Negative opinion of Christianity

@qouniq (1966)
May 8, 2007 2:32am CST
I have noticed there is one of the discussion regarding the negative opinion towards Christianity has been deleted. The starter was from India and he was mentioned that the Christian follower is a great sinner on the earth - if I am not mistaken. I saw that most of the Christian follower who respond to his discussion were very much angry and telling him that he is not right to say such things. I also have noticed that one of the respondent even simply blindly said that this guy is a Muslim by religion and said that the Muslim religion is ugly!. In the other hand, I have noticed that there are a lot of the discussion which gives a negative opinion towards the Islam crystal clearly and still can be on this site even up to today. I just wonder, is this can be called as a recrimination of religion discussion? I mean, why all those negative opinion discussion about Islam can be on this site while the same discussion but towards the Christianity vanished just like that after one or two day been on this site. Is this scenario we can say that Christian peoples cannot accept the things which is happen in their religion or what? Thanks for your opinion.
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17 responses
@samson1967 (7413)
• India
8 May 07
Such discussions will provoke others. Most of the members would have reported abuse, and hence that discussion would have got deleted. There is no harm in appreciating ones own religon. But to supercede the other religions some ignorants, will degrade the others religion, which is main cause for hatredness.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
I must agree with you for this but it seem that most of the negative discussion about Christianity were deleted compare to the Islam discussion. What is your opinion on this? Is this means that we cannot discuss a negative point of the Christianity which for surely our discussion will get deleted soon after that?! And why only when it comes to Christianity then we think that the starter is abusing or whatever they call it?!I just can't get the point here.... thanks anyway(",)
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• India
8 May 07
Mylot moderators must be christians and also this community consists of more christians.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
heheh, be careful with your statement...someone might rate you negative for this. Anyway, thanks for responding to my discussion..(",)
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@anik30 (71)
• India
8 May 07
I think we as a community should be more alert and immediately remove the post which discusses about religion negatively, I agree with you i have myself seen many discussions here which talk about Islam religion in rather rude manner, We should act more maturely, and respect others religion too, that's what every religion teaches us.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
Yeah, and most of peoples here are promoting their own religion by telling the others how other religion is bad, and how the other religion is wrong etc.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
8 May 07
While I hardly believe there is going to be much response from the Christian side here, I agree to what you have said. Islam is a religion that not only allows questioning but also gives answers and explainations. Christianity on the other hand bases itself on myths and parables which when cross examined, usually fail to prove any ligitimacy. While they claim their love for Jesus (pbuh). They do not know anything about his life. They say he was cricified. Yet do not know where he is burried. They do not know if he ever got married or if he had any children. And so on and on. My question is, if you love and follow a personality, you should be aware of his life and teachings. But all you are following are myths and folklores. nobody among you Christians know anything about the life of Jesus. How can you follow something you do not know?
• India
8 May 07
See this.. Yet another ignorant, who wants to safegard Islam by criticing Christianity. Hello Naseem, Our Lord Jesus dwells within us. How can you say that we dont know anything about Lord Christ. Sorry to say, that your opinions about christ and christians are myth. True muslim will never degrade others religion.
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• United States
8 May 07
Actually, Jesus "ascended" and so is not buried anywhere! Unfortunately there is much that was written about Jesus which was not included in the Bible. Even the apostles had their prejudices! They were human, after all!
• United States
8 May 07
P.S. It is MY belief that a true Christian does not try follow the LIFE of Jesus, but his TEACHINGS. Incidents in the life of Jesus were written to clarify the meanings of his words. These were written with the average man of THAT age in mind, not us "enlightened" modern types! We are all in the position of having to accept whatever is written about our prophets in our own particular religious books. None of us was there to see it for ourselves. It's why it's called "Faith!"
