Would you call the cops on your 10 year old?
By brendalee
@brendalee (6082)
United States
May 9, 2007 6:49am CST
I have one of those police scanners and I hear all sorts of interesting calls. Just now someone called for the police because their 10 year old was out of control. That child must be pretty bad if a parent can't control him. I don't think I could call the cops on my kids for something like that, could you? Hes only 10 years old. Another kind of weird call I hear all the time is parents calling the police because their child refuses to go to school. When I raised my son, who is now 22, I don't ever recall a time that I couldn't control him. What is this world coming to?
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42 responses
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
9 May 07
OH my. I would of never even of thought to call the cops because my son was out of control. He's 22 now and turned out to be a fine young man. I think that if someone calls the cops on their 10 year old that they didn't do the right discipling while the kid was growing up and that is why he got so out of control.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
9 May 07
I think it may be harder nowadays because sometimes if you even look at your child wrong, somebody is threatening to call child abuse.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 May 07
These kids nowadys will curse you out, I use to work for the School Sytem, those kids were bad!
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
10 May 07
I don't think this is a fair statement to say that they didn't discipline him right when he were younger. We don't know what kind of life this family has lived, we don't know if this child has any mental health issues which may be behind the reason of him acting like this. But it is your oppinion and I respect that.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
9 May 07
Some children who are mentally ill truly cannot always be controlled, and parents are starting to be scared because they do not know how to handle it. From the reading I have done, depending on your local mental health or the kind of insurance you have, you may not be able to get the emergency help you need for that child. So many people tried to help the guy in Virginia. The mental health dept did not do their job. A teacher tried to help but the officials at the school just did not care. If that is what it takes to protect yourself, others and your child, do it.
@working4theweekend (2403)
• United States
9 May 07
Speaking as a kid who did have the cops called on her (I was 11, but still), yeah, it happens. Basically, my half-sister and I got into a fight b/c she was talking $h1t on my father, after her dad (we had the same mom) had been molesting me for two months and I couldn't go live with my dad, so I was pretty pissed off, all the time, and it was the last straw, I told her to stop it or we were going to have a fight - she didn't stop so I pushed her into a china cabinet. Then I screamed "at least my dad's not a child molestor!" and my birth mother, who I have absolutely no contact with now, called the cops on me telling them I had "anger issues" - she'd rather get rid of me than her sicko husband. Well, I'm sorry if pushing a foul-mouthed girl (she was only two years younger than me) after she relentlessly talked about my dad, and after her dad wouldn't stop pushing me around on his lap and touching me, if that's an anger issue, then call me guilty.
So just keep in mind, not all kids are getting the cops called on them because of what THEY are doing.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
10 May 07
I am sorry that you had to go through that. I sort of know as I had a similar situation with being molested and the so called man was chosen over me. Thank you very much for your input.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 May 07
No I would not
I took my Son once to the Police station lol when he was 9 as he kept starting Fires but I knew the Policeman as I worked there in the Mornings but my Son did not know that then so we thought we would give him a bit of a scare and do you know it worked lol
I told him months later that I knew the Policeman lol and he said I deserved it Mum for playing with Fire and we still laugh about it today
But I would never seriously call the Police on my Kids
@blueskies (1186)
• United States
9 May 07
I think it really depends upon the situation. I can't ever foresee a time when I would have to call the police on my daughter. She has normal teenage angst--which I can handle very well with normal parenting techniques. My son, however, flies into rages because of his bipolar disorder. He is only 12, but he is 5'5" and 200 lbs. This makes him very difficult to control. He is completely unable to listen to reason or make rational decisions when he is in a rage. I can easily foresee a day when I can no longer physically hold him back if he is determined to run out the door. At that point, he would be a danger to himself and I would have to call the police to help me catch him.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
10 May 07
I totally understand your thoughts here, we are in the same situation, if you read the last discussion I have posted, it is about that very topic..my child and bipolar. Since you are in the situation too, I would appreciate it, if you have some time if you could read what I posted and leave me some feedback. I am at my wits end, and to this discussion here, I have called the cops on my child and he was only 9 the first time I had to call.
