Do you drink water before eating?

@dawnrm69 (1174)
United States
May 6, 2007 11:26am CST
WHen you go out and they set a glass of water for you while you wait on your order do you drink te water? It is suggested that we drink a glass of water before a meal for we wont eat as much I know that if I drink water before a meal I dont eat as much! What do you think?
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14 responses
• United States
6 May 07
No, I don't I may drink it while eating but not before. Although that my be a good idea so I won't eat as much. I really don't like water very much but I know I do have to drink more. I think this is a good idea, I will have to try it.
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@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
Give it a try and also another thing for you to try is adding lemon juice to it. My grandmother had some health problems and that is all she ended able to frink was water and she did not like plain water so doc told her to use lemon juice in it and well that is what she drank.
@gaby_girl (157)
• Canada
6 May 07
Well yeah its a proven fact that you dont eat as much if you drink water before you eat. I personally dont drink water before I eat because when im really hungry and I drink a full glass of water, I feel a bit sick, and it ruins my appetite somewhat. I just drink a lot of water after I eat. Its just as good for you.
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@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
YEs even after you eat is a good one. I like to drink my water I do have to be careful for if I drink too much I will to take a water pill to loose that water and wieght.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
6 May 07
I do drink water before eating, as I'm trying to lose weight. I'm planning to continue drinking water before meals because this tip given to me by a member of mylot has helped me more than some of the other tips.
@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
That is good and if you get tired of plain water try using lemon juice with it My grandmother did that for years. She got where she couldnt drink even milk and doc told her water and well she never drank water and so he told her bout the lemon juice and well that is what she drank all the time. I hope this helps you.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
6 May 07
Hi dawn ,well they use to set a glass of water in front of you but they don't do that here in texas anymore,that i know of.I always have to ask for it.Yes i usually just drink water with my meal,i try to drink more water but sometimes i just forget,and thats sad because water is so good for you.I do remember that water was something they always set the first thing when you walked into a restaruant,but i have not seen that done in a long time.They ask what you want to drink and i always say water,but my husband always has a coke,so he never gets water..I think they have started that as a shortcut,im not sure.
@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
you are right use to as you were sitting at the table they were setting glasses of water down for you. No they dont do that much anymore and you have to ask for it. I guess it cuts down on the dishes they have to do.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
I rarely do this but I have a hard time forcing myself to drink water - it's soooo boring.. I never drink the water at resturants because it's usually city water and I can't stand that worst of all water there is.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
6 May 07
I like the grape flavored water but was told by a dietitian that there is some nasty stuff added to those so have to be careful about that. I'll try lemon. Do you use fresh lemon or from a bottle or something?
@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
try addin lemon juice and see if that helps you. I try to get my water and I do say sometimes I would rather have it flavored I am wondering if there is anyoter thing other than lemon juice we could add to it to gift a taste.
• United States
6 May 07
i drink with my meal not before it !I dont have much of an apitite anymore so i dont wory about eating too much i wory more about not eating enough
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• United States
6 May 07
noi dont have trouble swallowing i just am never hungry anymore i have no apetite!
@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
That is a good one if you have trouble eating you would have to worry about not eating enough as long as you get your vitamins. Do you have trouble being able to swallow?
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 May 07
This is so true and great if you want to loose some weight. I drink water all day long so therefore I dont drink it right before I eat. Now if I was overweight I certainly would do it. So enjoy that water.LOL
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
7 May 07
Well yeah its true your appetite will diminish thus you eat less.
• United States
7 May 07
Since I am trying to lose weight, I always drink a glass of water before my meals. I find that this helps me get fuller faster, and I won't eat as much. If I have gone out somewhere I will ask for a take out box if there is more than two or three bites left on my plate. It's rare that I go out to eat anymore, so I don't like to be wasteful of another's money if they are paying for me.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
9 May 07
I live at high altitude, so I drink all the water I can get my hands on. And I usually drink water at restaurants. and usually need a refill before my food even arrives. Sometimes I even request that they just leave the water pitcher!! I drink a LOT of water!!
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
6 May 07
I havent thought about that. thanks for sharing.
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@dawnrm69 (1174)
• United States
6 May 07
you are welcome!
@xcellen (204)
• Indonesia
7 May 07
yes I drink the water, but just a little to alert my stomach that the food is on the move :)
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• United States
9 May 07
i usually order coffee or soda.i know water would probably be better for me,but it's just preference. the places that leave it automatically,i'd probably drink it also though.
@ceciled8 (51)
• Philippines
7 May 07
i actually agree, they say you should drink water before a meal so that you wont eat as much because you will already feel full after drinking. some also say to eat a fruit (an orange, an apple or something) just to make you feel full.
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