I met new acquaintances who thinks Marijuana is good for the body, is this true?

@Abbyey (760)
May 7, 2007 10:44pm CST
I met a few group of people who says that marijuana is good for the body. Since marijuana is considered as am illegal drug i believe that it is BAD for the body and brain too. However they kept telling me that the flower of the mariuana plant is not bad only the leaves. They are trying to convince me to try but i STRONGLY decline. I have not done any illegal drugs and i Do Not Intent to try anything that i know is not good or those published to be Illegal. Am i right? Or Are they right?
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2 responses
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
15 Jul 07
Never do anything that you dont want to, if you believe it to be wrong then go with yourself on it, dont be pressured...It is bad for the brain, it leads to mental problems and schizophrenia of all sorts including paranoid...So obviously it is bad for the body too. Although it might be a relaxant and make you feel good for a little bit its the long term effects that it has on you.
• Philippines
18 May 07
it is good man because it has an ingredients that fights cancer the THC, depending on the ways you used it, if i were you, you have to take it by putting a small amount spreaded in your food or baking a cake and put it as a toppings, it can add 1 second of your life, and it is not illegal, but i do not implement also that this is a good idea, its just my personal thoughts,