Hold on your dream

@fdwjay (340)
May 8, 2007 9:25am CST
Initially,I want to point out I am a very common guy,I am not an prodigy ,my qualifications and experiences are not excellent,I am just a college students.My lousy school inhibit the chances to knock some giant company,I felt boring and frustrated,but after several interview,I accumulated enough experiences I learn some pragmatic technicals and learn how to get along with others and I guess interpersonal skills are very important.so I jump into a new field,conduct statistics and in my leisure time I learn how to be a auditor,So I bought related encyclopedia and references to make out-date thoery into a new scenarios.finally I got an offer from a multinations,I would liketo share my story and I hope some of you to exchange your experiences and story.
1 response
@lonely_f16 (2146)
• Philippines
8 May 07
Well, I am a high school student and in the seniors this opening. I feel that I don't know yet what I wanted as my course for college. I notice that you've done quite a lot for achievements and it's really very interesting as to how you were able to choose your college course.