Love is Blind..?
By chickangel
@chickangel (161)
United States
May 10, 2007 3:47pm CST
I heard this phrase several times. I believe you can be. You can love a person so much that you don't care what they do. They can hurt you and you take them back time after time, because you hope that this time it will be better.
I have been cheated on a few times and though it hurt everytime I did not listen to any one's advice, and I took him back(he was begging for our daughters sake). I am still with him and I love him, yes it still hurts to think about the past but now that we (me,my daughter, and our baby) it feel right. Before I lived in Kansas, and he was in Texas, so I think that was the reason for his cheating. Maybe he didn't know how he felt about being a family man till after he seen his daughter for the first time. I love him and want to give him the chance to be a daddy, and want our baby to know her father. I have been told I should take their advise because "Love is Blind." Well if I'm blinded by love and am happy now, isn't that a good thing that I didn't listen?
Lots I'm sure will disagree, some mught understand. Has anyone ever took the chance to see if the person you love, will change even in the littlest way.
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24 responses
@dppower37 (69)
• United States
11 May 07
Love is Blind.But I believe ultimstely you have to look out for your own interests and be a little selfish.Because you only live once and basically we all die alone.
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@dppower37 (69)
• United States
12 May 07
I dont mean to sound cold.But all I know is my mom and dad were married for 48 years.When my dad past away my mom essentially gave up.She kept every card he ever gave her and hated being alone.She never felt safe.In that case her love for him overpowered her rendering her unable to take of herself which is what anybody should be able to do.She talked about joining him for five years.In April she finally did.I miss her a lot and will visit her on Mothers Day at the cemetary.But I also realize she wasnt herself the last 5 years and she wasnt happy.That is the power of love.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
11 May 07
Love IS blind. Well, anyway, there was this girl who said she loved me. I gave her a chance. We became partners for about a week. She didn't pay me any attention, she didn't want to talk to me, we didn't go out... Nothing like that. So, I said it was over. She was playing games with me. Then, she said she loves me, but I doubt it.
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@chickangel (161)
• United States
11 May 07
Yes, I would doubt it too. I always that the first week of being together was soppose to be the best time, usualy after a few months thats when the flame slows down. Thats been my experience. Yes if there were no flames at the beginning then I would have ended it too. My boyfriend when we got together treated me great, always wanted to be with me and talk, he hated country music but would go to the country club and dance with me (I tought him how to)...that how it was till about 6months into our relation ship, thats when things then I was soo in love with him. I tryed to back out of the relationship as soon as I relized I was falling for him told him i wanted to be freinds day he changed my mind.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
14 May 07
Life's always teaching us new things everyday, huh?
Well, as you said, the first months must be the one with more flames. But I never stayed in a serious relationship for not even one month.
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@sbsarkar (8)
• India
11 May 07
Love and compassion are the inanimate feelings that one reconciles with every now and then.Love is not bound just to the love of a man and a woman.It exists in every relationship be it between a mother and a child or be it between friends,brothers or sisters.Love is a divine gift of GOD and one will find peace and happiness of mind and soul when one has the desire or passion for it.I experienced what is Blind Love.I loved a girl in my school days,but could never communicate my feelings to her.One day I decided to write a mail to her expressing my feelings.She never responded to it.But we were good friends in our school days.I still love her and feel her presence around me every now and then.Now she is far off from me and is still single,does she conider me as a life partner is still a mystery.But I hope one day she will understand my feelings and come to me.
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@chickangel (161)
• United States
11 May 07
I hope she does decide to give you the chance. :)
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@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
11 May 07
Hmmm i think its not the love who is blind its the person who makes it blind because they let it. when you love someone so deeply even it hurts you a lot like emotionally or physically even mentally because of that feeling of love you became blind of the fact. I was then blinded before but i woke up when i realize its not worth it. If i let myself stuck up with that situation and let my emotion handle it i could not be this happier. I maybe sitting on the corner crying and crying and feel sorry for myself. In your case i understand and feel happy for you. I guess that must really your fate and i also think everyone may differ in every situation so i guess its case to case basis and i believe taht everything that happens to us has its purpose. Godbless you!
@kethavat (24)
• United States
11 May 07
LOVE IS BLINd....but before u get into love ..its better u wont get blind...becos of someones beauty, & etc.., i made a mistake in my life..& still struggling to come out of it ...which hasnt been soo smooth what i used too thought ..but still at end of the day ..i start telling myself LOVE IS REALLY BLIND....u dont care who the person ur much pain they give you ..they just use you for ther need & they never ever understand..ur love! May b i am boring u ...
take care all the folks..
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@chickangel (161)
• United States
11 May 07
No, you not boring. thank-you for your response.
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@leeesa (884)
• United States
11 May 07
As far as I'm concerned, unconditional love (or blind love) means you love someone in spite of the fact that he/she snores, or maybe doesn't look like a model. It doesn't mean taking them back when they cheat on you or staying with someone who beats the cr*p out of you. You can blame it on blind love, but its much deeper than that. If you are really happy, they you wouldn't be posting this and questioning it. Do the right thing for you and your daughter. As they say....cheat on me once, shame on you. Cheat on my twice, shame on me.