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@hannahjomommy (373)
• United States
9 May 07
Yikes, No I would not call the cops on my child. If I can not control my child then there is definitely a problem. A ten year old should never have the upper hand. That is an age that they should know who the boss is. I am a firm believer that its how you raise them from the start as to how they will be at 10,12,16 etc . if you can get them to believe you young they will respect and obey later.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
10 May 07
I have raised my child in the very manner you describe...but have also had to call the cops on him. He has some mental health issues (bipolar) and there are times where it does not matter what you do with your child, nothing stops these tantrums. I have literally sat on him in order to try to calm him down. But when your child is freaking out and putting holes in your walls, what else are you to do? Just let him do it, and keep going through the tantrum. I do restrain him but yet, if the wrong person saw this, would they say it is child abuse? As others have said, in this day and age, if you look at your kid in a certain way, you are in the wrong.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
9 May 07
What ever happened to parents being the parents and children being the children? Somebody in the house needs to have the upper hand. That does not mean you have to yell at everyone and be a dictator but the children have to know that an adult is in control. If that parent is having so much trouble with her child when he is 10, what will happen when he is 14 or 17? I shudder to think. Parents need to love their kids enough to hear them say "I hate you!" if necessary, when they are enforcing the rules. The children will appreciate it in the long run.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
10 May 07
I do love my children with all my heart and soul and I have heard my children say "I hate you" when enforcing the rules. They do know I am in charge and have the upper hand but my oldest child has bipolar and i have had to call the cops on him, there isn't much you can do when he is a danger to himself and to the rest of the family and putting holes in the walls.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
10 May 07
I can appreciate your comments and understand where you are coming from. In that situation I would probably do the same thing if necessary. Unfortunately there are many chldren today who have no medical reason for their behavior. They are just the product of poor parenting. Oh, and by the way, everybodys kids are naughty sometimes. Mine included. Best wishes to you and your children.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
9 May 07
I had a friend, who had a son who she did call the police on, more then once. One time, he was threatening to kill his little sister, the mother locked him in his room, she took the child and ran to the neighbor's house to call the police, the kid jumped out of his bedroom window, got a knife or scissors and then went to the neighbors house after the little girl.
The boy was already on medication for several problems and he was a mini-terrorists since he was little.
He ended up spending time in a hospital, then was placed in a residential facility, then he aged out of the system.
Many times these people that call the police on their children are doing so because they are troubled children.
Most of us are very luck to have normal children who cause normal problems, but not all kids are like that.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 May 07
I don't know...the way some kids are now a days kids CAN get pretty out of control...I mean the parents must have been frantic to desperation and needed some kind of help--I mean if as a parent you really do have a kid on a horrible rampage what can one do?
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
9 May 07
I have actually called up our local cop to meet me at my sons school to "scare" him. My son has a problem taking other peoples stuff usually money. He gets an allowance every week but doesn't want to spend his own money so he takes other peoples. Usually it was small amounts so we would just give him some kind of punishment at home and lecture him about why he shouldn't steal. That was until I came to find out that he stold a hundred dollars from his uncle and took to school. I had our local cop and his uncle meet me up at the school. They waited outside by the police car while I went inside to get my son. We walked outside and he saw the cop by the car and started to cry. Our local cop took him to the police station so that they could talk. Now, I admit this might have been to the extreme but everything else I tried before didn't work. He has stolen a couple of times since but nothing like he use to.
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@obukohwo (301)
• Nigeria
9 May 07
It is a shame for any parent not to have total control over their child most expecially 10 years old. I think one of the things that leads to this kind of situation is the policy governing the society because i do not see any reason why a child wont go to school and i will seat down looking at the child to continue to destroy his or her future, i will deffinitely take action by dealing with the child the way a stoburn child is surposed to be dealt with than allowing things to happen like that and then the next point of action is to call the police. I suggest that every man should handle his family properly without the interferance of a third party like the police.
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@hachimitsu (873)
• United States
9 May 07
That's ridiculous and selfish. Discipling your child is your responsibility. But more importantly, the police have more important things to deal with than an out of control kid. People are dying, women are getting raped, disasters are happening, crimes are in the midst of taking place, and yet you'd waste the police's time with your out of control child? Disgusting. In addition to environment and other factors, parental influence plays a big part in developing a child's personality and behaviors.
