how much you like japanese?

May 7, 2007 11:54am CST
i like all about japan,and i hope i will be goin japan
2 responses
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
7 May 07
This is my favourite Asian country, they have interesting traditions and culture.I would like to visit Japan one day.
7 May 07
i ADORE japan, you ask anyone and they will vouch for me as to how much a japanese freak i am, i AM going to live in japan after college and uni and teach out there for the rest of my life. I also am going to redecorate my room to a traditional japanese style bedroom, you know with the flat beds ((fukon i think they are called)) and also am doing a japanese a level in college! Also i only ever listen to japanese music and love to watch japanese tv ((even if i dont understand it)) so yea im a huge japanese freak and damn proud of it