Toddler and Diapers

United States
May 7, 2007 8:13am CST
How hard is it to change your toddlers diaper once they can crawl or walk. My daughter ia almost a year and I litterally have to pin her down to change her diaper. Otherwise she will run a way with her little booty out. It is so cute, becasue she loves to be naked, but I am like we do not need any accidents. LOL. Does anyone else have a child who loves to leave in teh middle of diaper changing?
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8 responses
@Blazing15 (333)
• United States
7 May 07
My son is turning one on Sunday and Man does he ever fight to have his diaper changed. He never used to be like that. But all the sudden he wants to roam free. But I don't think that I want to be cleaning up pee everywhere. We just have to hold him down and try really fast to hurry up and get it changed because he sits up and is screaming the whole time. Can't wait for that to be over.
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• United States
7 May 07
I know right it really makes you wnat them to be potty trained early, becasue who wants to hold down their child while trying to keep poop in the diaper.
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@ozzydee70 (465)
• Germany
7 May 07
its really a tough job changing my sons diaper and i have to asked my husband help to pin him down lol everytime i'm going to change his diaper. he's not buying some of my tricks (like giving him toys or a sweet) for him to stay still, he is always on the run.
@nudshanie (359)
• Malaysia
24 May 07
Same as my's very hard to change her diaper. She will try to run away and I have to give her something to hold to make her quite but that's only for few seconds only.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
17 May 07
My 15 month old is almost always really easy to change, and always has been. If he starts to wiggle, we just remind him that the change goes by faster if he stays still, and he usually does. When he was about 3-4 months old, he wanted to roll over all the time, but once he got to where he understood what we meant about how much faster he could run around if he got changed fast, it stopped.
• United States
17 May 07
Yeah my daughter is starting to understand what I say more and more each day. I tell her it will be much faster if you just sit still and she has gotten a lot better, but jeez they sure can squirm.
• United States
10 May 07
My son is 14 months old and when he started to crawl it was VERY difficult to change his diaper but I think it was just a phase because if i'm quick then he will usually let me change his diapers with no problems.
@Lifez2short (4962)
• United States
17 May 07
Oh hosh posh let the little girl be naked for a few minutes. Imagine how you would feel being trapped in a diaper all day. OK now for my thoughts on changing diapers at that age. It's not easy at all I'm a mother of 5 (only one is in diapers right now) and boy did we have fun trying to change diapers at that age. Yes we always had to pin the wroms down to get a diaper on there little butts. Just think soon it will be time to potty train her and then you will have stories about that to post here on MYLOt.
• United States
17 May 07
Oh I do she hates being in clothes so unless we are going somewhere I don't bother to dress her. Her favorite time is bath time. I let stay in till the water cools down. But yeah, my mom told me that as soon as I could walk she put some toys in front of me and sat me on the pt and left me there till I did something. I told her that is what is wrong with me now. LOL.
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• United States
17 May 07
• United States
23 May 07
Thank you very much for Best response.
@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
7 May 07
It is hard for me as well because my son usually thinks my duaghter is going ot get one of his toys while I am changing him.LOL.My daughter likes to squirm too.I almost feel I am in a wrestling match.LOL.One time she got away and was walking rear naked.Well I tell you it is a workout.I am in the process of potty training my son and it isnt easy.He will say he pooped after he has lready done it.Hopefully my daughter will see what my son doese when he is potty trained and will copy him.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
8 May 07
My son went through that phase at that age, he usually got up and peed all over the place while running-not fun! I found that I had to get a few toys and distract him while I quickly changed his diaper. Now he's better and has a special pillow on the floor that he lays down on when he wants a change.