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 May 07
Being neither Christian nor Muslim myself, I had to think a bit before I replied to this. I think that it probably depends on how many people report a discussion. Maybe the Muslims aren't reporting discussions that bash their religion, or there aren't as many of them? Perhaps as soon as the discussion started, a ton of Christians jumped on and started reporting it? The other possibility is that it could be dependant on the personal religious beliefs of the admin. As much as I like to think that admin are objective, to be honest they are human just like everyone else. Anyways, I've seen a couple Pagan-bashing threads before, but I neither reported them nor was rude to the people, just tried to offer them a new perspective based on my personal experience with my religion. =)
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
May be you are right that may be the Muslim did not report it or they are not as many as the Christian community on MyLot. But why is it that do you think that Christian peoples really need to report anything negative about the Christianity which lead the discussion to be deleted?! Any idea about this? Thanks for responding.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
You seem very calm with this kind of things. I just adore you for that. And if I may know, which religion you are belong to?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 May 07
Because the mylot rules say that being mean or flaming other users is bad. Christians who see something bad about their religion will take it personally and think you are saying something bad about them as a person, because they are Christian. So they report it as such. I'm not saying just Christians do that, people of any religion can take criticism of their religion personally. As for why Christians can't take criticism of their religion, I think a lot of people have a hard time taking that sort of criticism. Myself, if someone speaks bad about my religion, I can always guess they're probably just misinformed. But since almost everyone knows about Christianity, it's probably not just a matter of misinformation when someone bashes it! Think about this: If you love your God, and someone says something you can interpret as being against your God, then wouldn't it upset you? Isn't it the same as someone saying something bad about a family member, or a friend? Wouldn't you be protective of those people that you care about? Now, take that a step further. If you felt that the entire Bible came straight from God, then isn't any criticism of that Bible also a criticism of God who created the Bible? I've spent my whole life learning not to hate Christians, because as a child I suffered a lot of abuse from people who claimed that religion. So if it sounds like I've spent a lot of time thinking about the motivations of Christians, it's because I have.
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
8 May 07
I agree with you that it looks like chritianity gets protected here. I would love to see more discussions where people explain their belief rather than promoting it and degrading other beliefs. I do not like it when people talk bad about any other persons choice of belief. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, but I do not belong to christian religion. Religion has always caused problems and hatred. I am just a believer in Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and I also believe that we all have a free will to decide for our selfs what the truth is. I want all beliefs to share and teach us because then we all know all beliefs and can decide for ourselfs. Thanks for your discussion.
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@paywise (500)
• Indonesia
8 May 07
Yeah Qouniq, I don't like make a discussion about religion. Why? Because there are much difference's opinion and goal way. And it doesb't make it better. So, We should do not discuss about religion.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
I agree with you paywise, religion is a sensitive matter to discuss and to talk about religion shouldn't be like inviting someone for a lunch i guess.
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@paywise (500)
• Indonesia
8 May 07
Thanks. I don't see a person from where belong to, religion, etnic, etc. We're brotherhoods so just enjoyed this community, right?
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@LadyLudie (359)
• Philippines
8 May 07
Discussion about religion is a very sensitive topic.just three weeks ago I have posted one annoying experience about the true religion,which was asked by two persons who were saying that I should know the true religion in order to be saved.I could not comment much further for what I know,but for what I believed,salvation is not based on religion but it is according to our faith...i mean what is in our heart,There are thousand numbers of religious sects all over the world, and everyone expects and claim they are the real children of God.Has anybody have been in front of God and ask what is the true religion?I still believe on the judgment day,God will judge every individual through our hearts and our good works not by's my own opinion.
• Thailand
8 May 07
I think the discussion was removed because of the tone of the discussion. It was irrational and hateful. I do not think it was removed because it expressed a negative opinion of Christianity. There are quit a few discussions that express a negative opinion of Christianity but they do it in a rational way and they are not removed. I am not a Christian but I was offended by the discussion you are referring to.
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• United States
8 May 07
my oppinion on the negative reactions to Islam is these folk are only telling the truth!try some ijtihad and find out for yourself
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
8 May 07
what about the negative reaction to Christianity? Are they telling the lie?
