is sushi good for you?

May 8, 2007 2:31am CST
i personally love sushi. well, i read an article saying that sushi may be good for our health. It is made with white rice and sweet rice vinegar, fresh vegetables, seaweed, and cooked or raw seafood. sushi tends to be low in fat, cholesterol, and calories.
3 responses
@laiza14 (593)
• Philippines
8 May 07
i eat sushi but i dont eat much of it.. especially when the soy sauce has wasabe,.. waAAh!
• Philippines
8 May 07
i like putting a little tiny wasabe on my sushi just for taste, but not too much like some people do
@opinione (749)
• Italy
8 May 07
I simply love sushi! It is delicious and when I eat it I can't stop! Now I'm on a diet and I'm trying to avoid some kind of food like sweets, pizza, and recipes containing rice. But, I'm wondering how this would banish also sushi from my diet... The problem is that I have to limit the intake, so I think that I'll try to reintroduce moderately (very moderately indeed) also sushi later on. I like a lot also raw seafood, independently if it is on sushi or not but on sushi it is great, the right quantity to taste everything in the right manner. It is very delicate. By the way, I'm happy to hear that it is good of health, it is another quality of sushi. bye bye.
@xiqechill (238)
• Indonesia
8 May 07
i love sushi so much, but keep in mind, never eat sushi if you haven't had any food in your stomach, you'll get a gastric problem.