Bad mom/dad moments
By cynddvs
@cynddvs (2948)
United States
May 9, 2007 9:07pm CST
Earlier today my daughter and I were blowing bubbles. I set the bottle of bubbles on a bookshelf where I thought my daughter couldn't get ahold of them while I went to the bathroom. Well when I came out of the bathroom I see my daughter in the floor with the bottle of bubbles and it looks like she's drinking them. I immediately took the bubbles away and the bottle was empty. Now before everyone panics it wasn't a big bottle but a tiny bottle like the size you get as party favors at weddings. I went to the bookshelf and saw the bubbles had spilled onto the bookshelf so I don't think she actually drank any. But that was my bad mom moment of the day. I freaked out when I thought she had drank bubbles lol.
So what are some of your bad parenting moments? You know you all have them lol.
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18 responses
@mememama (3076)
• United States
10 May 07
My husbands bad moment: He was alone with our then 10 month old son while I was at the store. He opened a can of red bull and went to use the bathroom. He came into the room to see our son chugging the redbull. He drank it all! I came home to my son running back and forth, throwing himself against the wall laughing! It took him hours to calm down lol.
My bad moment: I was wearing slippers while I was carrying him downstairs. I lost my balance, but I caught him just in time before his head hit the top step! It really freaked him out, he wasn't hurt but I pulled my back saving him. So he was crying and I couldn't move. We were alone and I think I sat there for a good 15 minutes before I could budge. I felt so terrible and my baby had snot coming out of his nose because he was so upset and he didn't understand why I couldn't hold him.
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
10 May 07
Aww poor baby and mommy. Well my mom always says that your kids will pay you back for the times you had a uh oh that hurt them, by being pain in the butt teenagers. She meant me, but I think it is kind of true for lots of parents.
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
10 May 07
i am a horrible mother. The only thing baby proofed in my home is the outlets and the brick around the fireplace. We just moved cleaning stuff up tp other cabinets because we rent and I am not paying for damages. Anyway, my daughter is pulling up on everything now and it drives me crazy. I was sitting on the couch and just as she reached to get up I moved and she slipped hit her mouth on her my knee and busted her little lip. I have never been more upset ( except for the time my hubby let her fall off the couch head first). I was like mommy's so sorry. She was fine in a minute, but it sure felt like forever.
about her falling off the couch. So she was sitting on the couch and can not sit still. My hubby turned his head the other way as her toy fell and she is notorious for going after it she fell. I was like oh my god we are going to have our child taken away. Luckily no bruises and she was over it quickly. I know bad parents.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
10 May 07
Oh I can cry just thinking about it. When my son was 1 1/2 years and was having trouble sleeping in his cot, I placed him in the bed with me and had a pillow placed on the outside of him so he wouldn't roll over onto the floor. A couple hours later, next thing I hear a thump and cry and he had rolled over the pillow and onto the floor - luckily the bed was on the floor (no legs) but still I cried my eyes out and couldn't believe it happened. NO bruises or bumps but it did give me a scare. From then on, if i had him in my bed, I would place cushions/pillows all around the bed as I have noticed that he moves around a lot and doesn't sleep in one place.
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@happy2bmommy (305)
• United States
10 May 07
mine is horrible. my son was 4 months old, i had him in the stroller while i was doing dirty yard work. my hands were a dirty mess when he started whimpering out of hunger. i brought him inside, but didnt want to touch anything with my disgusting hands. he hadnt shown any signs of becoming mobile yet, so i felt comfortable tucking him into the corner of the sofa, with a pillow in front of him. i ran to the bathroom to wash my hands quickly, but at this point he was screaming his head off. as i had my hands all soapy, i heard a thud, and then an even louder cry. you can imagine what happend. yes, he managed to jump off of the sofa. i came running with very soapy hands and panicked when i saw him laying on the floor face down. i had tears in my eyes while i tried to soothe him the best i could. thank goodness he was fine, no bump or anything, just probably some pain and a fear of the sofa.
