how can i gain weight?

May 7, 2007 9:16am CST
while many people have been struggling to lose weight, i am having a hard time gaining. many people would tell me that i am too thin.although i can see people who are thinner than i am, my friends caution me of my weight since my job requires so much of me physically. i am not having medical problems or anything and i am a lot stronger physically than most people i know despite my small built. however, i do admit that i am 20 lbs to be exact.i eat a lot but i still can't gain the weight i want. i know my body now is fine but i think it would be better if i gain a little more weight.what do u suggest i do?
3 responses
• India
8 May 07
You can try having banana and milk before going to bed. I gained weight through the same process. I am not sure whether it will work on every one, but am sure that it is a healthier way to gain weight rather than trying some weight gain pills or ghee.
• Philippines
8 May 07
thanks for that :) a friend of mine suggested that i drink milk mixed with a fresh egg every night before i sleep. he just want to see if it will work and wants to use me for his experiment haha but im willing to try it, i think it might work a little
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• Romania
7 May 07
i have the same problem . i'm too thin. i think that eating more would be a solution .
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• Philippines
8 May 07
yeah, i tried that but it doesn't seem to work. there is this chinese medicine that i tried once, ling zhi chuang yao worked for me but after i gained weight i stopped taking it.not really because of side effects or anything but because i have gained the weight i needed and i didnt want more. however, my work today is so physically demanding and stressful that i start to lose weight again. the medicine may help but with the active life i have now i think it would not be enough
• United States
12 May 07
If you'd like to gain weight, I can help you. I'm a Weight Management & Nutrition coach. I help people reach their weight goals (weather it be for weight loss or weight gain). The programs that I have available are very effective and I've helped many people like yourself gain the weight they need to be healthy. I also provide you with weight management coaching sessions at no additional charge. Our programs are based on Cellular Nutrition so you'll be able to improve your health by nourishing your body at the cellular level, while gaining the weight you need at the same time. You can check it out if you'd like at