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• United States
8 May 07
i will not deny that "in the past we Christians have much to be ashamed of but that is in the past we have evolved Muslims hower seem stuck in the middle ages aNd refuse to move on!
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
9 May 07
What is that mean by 'seem stuck' here? Is that through their mind or action or what?
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• United States
8 May 07
I consider myself a Christian, although I don't belong to any particular sect of it anymore (I was raised a Protestant). I believe, too, that a true Christian loves all his fellow men/women without regard to their religious beliefs (or race, or height, or weight, or . . . you get the idea!). Unless a person has done really really terrible things and needs to be kept from hurting other people, I try not to sit in judgment on anyone. That's God's job. Freedom of Religion is one of the main founding ideas of the USA, and those Americans who are negative about other religions have completely forgotten our roots!! Several weeks ago I saw a discussion which was really insulting towards Islaam. When I tried to level the discussion out with some comments about not judging religions by the actions of a radical and violent few, I was immediately attacked! I was accused of approving of the oppression of women, among other things!!! I then had to write a long explanation of my belief that we each have a right to worship as we please and I was defending THAT, not the specifics of a particular religion. *Sheesh!* There are some really twisted and insecure people in EVERY religion! (Well, maybe not Buddhism?) I love learning about other religions and what exactly they believe, and how they practice it (rituals, etc.). It's what I keep expecting to find here on MyLot -- the exchange of information and support, no matter what the subject is. Also, don't forget that ever since 9/11 Christian Americans have become very paranoid. Many have only just learned that in some parts of the world we are considered Infidels and we all deserve to die. Not a particularly good way to promote loving understanding between religions on either side! But again, it's fear and ignorance at work. Better to inform than condemn!
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
9 May 07
Is that mean that Christian peoples which is mostly in America feel insecure towards a Muslim peoples?! If it insecure is a reason for them to be in that way, is it right to insult other religion which mostly is Islam?! What do you think about this? Is this thing shows that Islam is a great competitor of their religion?! I have read so many discussion which telling that Jesus never teach his follower to hate others but seem like this main aspect of his teaching has been forgotten by the modern enlighten follower now days by reading to those response or discussion which insult Islam. What do you think about this? Please forgive me if I am wrong with this. Thanks for responding.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
11 May 07
I think you get the point already now. Thanks for responding (",)
• United States
10 May 07
That's good to know. Not that the event is good, of course! See, this is exactly what happens . . . the American newspapers (who are supposed to be showing the truth) concentrate on the gruesome -- they love blood, guts and gore. They are owned, or owe some allegiance, to the powers that (currently) be. So, they skew their stories to keep us upset and to keep us supporting the war -- because so few of us do. They tell only part of the story, then sit back while people go crazy. This is a perfect example. Thanks for informing me!
@abroji (3247)
• India
8 May 07
I cannot understand why people are so intolerant while coming to discussion on religion. True it is a sensitive subject. Still we can be tolerent towards critisism. We need not defend God. God neither needs our support or help. We can strongly explain our believes, but should not criticise other faiths in an insulting or attacking manner. If we are true to our beliefs we need not get hurt by somebody's critisism of our beliefs. Tollerence is the need of the ocassion. Thank you.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
8 May 07
I think that discussion was deleted because it wasn't the first discussion he started on Christianity that showed he just wanted something to argue about. I am a Christian, and I have nothing against others of other religions, I respectfully answered his post and he came back at me with disrepect, and I noticed that all his responses were like that, no matter what. I think he was reported because of the manner in which he responded. I think that all people should be respected, as well as their religious beliefs, even when we don't agree there is no need to go around bashing others beliefs.
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
9 May 07
May be you are right, but have you noticed that there are a discussion on Islam which showed the starter justs wanted something to argue about?! For example the discussion about the Muslim husband can beat their wife has been wrote with the words which definitely makes the Muslim peoples angry and hurt. What is your opinion towards this matter? Do you think that they also respect the Muslim?! Do you think that they are right?! I mean do they really understand what is that means by the statement which they have said in their discussion?! Thanks for responding.
