the secret
By mismoney
@mismoney (130)
United States
11 responses
@EdithYeung (11)
• United States
11 May 07
I love the movie and the book. I absolutely believe in "The Secret". I started my website on April 2nd, 2007 and my goal is to hit 1 million users per month one year from now. Within 2 weeks, I met one of the most popular blogger - Seth Godin and my website traffic has been growing exponentially by linking to him.
The Law of Attraction is absolutely working. Check out my website and sign up for my EY Insider.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
11 May 07
I haven't read the book, but I really don't care too. The book to me, just seems like an over fabricated version of positive thinking that's been around for years. The author of "The Secret" just took the book, dolled it up and made it look prettier and different so it would appeal to people more, so they'd be more inclined to read it. I'm just sad that people were more readily willing to believe her book, than to believe the hundreds of books written before it about the same exact subject, just not as overly fabricated.
@Nahara (1673)
• Israel
25 May 07
Well, I've seen this movie and I sure feel a lot better with myself I don't know if it's a testimony but it changed my life completely and am thanking my friend for sending me this movie
@protectiva (687)
• United States
23 May 07
Oops, I just remembered 2 more
1) I was listening to some psytrance in my car on the ipod and I was thinking that I wanted to invite the man that I love out to the desert with me to commune with nature. I pictured us out there in the desert briefly and smiled. Just then the phone rang, and it was my beloved, saying he had just woken up from a dream where he asked me to go to the desert with him for a psytrance party. And so, we made plans to go to the desert.
2) My friend has Crohn's disease, and his intestine was hurting him and he hadn't been able to take a decent crap in days. We laid on the couch, and I told him to visualize himself taking a great big satisfying crap and feeling much better. And then, I pictured him coming out of the bathroom with a big smile on his face telling me he felt 100% better. Lo and behold, later that night, probably about 4 - 6 hours later, he ran to the bathroom and he was in there for a while. He came out with a very big smile on his face and said that he'd cleaned everything out and his intestine did not hurt anymore. And then, the next day, he took another superbig crap and he said he was really happy that everything was moving along and he was not in pain.
(that one was sort of gross, I know, but it made us real happy).
@protectiva (687)
• United States
23 May 07
i've not yet read the book, but I have seen the movie. As for testimonials, I have 3 really cool things that have happened so far:
1) On my way to work (I have a loooong commute), I looked at the time and noticed that I had like 30 minutes to get to the office. I was about 45 minutes away from the office. I visualized myself running into the office right on time, with a relived smile on my face. I allowed that feeling of relief and happiness to pass over and through me, and then I just concentrated really hard on driving fast and cutting time off of my commute. I asked the universe to just open up enough spots on the road and move the traffic patterns in a way that would allow me to get to work on time.
Indeed, as I pulled into the parking lot at work, I had 2 minutes to spare. I grabbed my stuff and ran into the office at 8:29 and I had to be there by 8:30. Then, I expressed much thanks and smiled that relieved smile.
2) I asked for unexpected money and envisioned myself with several $20 bills in my pocket. When I got to work, my coworker Tammy gave me 6 $20 bills and told me it was reimbursement for paying for these office supplies I had totally forgotten about. I was so happy. It happened exactly as I had envisioned it.
3) I was calculating my finances last night, and I was coming up short, probably about $30 - $50 for the pay period. I became worried about it because I thought oh crap, I don't want to take money out of my savings. I woke up this morning still thinking about it, and then I just woke up and before I got up and out of bed, I thanked the universe for the day, for my friends, for what I had. And I asked the universe to help me out with the money somehow, to provide a solution. Lo and behold, when I went to look at my numbers again, I had totally miscalculated the night before, and not only was I not short, I had over $200 extra for the pay period. I thanked the universe for helping me.
That's it so far, but I am confident, I will have more stories in the near future...
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 May 07
This is my third time writing on this topic. I was givin the movie by my sister and after weatching it several times it really sunk in but if you liked the Secret you should also see the movie "what the bleep do we know" it really did change my mind and spirit and put me on the road to finding real lasting comfort in my life by knowing exactly why I feel and act the way I do about things.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
10 May 07
I've not read the book, but I've wathed the online movie. I've considered buying the DVD. I've read James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh" and I'm familiar with the words of the Christ and the Buddha. I've also read the "Celestine Prophecy".
Ultimately, in my life, I've realized I see and find what I'm expecting to find, and I've realized things tend to come at us in patterns--patterns that are too well-defined to be simple coincidence.
@astnusaresources (312)
• Malaysia
12 May 07
I have not read the book but i have read a book that more power and more visual than that book. The title is secretroad.... You can view it here at
@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
16 May 07
I have NOT read the book, but I HAVE seen the DVD twice! I DON'T have a PERSONAL testimony 2 discuss here, but I WILL give u MY take on "The Secret" as a whole.
Well, positive thinking, and the law of attraction are NOTHING NEW! "The Secret" is just a nicely packaged version of these 2 old principles. I personally don't think that positive thinking ALONE works. Plus, "The Secret" mainly focuses on manifesting THINGS that u want, thru just concentrating your thoughts on them. While it may be beneficial 2 have a "positive" attitude, it CANNOT manifest the reality of your choosing, by itself, because what "The Secret" DOESN'T address is all of the "baggage" that's ALREADY in your subconscious mind! This is why a person CAN want something, consciously, yet ATTRACT something totally DIFFERENT, because the SUBCONSCIOUS mind is STRONGER than the conscious mind, and there-4, whatever beliefs u hold, DEEP DOWN, will determine what manifests in your life! Of course, there can always be "divine intervention". I NEVER rule THAT out! But, if it were as simple as they CLAIM, then we'd ALL be happy and fulfilled, and that obviously is NOT the case!
The testimonies of the people who are IN "The Secret" DVD DON'T address, FULLY anyway, what's going on DEEP INSIDE of them. They present it like they've mastered how 2 manifest the THINGS that they want, and now, everything's all good! But, they DON'T address their PASTS (in DEPTH), and how their upbringings have affected them PSYCHOLOGICALLY, and so, the acquisition of more THINGS seems 2 be, in some of their cases, just a "smokescreen" 2 cover up their REAL issues, which are NOT healed by material items!
So, do I believe in the law of attraction? Yes! It is valid. Do I believe that "The Secret" is THE answer? No. It may be PART of the answer, but it's NOT the "end all"!
It's NOT a magic formula, which is how it's being promoted, like some type of infomercial or something. Focusing on what u want CAN help matters, but if u have serious emotional and psychological "wounds" (which, I say, that we ALL do, just DIFFERENT 1's 4 everybody, and 2 varying degrees), THOSE things must be addressed, dealt with, and HEALED B-4 u can actually be truly FULFILLED! U CAN manage 2 manifest material things even IN a "wounded" state of being, but u'll NEVER be TRULY HAPPY, deep down, until your INSIDES are healed!
@justnikkihere (107)
• Australia
22 May 07
I havnt read the book but i have seen the documentary. I can tell you right now it works...
I have just been visualizing that someone will put money into my hand and 3 days later i was handed $50. The same day i was asked if i wanted to do some gardening and get some more money! so in my mind yeah it works and i believe it 100%
@randallc (54)
• United States
22 May 07
I have seen the movie, and i did try it for a week and in the morning i looked at my little girl and it made me happy and so i went to work happy. and when the boss or someone pissed me off i thought of her and it was like water on a ducks back. it worked for a while but then I got sad for leaving her everyday and i missed her all day at work thinking about my baby at home growing and changing and i started to think what if i miss her first steps or first words. but i kept thinking of positive things that i want and they are starting to come to me. not here fully yet but close