This video makes me wanna scream

@mssnow (9484)
United States
May 10, 2007 9:34am CST
I saw this video the other day and I cringed. It is so shocking. Even if the cobra has no teeth. What were the parents thinking/? Firs of all its child abuse. Second its animal abuse. and thirdlly whats to keep the child from playing with a cobra that has teeth and can bite and kill. Its one of those things that you think "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???" I dunno, maybe I am over reacting here. Let me know what you all think??
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17 responses
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
10 May 07
This is just sick. I was horrified and had to turn it of. i do not care if the snake had the venom and teeth removed it is still sick people. I would have their kid taken away from them if I had a say in this!
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
well like they said its the culture. and since they don't live where i live then i guess for them it is ok. For me it is unacceptable.
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• Philippines
16 Jun 07
it is really a stupid thing for parents to be doing to their children. the child can be hurt even if the ssnake is already without fangs. we know how snakes are. they do not rely only with their venom to harm people, they also have their capacity to strangle them. i pity the snake much as i pity the child. we just don't have any idea how the child feels by then. as for the snake, we all know that it can no longer survive by itself. without its fangs, it can no longer secure food for itself. it has become dependent on someone else for its continyous survival.
• Canada
11 May 07
WTF?? I'm sorry but what the hell? Momma sits laughing in the background while the baby and the snake "play" together?? Momma need shooting! There is NO way I would EVER let my kids play with any snake no matter what. This includes snakes that have had their teeth grinded down and their mouths sewn shut. Added to which, that's blatant animal abuse. We're in the year 2007 now, and yet people are still pulling sick sh!t like this. How sad, and rather frightening, that a family would get their kicks out of seeing their tiny child play with what is potentially a very dangerous animal.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
11 May 07
well it is animal abuse. to pull teeth out of an animal These snakes are wild they need to stay wild., Plus like i said before whats to keep the baby from going after a snake with teeth. or the snake spiting poisons on that baby.
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@unuzzz (1273)
• Indonesia
11 May 07
oh my God.. what are they thinking ????????????? are you sure it's toothless ??? i don't think soo !!
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@mummymo (23706)
10 May 07
I'm with you on this one snow! These parents should grow up and think before they do stupid things like this xxx
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
11 May 07
Yup just sick sick sick thanks my friend xx
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• United States
10 May 07
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What the heck is wrong with the parents. That is horrible. why would you do that? Why is it entertaining? People make me sick. Even before I was a mom things like this made me want to burn them at the stake no I take it more personal and think. Oh you will get what coming to you.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Yeah well I gues its part of their culture. I'm just glad i live in the US and not over there. I wouldn't give my baby a rattle snake to play with even a defanged one lol.
• Bulgaria
11 May 07
OMG! That's horrible... what kind of person you must be to this to a child.. crazy india..
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 May 07
That makes me want to SCREAM too! Firstly because I hate snakes and secondly most important what planet are they on? How could you do this to anyone let alone a child? It's evil, it's sick and it's disgusting. I remember reading about it in the paper, in this sick society we live in you begin to wonder if you've heard it all until you come across something so bizzare, so hideous so horrific you wonder if it's you going mad. You are not over-reacting. Gambling with a child's life is beyond belief, the parents should be locked up they are unfit to have children.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
They probably have ten children lol Thanks wolfie
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
10 May 07
It must be their culture but I don't agree with a baby with a cobra! what if it swallowed the baby. Shame on the parents and poor baby. I noticed the baby didn't have any diapers on. No you are not overreating. Wether if it had teeth or not still its not right.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Thanks april, I know. it just sickens me
@joluha (342)
10 May 07
What does having diapers on have to do with anything?
@Blazing15 (333)
• United States
10 May 07
I just watched you video and that is very sad. Yes the snake doesn't have teeth but why would the parents even do that. I feel badly for the child. The poor thing didn't even know why this animal kept hitting him in the head. He looked really confused. Of course he is curious as to what it is but the parents should be ashamed of themselves to introduce the baby to the snake this way.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
I know it is sad. I to feel for the baby. I guess that other countries just dont deal with babies the same way we do who knows??
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
LOL I know I just hope the baby was ok
• United States
10 May 07
Oh yea I forgot to say that the only reason why they stopped the video is because the snake got mad and started wrapping itself around the child and freaking out. Hello dont do that to your child. Are you insane.
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@kclaret59 (587)
• Philippines
10 May 07
Same as what's on your mind!! What the heck are they thinking? where are their brains??? i really felt for the child because i know he does not know what he's doing what what's in front of him. if only he knew, then perhaps he should have ran away or at least took steps backward. but hey, the child was really approaching the snake!! such merciless parents!! i'd like to see them play with venomous and dangerous snakes too!!!
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Yup, its just not right. lol My baby would not play with snakes spiders or anything else that could be dangerous no matter if they were stripped of their poisons
@bambi_81 (28)
• United States
10 May 07
I have to agree with the mssnow I can't believe that any parent would put their child in front of any kind of snake like that. Whatever their culture is it should not involve putting a child in danger. Even if this snake doesn't have any teeth the child is not old enough to tell it apart from one that does have teeth.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Yep my point exactly. maybe someone might leave their dangerous cobra out one day and little joey decides o go play with it. Uh oh the snake bit him. Its just not right in my opinion.