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
9 May 07
Same with you that I never respond any discussion regarding religion if I don't know much about it and I believe most peoples who respond to such kind of discussion also know much about it. But it seem that they understanding about the religion is not on the right way as it is should be. I mean they are interpreting the meaning by their own understanding but not by the real meaning of the words they read.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
9 May 07
Actually, I didn't even see that discussion so I can't possibly say. And I probably wouldn't respond to a discussion about another religion such as the Muslim religion just because I know so very little about it.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
8 May 07
I just want to say that people just don't stand the truth.Truth is that all religions has it goods and it's bad things.That also counts for Christians.When i talk with my Christian friends and i want to discuss things it's like i'm attacking them while it's just a fact what i'm telling them.If you cannot accept that your religion has bad things too then you really should take some counseling.Because in every religion there are negative and positive things and you really should accept that fact.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
9 May 07
I always believe that every religion teach us the good things for us to live our life on this earth. It's only peoples which tend to interpret the meaning of our Al- Quran, Bible etc by their own understanding which lead to the wrong things to be happened. Sometimes I think that peoples think they are smart and know about other religion by reading their book translation and just simply interpret the meaning by what they are understanding.
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@shinjiao (1457)
• China
8 May 07
Actually,I think the dicussion on the negative opinion of Christianity is useless.People from different areas in the world have different attitude towards religion.Even people have the same religion may have the different understandings towards the same religion.This kind of discussion is not fresh to me because on the BBS of my university,some students start the discussion,for example,"The disadvantages of Pekinner" or other discussions like that.I think this kind of discussion is too emotional,too prejudiced.Some students are angry with the reply whicn expressed the negative opinion of their city,traffic system or other disadvantages in their hometown.I also read some discussion talked about negative aspects of Beijing(I am a Pikinner.),however I don't pay much attention on these responses.Indeed,the negative opinion of something for someone is a way of releasing his or her complaint.WE DON'T NEED TO LOSE OUR TEMPER ON THESE DISCUSSION.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
9 May 07
Actually i havent noticed that kind of discussion here, especially about sarcasm and likes , maybe i jsut dont read discussion when its issue is about religion and criticism to that effect, since i find it so useless and not informative as well..i respect everyones religion i hope others the deletion of that particular discussion, maybe the contents of it is violated the guidelines here as what you have described , so much hatred or sarcasm is not allowed in here..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 May 07
The world hates Christians, it always has. Because of that, there is a greater danger to Christians than to Islam or other religions which they regard as threatening. Think of the ancient Roman Empire. The Emperors did not mind Judiasm or those other pagan religions, but a religion that opposed the Emperor as a god, that was a threat so they threw the Christians to the lions, burnt them as torches, etc and did things that would make you sick. Islam converts mostly by conquest. That is the difference, while Christianity does not. All they need is for some missionaries to come in, and teach the people. When soldiers come in, it is not to forcibly to convert people but to get rid of the ruler, get land --all natural needs and not spiritual.
• United States
9 May 07
This is because dumb people like controversy and will always whine about boring stuff that doesn't matter like religion or politics or race or hobbies because they have a rather dangerous mental complex in which they essentially wish to control the human race. I seem to recall a man named Adolf Hitler who tried something like this. Maybe I'm crazy and just dreamed him up? Anyways, people are always mixing politics and religion and conspiracy theories when there's something they don't understand, especially those people who wear their religion (or "non-religion") on their sleeve. People just want a reason to whine about one another so that they can get angry about stuff because of some fear they secretly wish they could conquer. Whoever's whining about whatever the heck it is you were talking about, is just because they're afraid of our sensationalist media's paranoia, and they're incapable of figuring out how to reconfigure this fear in their mind and overcome it, mostly because they don't have any positive influences in whatever the heck it is the bigot is prejudiced against.