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@tshirtscene (491)
• New Zealand
10 May 07
I think most parents can relate to having a bad moment. Hmm, one that comes to my mind would be I lived in an upstairs apartment, my daughter was at the time 4 months old, I had put her to sleep on my bed, I went down stairs to do the laundry, it was about 5 minutes and I could hear her making those little gurgling noises she always made when she slept, I dont know what it was, but i had never felt such fear, or panic in my life, I ran up the stairs at the speed of light, jumped on the bed and slammed the window shut. I couldnt believe how stupid I was, from that day on I have never had a bed next to the window, nor did I ever leave a window open again when my children were sleeping in that room.
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@PurpleParker (81)
• United States
10 May 07
Poor baby..maybe she should sit down and watch Mary Poppins now :)
My bad parent moment was when my kids were little. I had just had baby #2 and had to go somewhere. I got baby #1 packed up, in the car and came back in the house for all of his stuff. I was in the car backing out of the driveway when I remembered I hadn't grabbed baby #2. I was so scared..especially when I thought about what might have happened if I had left.
@ScarletAlston (2693)
• United States
10 May 07
I am not the parent..I am the kid it happened to...back when I was about 8 or 9 months old, I had this problem with putting things into my mouth..from what I was told, my father was sitting on the couch watching t.v. and I was on the floor playing with a toy or something..and I took interest in the t.v. much interest, that I started eating the mother came home around about the time I had about swallowed 2-3 pages..she freaked out and my father said "she's a fat baby..she's ok" she took me to the emergency room and the time, I don't remember it happening, but now me and my dad laugh about it..
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
10 May 07
Mine happened a few weeks ago with my son. We were playing on the bed together. he was jumping on me, rolling over me...just being a little goon and I was encouraging it! He had been sick the week prior and a little bummed out..and I was just happy that he was feeling better :) So I was playing and getting him going. He stood up on the bed and kinda jumped over my onto the floor, loosing his footing and spliting his chin open on the night stand drawer. As if i didnt feel bad enough, casue i was the one that got him playing like hubby was down right angry that he had gotten hurt and it was my fault. Needless to say, i packed him up without speaking to the hubby and went and sat at the hospital for 5 that they could glue his chin back together.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 May 07
wow, where do i start. i have had so many moments being that i have three kids. we all make those mistakes, but i would not call anyone a bad parent for them. see this is how i see it. I am a great mother who have children who are a pain in the butt! LOL LMAO
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
10 May 07
I remember when my daughter was around 7 months...i was carrying her down the stairs and I slipped. The stairs had lots of steps on it and I was on bended knees going "thud..thud..thud.." I was holding my baby so tight and almost at the bottom (although it was all a blur) I twisted my body so I got the brunt of the impact and the baby was on top of me rather than vice versa. I had so much carpet burns on my knee and back hurts so bad, me and the baby was crying as my husband rushed to us. My daughter was crying probably she was scared with all the "thud..thud" sounds I made but am glad we were all ok, except for some scrapes and aches I had. That is why, I prefer not to have a 2 story house...stairs scared me if I still have young children.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
10 May 07
I agree about the stairs. Accidents can happen so easily with stairs. Just last week I was at a friends 2 story house. Since we don't have stairs my daughter was facinated by theirs. She kept wanting to walk up and down them while I held her hand. I was getting so paranoid and kept just imagining her falling down the stairs.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
10 May 07
A couple of months ago, my son was crawling down the stairs. I was right there with him, but instead of being BEHIND him, I was beside him, sitting down, and going down that way. We were a little over halfway down the stairs, when he slipped. I caught him, but just by his diaper. He ended up falling down the last four stairs. I only succeeded in pulling his diaper off. I don't know which one of us was crying harder. And since we were both crying, the small dog started crying and barking, too. It was a mess. I'm sure the neighbors thought we were completely insane. Luckily, my son only had a small bump on his head and no broken bones or concussion or anything.
My husband had a bad moment just last week. He was laying in our bed with our son. I let the dogs in the house, and he called for them. Neither of the dogs realized that the baby was in the bed, so they jumped right up! Our little dog kicked my son right in the face! They both started crying.
