Store cat jobs..

United States
May 8, 2007 2:56pm CST
Cats never fill out applications. They usually refuse job interviews. Yet they somehow manage to find jobs in stores all over the country. Owners and managers may be unaware that they have the need for a store kitty, nor appreciate the value of employing one, until a cat saunters in and convinces them that she is invaluable. In search for store kitties, we’ve found cats at work in bookstores, record stores, clothing stores, dental labs, lawn & garden stores, pottery shops, nurseries, restaurants, dog washes and veterinary clinics among other places. By far, most store cats live where they work, since commuting isn’t generally on a cat’s list of pleasures. However, there are a few who don’t mind at all, and come to work each day with their owner. How do cats manage to get these jobs? Easy – they’re cute, and often, pathetic. Many store cats begin as homeless, scrawny kittens who just show up at stores. Some are found injured or abandoned. Once they’ve been fed and cared for, they take on very important responsibilities. They prove their worth and become indispensable. Here are just a few of the jobs we’ve found that store kitties perform: Greeter: Some are fairly nonchalant about it, just a simple meow from their lounging place. Then there are those who take greeting very seriously and do the full kitty-rub to all who enter. Public Relations: This is one of the most important functions of any store kitty. Once customers know that a store has a shop kitty, some tend to come back more often. Pest Control: Mice generally are not good for business and store cats are happy to perform the task of ousting them. Childcare: This is very good for business. Calico, the cat at Pieper’s Unfinished Furniture in St. Louis, Missouri, will meow loudly from her basket on a display table insisting that customers pet her. Children tend to stay and play with Calico, so their parents are able to focus on shopping. Office Assistant: Cats seem to be drawn to computer keyboards, monitors, scanners, copiers and fax machines, making the back office an ideal working environment. Their typing skills are fairly lame, but their ability to stop someone from typing is quite good, thus helping people avoid carpel tunnel syndrome. Supervisor: Cats are excellent at sitting and monitoring situations, quietly, keeping most of their comments to themselves. Their ability to find a perch that is over everyone’s heads makes them well suited for seeing to it that all are doing their jobs correctly. Inspector: Most humans don’t realize how important it is to have every delivery sniffed and marked, which is why store cats have to take over this duty. Once deliveries are given a proper nasal inspection and marked with the store cat’s scent, then it’s ok for packages to remain on the premise. Quality Control: Some store cats are also known to inspect customer orders or completed repairs before they are approved to go out the door. Window Display Design: Store kitties often take it upon themselves to rearrange the goods on display so as to put themselves in the picture, in the sunniest spot available. Security: Cats are a good judge of character. Peaches, the kitty at Pony Express in Washington, sits on the counter to greet customers, but will growl at certain people. The store owner trusts her cat’s instincts. Store cats are great for both the cat and the store owner. The cat has a purpose beyond being adorable, and the owner gets a wonderful employee for whom he doesn’t have to file a W-2 form.
9 people like this
20 responses
• United States
8 May 07
I had a cat that would have been a perfect office supervisor.
2 people like this
• United States
8 May 07
Hysterical! I have a home business, and my newest kitty "Mr. Tribbs" (short for Tribble)is our "Supervisor". He must inspect everything, monitor work, and sleep on the workchair. No matter what I'm doing - working on a guitar, sitting at my desk answering emails, or cooking - ?Mr. Tribbs" must investigate and watch every bit of it. ;)
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
8 May 07
Well, at least now I know how the government always makes those employment figures look so good. At least half of the new employees must be cats. Makes sense for a lot of companies who are always looking for employees they don't have to pay. I wonder how many cats are nicely retired and collecting social security?
2 people like this
• United States
8 May 07
This was really cute! I remember a record store in Kansas that we used to go to that had a huge cat. It is true that sometimes I would go to the store just to see the cat :)
2 people like this
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
8 May 07
Sissy encourages Christmas - Of all the toys she got for Christmas, Sissy like the bow off one of the packages the best.
