Does this really work?
@phantomopera6 (95)
United States
May 7, 2007 10:39am CST
I received this letter in the mail and was very curious. Does this acutally work? Thanks!
Dear Friend,
Greetings. I am a teacher and recently received a letter from a friend of a retired attorney relating a very interesting experience, which I would like to share with you. I’ll quote his letter, for the contents are simple.
“A few years ago, a man came to me with a letter. He asked me to verify that the fact that this was legal to do. I told him that I would review it and get back with him. When I first read the letter my client brought me, I thought it was some sort of “off the wall” idea to make money. A week and a half later we me in my office to discuss the issue. I told him the letter he originally brought to me was not 100% legal. My client then asked me to alter it to make it perfectly legal. I asked him to make one small change in the letter.
I was still curious about the letter, so he explained to me how it works. I thought it seemed like a long shot. I decided against participating, but before my client left, I asked him to keep my updated on his results. About two months later, he called me to tell me he had received over $800,000.00 in cash! I didn’t believe him, so he asked me to try this to find out for myself. I thought about it for a couple of days and decided I really didn’t have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the letter. I followed the instructions exactly, mailed 200 copies, and sure enough, the money started coming in! It started slowly at first, but after about three weeks, I was getting more mail than I could open in a day. After about three months, the money stopped coming. So I kept precise records of the earnings, and in the end it totaled $98,493.00. I could barely believe it!
I met with my friend for lunch to find out exactly how it worked. He told me there were quite a few similar letters around, but this one was different, because there are six names at the end of the letter, not five like some others. This fact alone results in your name being in far more mailings. The other fact was the help I gave him, making sure the whole thing was legal, since no one wants to take the risk of doing something illegal.
By now you are probably curious to know what small change I made. If you send a letter out like this one, in order for it to be completely legal, you must actually sell something to receive the dollars in return. So when you send a dollar to each of the names on the list, you must include these words : “PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST” And include your name and address. This is the KEY to the program. The service you will receive for the dollar you send to the six people on the following page is that your name will be put on their mailing list.
At the time I first tried this idea, I was earning a good living as a lawyer. But everyone in the legal profession will tell you that there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. I told myself, if things worked out, I would retire from my practice and play golf. I decided to try the letters again, but this time I sent out 500 copies. Three months later I had totaled $2,341,178.00!!!
Here are some reasons a person might give for not trying this program:
Some people think they can never make a lot of money with anything this simple.
Some are afraid they will be ridiculed for trying.
Some dream of large sums of money, but do nothing to actually achieve it.
Some are just plain lazy.
Some are afraid of losing the investment. They think this program is designed to beat them out of a few dollars.
The system works, if you just try it! But you must follow the directions exactly and in less than 3 months, you will receive $800,000.00 GUARANTEED!!!
Keep what you are doing to yourself for a while. Many will tell you it won’t work and will try to talk you out of your dreams. Please let me know of your success after it works.”
STEP 1: IMMEDIATELY send one dollar to each of the six people on the list below. Put a hand written index card with the message “Please add me to your mailing list” along with your name and address in the envelope. IMPORTANT: wrap each of the dollar bills in an extra piece of paper before putting them in each of the respective envelopes for security. Remember that you will be receiving hundreds of thousands of letters at a time in mailbags.
1. J. Easton, 2402 Anderson Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46835
2. M. Moran, 1408 W Main St., Stoughton, WI 53589
3.T. Burrows, 2517 Estates Ln., Grants Pass, OR 97527
4. K. Barney, 2350 N Yavapai St, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
5. N. Cluff, 7040 E Pueblo Ave Apt. B, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
STEP 2: REMOVE the name at the top of the list and move the other 5 names up so that #2 becomes #1 and so on. Now add your name as #6. (One way to do this is to type or print a new list on a separate sheet of paper, cut to size and tape over the old list before you make your copies.)
STEP 3: TAKE this letter to the copy shop and make 200 copies or more. The more copies you make the greater your results.
STEP 4: ORDER 200 or more names from the mailing list company below. I recommend the following companies as they do not over use their list and guarantee that each person listed on the peal and stick labels has recently requested money making information in the last 45 days. 1-800-968-5711 1-800-735-6673
STEP 5:TYPICALLY, you will receive the names on the preaddressed labels within a week. While you are waiting, put you copies in the envelopes and seal and stamp them, then there is nothing left to do but apply the labels and mail. These names will be from a current, active list. They are not duplicated or sent to dozens of other customers. Once you receive your labels, SEND THEM OUT IMMEDIATELY. The faster you mail the letters, the better your results will be.
STEP 6: WITHIN 90 days, you should receive at least $800,000! Keep this letter so you can use it again when you need money.
This system was developed for the purpose of accumulating capital fast and honestly. It is not a chain letter. It is perfectly legal (Refer to Title 18:1302 and 1324 of the postal and lottery laws.
**** When you send 200 copies of this letter and each of the responsive individuals sends you $1.00 and 200 copies to others, your fortune multiplies rapidly. At a very conservative response rate, say 7.5% (my first and second response rates were 9.5% and 11% respectively).
At this point your name is dropped from the list, but you have received more than $800,000. It works every time. Now, how well you do is determined by how many copies you mail out. With this kind of earnings, you’ve got to try it.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned:
1. After you have received your mailing labels, send your copies out immediately while the list is still fresh!
2. You will get a lot of letters-File your responses alphabetically, daily. A computer makes the job easier. Otherwise, use index cards with a file box, if filing by hand.
3. Keep accurate letters, the IRS will be very interested in where you are getting all of your money.
4. Keep your job until you have time to plan your next step. Stay cool!!!
5. Save 10% of your new income for charitable organizations (When tithing, you will reap what you sow). Keep 20% in your savings account. Set aside 20% for takes and spend the rest. Not enough: Mail, Mail, Mail.
6. Keep what you are doing to yourself for a while. Many well-meaning folks’, especially close friends and your relatives, will try to talk you our of achieving your dreams. Let them know after it works for you. If you have tried and failed with similar systems, it was probably because you mailed your letters to friends, co-workers and relatives. These can be the worst promoters. GET THE MAILING LIST!!!!
LABELS: A list of folks who, like yourself, are already in the market for and eagerly seeking new opportunities. Only share the results with family and friends after this system has worked for you.
When you send out your copies of this, you are in the mail order business. People are sending you $1.00 to be put on your mailing list. You will soon complete an extensive mailing list. It can be very useful for your business, or you can sell your list to a mailing list firm. This is a legal and prosperous service.
Words of advice: READ THE LETTER over several times, set it aside and think about it. Make you decision. I hope you give it a try. I know it works, and I would like to see it work for you.
“This program works perfectly. I have never failed to make $800,000.00 each mailing. I was skeptical at first, but am about to send out my fourth mailing. I am not greedy. I have a champagne taste. This is a legitimate business opportunity that I almost passed up. As a sales person for a high tech company, I thought I had the world on a string. I am 34 years old and retired for all practical reasons.”
Edward Stromy
“I am naturally skeptical and I have received at least 25 letters similar to this one in the past. All of which, I hastily disregarded. There was, however, something about this one that I liked. It required less of an investment than some others and all participants received money. That part I really likes. Anyways, I sent out 250 letters and hoped for the best. Nothing happened for the first 11 days, but on the 12th day, I received $90.00 and over the next four months, I received a little over $900,000 cash in the mail. I am doing it over again with 1,000 names this time. Good Luck!”
S. FriSch
“I was tired of bei
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