimes when the feeling has changed,i could break the commitment and did whatever i like..Now,i just hope,i'm able to hold my word through this commitment and learn to built my own dicipline..
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
6 May 07
Hi Faith, well I am committed to my faith in our Lord, family and friends, and I do adore nature. No I show my committment, in my life. Well this is right that a lot of people do not show committment to others unfortunately. I pray to God every day and thank him for being my guiding light in my lfe.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 May 07
Well, I guess I am 100% committed to my partner, - I would do anything for him, and also to my 5 beautiful cats, and to my ageing, but still wonderful Father, who is still bright as a button and makes me laugh, at 81 years old. Also, as a vegetarian and believer in animal rights, I guess I am committed to making this word a kinder, better and fairer place for all living creatures - not just humans.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 May 07
Well, after posting this discussion the other day I actually sat down and 'in black and white' listed all the things, not just the top ones, that I'm committed to.
Is your life empty? Or is mine too complicated? I think we need to find what we are each happy with and can deal with void of major stress :)
LOL - want some of mine? I'm giving them away for free today :)
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
7 May 07
I am commited to God, for sure. As a christian. I am also committed to friends, family. I think my top committment though is not those but pets. People can take of themselves (unless they are little kids none of those named are!) but pets they cant do a thing for themselves. I have a cat, dog, and a hamster (my newest!) I also take care of the 2 fish, and now 1 african dwarf frog (1 to come soon we hope) that live in my room (but belong to my sister).
I am committed to reading my bible and praying each day (but sometimes I dont do it every day), I am committed to blogging a few times a week. And I'm even committed to writing mostly poetry. I cant help the poetry and have to write it no matter what. In my opinion if you can quit something in the writing area, you werent meant to be doing it. Because I live and breath poetry I truly do! :))
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
7 May 07
I commited to family and friends who i trust. They knwo i will protect them and help them when they need or ask most of the time they do not need to ask.
But they always send over these peopel who say i am committed adn wan tme to wear this white jacket that makes me hug myself. If i am committed why do they want me to go to that hoem . lol
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
LOL - you have started my day off with a laugh and with all I have to do ahead of me I needed that, thank you... I had not thought of this form of 'commitment' you are so funny but who knows, we may just see each other at that home :)
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
7 May 07
I will be the one in that fashionable never out of style white suit hugging myself.