Besides, calling the police on the kid will only make him hate authority even more. There are certain lessons that can only be learned through experience and even if the kid has to suffer getting bad grades by not going to school, well, they'll have learned the consequences the hard way.
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@LostSoul9 (6)
• United States
9 May 07
This world is coming to an end...Doomsday is near...JK...Ur right...No way i could call on my child no matter what. Probably i would just ground him but i wouldn't involve the cops. DOn't want a record to tarnish his future.
@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
10 May 07
I have called the cops on my child, the first time he was only 9 years old. The cops even had to control him by putting him in handcuffs and taking him to the station to sit in a holding cell for a while. He does not have a record. The cops can be called and it does not automatically go on their record. In the county where we live, the first thing that is going to happen is that they will decide if they are going to press charges or not...if not, the system will usually send the child to a diversion counselor (kind of like a probation officer). If this doesn't help, then the child will go in front of the judge and that is when it could and most likely would be placed on the childs record.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 May 07
No I would'nt call they cops on a Ten year old. I would beat his as. that's hat I would do. I did half to call the cop on My teenage boys when they were young. About 15 or 16, I was a single parent and I could do anything with them. they did listen to the Police Officer.
@bethmt (419)
• United States
9 May 07
I would never have imagined calling the cops on my kids when they were little, nor for that matter even now.
If a child is that out of control then the parent needs to learn better parenting skills or the child needs counseling of some sort. And calling the police because a child refuses to go to school? Unbelievable.
I was always taught as a child, and still believe this to be so, that the police should only be called for dire emergencies or if some other crime has happened such as a burgulary. I mean the resources of the police department are stretched to the limit in so many areas and they're aren't meant to be family counselors.
Once I saw on the t.v. show Cops where a lady had called the police because her young son had locked her out of the house and she wanted to "teach him a lesson". The officer didn't look very pleased about although he did help out as much as he could. Still, I think it's an abuse of a city's or town's resources for parents to do things like that.
@GergOnline (399)
• United States
9 May 07
wow thats unusual. who cant controla ten year old?
my advise to parents, never let your child stay home sick from school unless they have a fever, or are 'getting sick'(aka hurling). Tell your kids this every time they feel sick to make sure they get it into their heads that they have to go to school.
i am not a parent, but i should know how this works because i was a kid who didnt like to go to school. i would fake sick a lot, but when it got to the point were if i miss to many days i wouldnt be living with my parents anymore. so i only stayed home if i had a fever, or i was 'getting sick'. and i passed highschool with a 3.5!
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@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
9 May 07
Im not sure I think it would depend on the problem he was causeing but im trying to imagine not being able to control a 10 year old.I also believe is all in how they are raised,if you one time let them have the upperhad its all over for you.Many parents today just let them do as they please and than wonder why they wont mind,than they go bad and they have to call the police on them.
But I think i coild only do something like that if he was in danger or someone else was in danger.
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
9 May 07
I never felt the need to call the cops on my children. I have seen a few children in my neighborhood that I think could benefit from geeting a good scare by the local cop. There is one child I think is about eight or nine, he is always being caught stealing stuff out of other peoples yards. You tell the parent about it but nothing seems to happen.
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@crzygrl32 (3)
• United States
10 May 07
I like how people say that it is the parenting that makes these children sooooo out of control. I don't completely agree with that. My children, 11, 10, & 6, were molested by their great-uncle. My two oldest are on depression med and my 10 y/o son ran from me one. He made me chase him a half mile up the road. Believe me, when I got his butt home, he got it wore out with a belt. He went to school the next day and social services calls me and tells me I left a small but noticable mark on his hindend and I was not to spank him anymore. The next time, he runs I am to call the cops on him or I will lose all of my children. Now, I ask you, what would you do? Yes, I will call the cops on the next time. Thankfully, there hasn't been a next time, yet. I have other kids to think about too.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
10 May 07
Yes, in that situation, I would call the cops too. Sometimes you have to. The thing that worries me is that this is becoming very common and when my son was young, you never heard of such things. I honestly think that social services needs to lay off. I wonder if they have kids of their own.
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