Trouble hearing people. What can I do?
By fawcey
@fawcey (926)
May 10, 2007 6:39am CST
I was just wondering how many people have a hearing problem of some kind and if they do anything about it or just try to get on the best they can. I am 26 and have had trouble with my hearing now for a few years but because of my age I don't feel comfertable asking for help about it. I feel a bit silly. I have found lately though it has been getting a bit worse and I mistake what people say more and more. Sometimes this can be emmbarassing, if I am standing there nodding and smiling thinking the person said something funny when they actually just told me theri dog died or something. My son and husband get a bit annoyed with me as I am always asking them to repeat themselves or I mishear what they say and give a weird answer. What do people think is the best thing to do, I feel very frustrated about the whole thing, and emmbarassed as well.
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3 responses
@Dumpertaker (1187)
10 May 07
I totally sympathise with you on this and understand the frustration and embarrasment this cases as I am partially deaf in one ear. I have suffered this for about 10 years now (It was diagnosed when I was 22 after having problems at work, but I have had problems before then)and they way I have got round this is learning to lipread...I have it to such an art now that people barely notice I'm actually watching thie lips as they speak and for the most part give direct eye contact (although I can still see what they are saying).
The one thing I will say is that you should talk to someone about this, don't feel silly about it and do not feel silly in never know it may be something that can be sorted out, or there may be a way to prevent it from getting worse at least. You never know unless you get it checked out.
If you ever need to talk about this then drop me a message ok?
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
10 May 07
You have just made me feel a lot better Dumpertaker. I try to lip read but I am afraid I am not that great at it. I am sorry you had to deal with it for so long, but I cant help being glad that I have someone else that knows what I am talking about, and that I can relate to about it. I am really thinking about making an appointment to get it checked out, but I am also scared what if there is nothing they can do and I just have to deal with. I will let you know what I decide to do. I might take you up on that message as well, I will see how I go. Thanks again.
@Dumpertaker (1187)
10 May 07
No worries my friend, you are more than welcome and the offer will always be open.
As for the lipreading, it does get better with practice. I have been lucky as I used to practice it when I was in cadets and also at school, so I was quite lucky in that respect.
Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember, it takes a big person to ask for help, and a fool to refuse...not that I'm saying you are a fool of course, but it would be a tad foolish to do nothing.
@mummyofthree (2715)
10 May 07
There are many possible causes of hearing loss.
Conductive hearing loss is caused by anything that interferes with the transmission of sound from the outer to the inner ear. Below are some possible causes of conductive hearing loss.
Middle ear infections (otitis media).
Collection of fluid in the middle ear ("glue ear" in children).
Ear infection.
Blockage of the outer ear, most commonly by wax.
Otosclerosis, a condition in which the ossicles of the middle ear harden and become less mobile.
Damage to the ossicles, for example by serious infection or head injury.
Perforated (pierced) eardrum, which can be caused by an untreated ear infection, head injury or a blow to the ear, or from poking something in your ear.
Seek medical advice! I lost complete hearing in one ear and it ended up being too much wax! An earwash later I could hear right again.
Better to have this checked.
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
11 May 07
I didn't know there were so many different causes mummyofthree, I hope it is just too much wax for me, though I will be cross at myself for not going to the dr sooner if it could have been fixed in a flash. I think it might have something to do with listenin to my walkman music way to loud when I was younger all the time. I havent ever had an ear infection not even as a kid so I dont think I could have damaged it like that. Thank you for your informative reply, I am glad you got your hearing back. I will post an update when I make an app which I now know is really the best option. Thanks
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@mummyofthree (2715)
11 May 07
good luck. I'm sure things will be fine! I shall keep checking to see how you got on!
@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
10 May 07
I think, if you are experiencing such kind, you may try to go to specialist. There is nothing wrong with that, they may consult you to have an audio test first or some kind of test to determine how far you can hear. Sometimes, we don't know the reason why we can't hear well. There are cases that the eardrum has hole like what happened to my sister, but now she's okey. Better to fix it before it's too late.