The nature of Peter's powers on NBC's Heroes?

@usaction (649)
United States
May 6, 2007 12:10pm CST
A common belief is that Peter can have the powers of any hero he has been in contact with. But, he has *not* been in contact with Ted, and I don't think he even knows Ted. He had a dream, or possibly a vision (as I believe this happened after he did that stick figure drawing of him floating) of exploding, which may mean he "meets Ted in the future." However, after "invisible man" tosses him off the building, he starts going through all of his various powers, including nearly going nuclear. So, I'm guessing that he essentially has any power he desires at will, all he has to do is think about it, and he can do it. He doesn't even need to be in contact with the person, as he used "invisible man's" powers after fleeing when Isaac shot Simone. Your thoughts?
8 responses
@r4y_m4n (93)
• United States
6 May 07
i have a short term memory even though i love this show... have they showed an episode where peter actually used ted's power? other than the future and the dream...because i can't really think of any episode at the momment all i can remember is that whenever peter actually uses ted's power...he's in the future or it's just his dream
@usaction (649)
• United States
7 May 07
Right after the invisible man (IM) tosses him off the roof; he survives with Claire's powers. Then, as he's talking with IM, he starts going through alla the various powers, Isaac's with his eyes going all white, and then he starts to build up for an explosion. At that point, IM knocks him out.
• United States
7 May 07
o yea....i remember now...but i do also recall someone saying (i think it was peter himself) saying that he...has to think about the person to use their power (something about how he feels about them or something) i think it was the same episode...right after IM pushed him off the i guess that's how he get his remembering them
@KaraLee (460)
• United States
8 May 07
Ive always thought of it as he has to be around another hero to absorb their power, not just imagine them at will for him to recieve them. I dont remember him going nuclear after Claude throw him off the building though. I think that just showed him the many emotions he can use to tap into certain powers.
@usaction (649)
• United States
8 May 07
He didn't "go nuclear." However, his hands started to glow, as did his face, I think, before Claude punched him out. Check out, somewhere near episode 13. I don't think it's number 14, which is down atm...
• United States
6 May 07
They explained how he "calls up" his various powers when invisible guy threw him off a building and he managed to not die. Maybe he meets Ted at some future point. Or, it's as he himself guessed, he goes nuclear because he's unable to control/manage all the powers building up within him
@usaction (649)
• United States
7 May 07
Another possibility, it could be that everything running all at once just causes him to "overload." Still, I sorta think it's that he can access whatever he wants, when he wants. He can feel the heat, as Ted did when Ted was shot, and that probably causes him to panic, and boom!
@fadamah (162)
• Brazil
7 May 07
I honestly can't remember Peter going nuclear before the explosion. In the present time, he hasn't met Ted yet (which probably will happen in the future). Before it, I don't remember Peter using any nuclear power at all. So I may be wrong, but I stick with the theory that he has to be around someone to absorb one's powers and, after that, we can use them whenever he wants.
@usaction (649)
• United States
7 May 07
Read my reply to r4y_m4n. He doesn't go nuclear, per say. He just starts a build up. His hands and face start to glow like Ted's does. I don't remember which episode it is where Peter and Invisible Man (please, does ANYONE know his name???) are walking around, as Peter learns to control his powers, but that is the episode his "build up" happens. As I said, IM KOs Pete before he can really do anything more than start to glow...
• New Zealand
6 May 07
i've heard that in future episodes it will tell us that peter always had everyones powers don't know if thats true or not though
@fadamah (162)
• Brazil
7 May 07
I've heard something like that too... But it would be kinda boring. He would have ALL powers without making any effort?
@amgine (225)
• Philippines
7 May 07
Good point! I was trying to recall the past episodes while reading your post and couldn't actually remember when Peter met the nuclear man.
@usaction (649)
• United States
7 May 07
Warning! *TEASER/SPOILER*! DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE THESE! There's a teaser on youtube (someone posted it here) for tomorrow's episode. Claire and Peter are arguing. At one point Claire says " Ted?" Peter "Who's Ted..." I'm still wondering if somehow Ted becomes the exploding man, since that is his power...
• United States
14 May 07
The episode where the invisible man (Claude) throws Peter off the building is episode #14 called "Distractions". Peter lands on a parked taxi cab with a piece of metal piercing his chest....he wakes up and lifts himself off the metal spike, and then heals. When Claude comes down, Peter tells him that he remembered Claire and that's how he was able to heal, if he remembers how the person makes him feel, he can recall their power. As soon as Peter realizes this, he looks at his hands and they turn invisible, then his eyes go white because he's using Isaac's power, and then he starts saying, "It's happening!" and Claude knocks him out. Peter's hands never glow, and he doesn't use Ted's power. The only time you see Peter using Ted's power is when he is having a dream or vision. Rewatch episodes 12,13,14 Regards.
• Philippines
14 May 07
watch episode 21 "the hard part". in the final scenes, ted and peter meet by accident when peter meets up with claire, mr. bennet and matt. peter's hand starts to glow, absorbing ted's powers... ready to explode! episode 22 "landslide" will be interesting...