Loved this article. Did you write it? If so, you ought to put it on Helium or Associated Content and also submit it to a cat magazine! Very clever! Thanks for sharing.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 May 07
I cannot take credit for it. I just read it and loved it, so I wanted to share it with my friends.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
9 May 07
This discussion is very impressive to say the least.You are so smart to come up with this..Margie this one deserves a prize..It's cute and sweet and true and I never thought of it that way although I have met many store cats..This is the best..Thanks for another very good discussion..
1 person likes this
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
9 May 07
We have a local lumberyard that always has cats, and dogs. Also, a local florist has a cat that seems to specialize in window dressing, in addition to other duties.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 May 07
Hehe that was well written. I know when my brother had his own business that was a cyber cafe he had his kitty cat there with him :) She loved it when the kids came in and would give her lots of attention. There was a ballet studio right next door and she knew when those kids were due. She was also a good watch cat because if my brother was there late at night and someone came near that door she let him know. Cats can be great and you are right, give them a bit of food and lots of love and you can skip the W-2 form.
@rosie_123 (6113)
9 May 07
Oh lovely topic - thanks for sharing. I remember when I was a child there was a "Station Cat" at Paddington Station in London. He was lieterally the biggest cat that I had ever seen, and even made the national newspapers. He lived mainly in the Ladies' Cloakrooms in a huge basket by the heater, and people used to come and pet him all the time. I think he lived to over 20 years old. And talking of cats and shops, - my Henry always follows me to the local shop, and sits patiently outside until I go home again like a dog!!!
• Pakistan
9 May 07
That was really good, I enjoyed reading it a lot and it did finally make me smile even though my day had not been so good. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of myLotters :)
@maainim (70)
• Israel
9 May 07
C00l !!!! , i want too
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
10 May 07
Thanks for sharing this great article about cats with jobs. I really find this entertaining since I have a cat myself who is "employed" to provide entertainment stuffs when required.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 May 07
I gave you a + rating for this delightful discussion...There's a botanica near me that has the resident cat..a quite tubby calico that has to greet everyone and follows you around...She may have started out as a scrawny cat, but by the look of her now she is well fed and taken care of--also, nearby me in a bakery, they have always had a kitty there...
@katkat3 (425)
9 May 07
Excellent very funny..... I started reading and I wandered what on earth you were talking about!!! I wish I could take my cat to work, I'm sure he would love it too... he's a house cat and I'm sure he gets quite bored on his own at home most of the day! Well done on a funny story - love it!! :0)
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
9 May 07
That was very clever, made me chuckle quite a bit. Thanks for sharing - it made my day!
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
9 May 07
What a great little story margie and I agree totally. When I was younger, my parent's owned a little country store. We had a grey tort cat named George. He would greet all the customers and the only problem was that when the town had a mouse plague, he disappeared for a few months! Like all good kitties he came home when the plague had run it's course. Obviously the food was better elsewhere! When my parent's sold the store about 5 years later, the new owners kept George on and when we went back to visit a few years later he was still there. Obviously loved the shop more than us....
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
9 May 07
Hi Sugar, oh dear these poor cats I do home that they will be ok there seems to be a real lot of cats everywhere. Yes they sure would come in handy to get rid of rats and mice. I really enjoyed reading your discussion about these cats.
9 May 07
Never laugh while drinking coffee - lol - I laughed so much I sprayed the monitor
That is brillinat and very very funny. We used to have a cat living in a local shop, she would inspect everything and everyone too.
• United States
9 May 07
That was entirely adorable! It was a great read. i always enjoy it when i find a store kitty. Of course i always have to spend my time petting and scratching them. i really adore cats which is why i have 4 of my own and always want more of them!
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
9 May 07
Good stuff! My favorite store cat is "Fup," who has been the store cat at Powell's Books in Portland, OR for almost 18 years. Fup is simply seen as part of the store, and even has his own page and newsletter as part of the bookstore's web site.