Are computer games really worth playing......

srtg ery - dont waste ur time
May 8, 2007 4:18am CST
Hey guys i am a person who people used to computer frak i loved to play comp games so much i never gotr away frome my home now since i have stopped playin i have acheived so many things an di like them now ' is comp games worth playin I DON'T THINK SO
2 responses
@jintoppy (28)
• India
8 May 07
not all. But some games needs lot of IQ to go forward. Its not that easy and bad.
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
8 May 07
I think so though, you just shouldn't let it block out a social life but asides from that it is even something what you can play with friends and such if you frequent LAN parties in example. Not to mention that many games are a nice challenge to keep you sharp as well because in more and more games you are starting to have to think more actively on how to overcome the situation. And it's just a lot of fun ;).