@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
10 May 07
As I understand it, some clans in India depend on catching snakes for a living. To expose a child to a snake, however wrong it is to abuse the poor animal, is a way of ensuring that the child would have a means to make a living when he/she grows up. To other cultures all that would seem like pure abuse. To a clan of snake catchers who are outcasts of society, its a gift of life.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Im sure it is a way of life to them. It was just shocking to me because i am not used to seeing babies and snakes together.
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
10 May 07
Having it placed on youtube is taking it out of perspective, many kids in regions with cobra's are introduced to cobras in ways like this. The toothless cobra might snap at the kid, but it will learn a kid on how to recognize a real cobra which is going to snap at you. Many families make a living as well with catching cobra's, a tradition which is taught from parent to child at a young age with either baby cobra's to be caught or having them try and catch toothless cobra's safely. Animal abuse, mwuah, there's a lot in this world animal abuse what many people wouldn't even care about so why all of the sudden should this be a problem?
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
well maybe some people don't care but i do. I do understand its their culture. But to me thats a little baby. I feel like the baby is in danger. Its just the way I believe . and as their culture says its ok. my culture says its not.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
10 May 07
Yes we do have dangerous snakes. We also have dangerous bugs. Im sorry but i would not let my child play with a rattlesnake even if it were defanged.
• Netherlands
10 May 07
Your culture probably has no dangerous snakes going around or any need to catch them. The areas in the world where western society is clashing with nature shows quite easily that western society is all from ready with it, many people are unaware of what to do with snakes. Their best option here is to call a wild-life removal specialist if they have seen it up front or if they didn't recognize any of the signals end up going to the hospital. Misinformation is the only thing which the western society is bring down to their children here, many people would say to suck out the venom, cut out the part where was bitten to get rid of the venom, or anything else completely ridiculous. Hell, many people don't even know which animals live around them in their own areas. No-one introduced it to them simply, and no-one ever taught them on how to handle with it. Recognize what aggressive behavior of an animal is, recognize which animals aren't toxic, etcetera. This kid will be wanting to live a life as well, he cannot be held in home till the age of 18. Now he might have his parents looking after him every single moment of the day but when he is 7 or so he might want to go outside to play with his friends in the neighborhood by himself. Now, this kid knowing how snakes strike, being taught over time which are dangerous etcetera, compared to your own kid placed in the same situation you just having told him don't touch a snake what do you think would happen? Your kid would most likely end up in the hospital, hoping for your sake that one is nearby otherwise it'd simply die because the kid will want to touch the snake. If it's a rattling snake just for rattling so nicely, otherwise for having pretty colors or whatsoever. The kid having been in contact with snakes for years though will have a lot better chance of surviving, knowing how to deal with a situation with snakes and such. But just like when Steve Irwin let his daughter feed a crocodile during a public show, what caused an even much bigger uproar than this, the people who probably came in contact with nothing more dangerous than a poodle are there to say things like this are child abuse. It would be child abuse to let kids in areas with dangerous animals be up to their fate and left to die, many of them live in areas you cannot go around the creatures so you will damn well have to know how to handle them.
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@murciaman (441)
9 Jun 07
whilst i think that this is really sick in terms of how we measure standards in the west and im sure it would not be aceptable here YOU do have to put things in someone pointed out.. it is an excelent way to teach children about snakes if you live in a third world country were they are abundant...this child wil grow up with no fear of snakes it is importnat to teach the children not to be scared... we are too mamby pamby in the west ...remember in 3rd world countries children are not only seen as children but culturally they are the future they are a means of earning a living.. no doubt by the time this child is six or seven he will be streetwise enough to earn income for the family...yes yes yes we know it is not acceptable in the West ...but dont you think people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones...for all our wealth and moral high ground just go and look at government figures for CHILD and ANIMAL abuse in the West....think of how the Mcanns in Portugal with all their wealth and education saw fit to leave their babies unattended in a foreign country
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
9 Jun 07
What if after playing with the cobra that was defanged, the baby at say 2 sees one in the jungle. So it trys to play with the one in the wild because it has been taught that cobras wont hurt him. The cobra could spit or bite and kill that child quickly. Just because they live around those animals does not make it right to let a small child who doesn't realize that they could die play with one. I would not let my baby play with an unfanged snake. Maybe when they are old enough to realize the dangers. But that was a baby. They don't understand.
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
the entire family just watched this video on this afternoon. most probably, they just got the video in there. the cobra was without fangs already. they had removed the fangs as the snake was obviously used for other purposes. kind of a source of income for the family which was using it in some shows. it is a shocking thing for some people to be doing that. it is cruelty to animals. it is also a cruel thing to do to the baby. that child will be thinking that snakes can do no harm to him. so when he finds one, he will just simply approach one without fear and even go after some which he can find. then we all know that disaster can strike from there.
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
11 May 07
I watched that video OMG that is very demented. It is sick. I do not know what the parents were thinking but they are so wrong. They need to have that child taken from them by the authorities or at least go to some parenting classes. And they were even laughing about it!~
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
11 May 07
Wow, that's just awful. I didn't even want to finish watching it. And it sounded like they were all laughing in the backround. Um how is that funny? It's not. I agree with everything you said about child and animal abuse, and from the looks of it, teeth or not that snake could be dangerous. Ugh, I feel sick now. Poor baby. I hate that there are reckless parents out there, culture or not.
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