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
10 May 07
Hello There!
When my son was about four years old we were spending a Sunday afternoon at my mother's house. My son was in her bedroom supposed to be taking a nap. I went in to check on him and he had gotten into several Luden's menthol cough drops that she had in a little bowl beside her bed. Naturally I went to pieces also. We put them up out of his reach and I called Poison Control immediately. They told us to just watch him to make sure he didn't have any problems breathing or overly sleepy. Thank the Lord he didn't have any problems from them, but we made sure he was never able to get to them again. SheliaLee :)
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
11 May 07
My eldest son used to get into things all the time. I don't know how many times I called poison emergency. Once when my husband was out in the driveway fixing the car, he said he would keep and eye on our son. When I looked out to check on him, I found him walking around with something sticking out of his mouth. I looked to see what it was, and it was a little tube that said "petroleum product; harmful or fatal if swallowed". The tube was empty, so naturally I freaked. I called the hospital's poison center and talked to a person there. I told them the name of the substance, and they calmed me down, and said that my son should be alright, and they doubted that he would have ingested any of the contents of the tube because it would have tasted so horrible and bitter that he would have spit it out. I still watched him for quite a while, to make sure he wasn't sick. I was so scared. Another time, I was in bed sleeping, and my son climbed out of his crib and dragged one of his little chairs over to the sink and got a bottle of aspirin out of the medicine cabinet. When I got up, I found them scattered all over the floor. He was alright,but I couldn't figure out how he could get into the cabinet. He had to have climbed up onto the sink to reach it. He could have easily fallen and gotten really hurt. He was only around 2 years old when he was doing this stuff. I had a very hard time keeping things out of his reach. I was a light sleeper too, so he had to have been very sneaky and quiet when he did this stuff.
@mari123 (1861)
• China
10 May 07
children are cute that they are curious to all the novelty thing,so as the children parents we should be careful for their health.due to parents'negligence,many children get pain and even lost their life.children like to play,and the children may be scalded by fire,may be ahold a poisonous bubbles to drink and then lost their we should care the children's safety.
@Italiana2683 (87)
• United States
10 May 07
I am not a parent yet but I can tell you about a bad moment my mother had with me. I was about 5 years old and we went to my aunt's house to swim in her big underground pool. Naturally I could not touch the bottom so my aunt gave me a tube. My mother and aunt were talking and not paying attention to me. All of a sudden I slipped through the tube and went underwater. No one noticed!!! I couldn't breathe and I think I blacked out because I remember waking up and being on top of the picnic table with everyone standing around me staring into my face.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
10 May 07
Things like accidents happen that and sometimes it risks the lives of children. No parent would want his/her children to be harmed right.
I remember when I was still in highschool that my youngest brother who was 4 years old at that time was accidentally swallowed kerosene. And it was a matter that my mother was very much regretfull after it happened. She put the kerosene on a vitamin bottle and my brother thought it was vitamins that why he drank it and alas it happened so fast. He brought him to the hospital and was very thank ful there was no damage done on his major organs.
@lorraine2577 (30)
• Philippines
10 May 07
I already got 2 kids... and I guess I haven't been a good mom to my 2 kids... I gave birth on my eldest when I was 18... My eldest grew up spoiled to her grandmother(my mom). When the youngest came, it seems that I didnt treat them equally... I'm taking care of my youngest more than in my eldest.. it's maybe bcoz he has an asthma... And when there's a time that thier father did something foolishness... I treated my kids so bad. I easily got angry to them... I shouted at them or spanked them whenever I get mad...
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
14 Feb 08
I wouldn't say you are a bad mum at all, you put the bubbles on a bookshelf. Sometimes it is hard to think of all the safety precautions we need to take around the house to keep our children safe. This was an accident, I am glad your daughter is okay. I can not thik of any bad parenting moments off hand, but I know there are definately some, we all have our off days. We are only human, we make mistakes and we learn.