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@leeesa (884)
• United States
11 May 07
Forgot to add...I don't mean this to sound so harsh, but I've been in your shoes and it's really difficult when there's a child involved. It may turn out good, and I hope it does, but honestly, the odds are against you. I never saw anything good come out of a relationship where cheating more than once was involved. If he knows that you'll take him back, he may continue to do it. I sincerely hope not though and wish you the best. Just follow you're heart and you'll be fine.
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@fellowlife (988)
• Nigeria
11 May 07
well i wouldnt agree that love is bling cause it is not. Well as for your case, its not a matter of love been blind, its a matter of believing and having faith in oyur actions.
Though you guys are still together but what i want topoint out is that the change you have seen came from the guy and the fact that he came to terms with himself. What if he decides not to change from his cheat ways? would you still be happy?
So its a matter of reason from both parties
@phayeth (519)
• Philippines
11 May 07
love blind? my its the person who feels, myself is blinded with the person i love.. hehehehe.. i know he did bad things and i did too..
when u fall love.. u will not see what the persons bad side.... u can only see the good side.. even if u already see the bad side of that person... still u want to be with the person.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
10 May 07
I definitely think love is blind. I've seen this occur one too many times where the partner of a SO has been cheated on, or abused and they just don't see that something is wrong within the relationship. I think that people so deeply love their partners and just refuse to see that anything is wrong because their partner is supposed to be perfect, and so loving and caring. So they refuse to see that their partner is any less than perfect and refuse to see that their partner is abusing them in any way. It really takes quite a lot for people in bad relationships to see that their partner is treating them badly before they'll get out. I wish that wasn't so. I wish people weren't so blind when it came to relationships because I think it would really save people a lot of trouble in the end.
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@chickangel (161)
• United States
10 May 07
That is true, I know I am inlove with my boyfriend and have taken him back more then once, the last time I told him I will not take him back if he does it again, I told him me and the baby (of course my other daughter too) will be gone. And I mean that. I have been blind and when I hear his voice asking for another chance I melt, But I have put my foot down this time. So far everything seems right, but I find my self paying better attention to his actions then I have before.
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@vikimishra (628)
• New Zealand
11 May 07
I truely beleive in this ..because moment i see any one attarctive i just get attracted ...i want to run toward her and grab her in my arms and start planting kisses . So i think love is blind at least it os for me ..i don't know what others think
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@taurean83 (505)
• United States
11 May 07
I think NOT ONLY BLIND ITS DEAF AND DUMB TOO...lols jokes apart...
Actually the thing is if you love someone you thinks that he's a complete man,He can't do anything wrong.So that is why you can never see their mistakes even if they are doing it infront of you.It hurts if someone you madly in love with get change for you for such small purpose and seriously right now I am feeling really bad about you.I believe if he loves you truly there's no question of cheating or flirting in such case.You and him may live far apart but you should have trust and bonding with each other that noone could ever break.You should think like this that he is mine where ever he goes he has to come back to me.Because he belongs me.That is how I am.
@chickangel (161)
• United States
11 May 07
That is how I feel for him, I don't want no one else but him, I have not cheated on him once nomatter where he was. I would trust him. I did trust him, till the girl and his friends told me what happened, I confronted him and he appoligized and begged for a nother chance for our baby...he said he wanted to give her a better life then he had.
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@alonayosi (13)
• Philippines
11 May 07
i got your point cause that also happen to me right now. he is not cheated with me but he hurt me all he things he do everytime i am with him theres nothing important is there friends he like to with them then me and our baby,sometimes he let me work everything and iam crying and trying to do those things for us,we fight alot and we break up many time but were still back to each other because because I LOVE HIM...but one time we separate cause thats what he want and my baby live without him and let him do what he want to do...after many days his back and he want our family build again...i forgive him cause of our baby cause our baby starting to speak papa in the age of 8 months so i want my baby to have a complete parents and have a good family living
@samurzakano (4)
• Georgia
11 May 07
well, if a man is far avay from his wife for a long time, definitely he needs to chang oil. this is it. so do not take it seriously. you know men is men, if he loves you he will love you forever.
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@eeseharden (603)
• United States
11 May 07
I know from experience that love can be blind, deaf, and dumb. I was in a very bad physically abusive relationship in high school and I really was in love with this guy...or so I thought. I always made excuses for him and overlooked all his flaws and thought if I could love him more, he would change. Wrong. It almost got me killed. People can change, but you have to open your eyes wide and make sure that you are seeing things clearly.
@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
11 May 07
love is definitely blind! or are we the ones who are blind? but love has gotten to me and has made me blind. i've done things that i'm not proud of (nothing bad, but only things an idiot would do :P) because of love. to me, love is everything (or so i think)..
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@heavenhack7 (20)
• India
11 May 07
ya i think love is blind its my personal experince
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