what is love
By jmnordstrom
@jmnordstrom (13)
United States
May 10, 2007 6:23pm CST
Hello all my new friends. I am new here and I got something from my future dauther-in-law that I would like to share.The reason it touched me so is the fact me and my kids suffered abuse for years from a man who was suppose to love us.This man's idea of love was simple we were bought and paid for.He was more verbal,emotional than physcial although there was plenty of that. This is not love. Love is trust,respect honesty,faith,companionship,loyalty,being together,sharing talking, friendship.I met a wonderful man on the internet about 7 years ago. We have been together the full time we just got married Sept 2006. He has shown my children what being a father and a man means.My youngest suffers with heritery elipesy/seizure disorder.He gives her everything a father should he accepts her, Loves and cares for her. Like a real father should. I am so Blessed.Her father has had no contact with her for at least 1-1/12 because if he can't fix it he wants no part of it.She is simply another bill to him. Her condition came from his side of the family.He takes no responsibilty. I pay child support is all I get when I ask him to Please call your daughter.She gets no birthday cards, Christmas, cards gifts nothing.But you know what I guess it really doesn't matter except when she says my daddy come get me I go to his house and I don't know how to explain that it's not gonna happen. It's not the many seizure she endures, it's the length of time they last ,this with the meds has left her MR/DD mentally retarded/develomently delayed. Any way sorry to ramble , but when I recieved this it gave me chills,made me cry, and made me sick at my tummy at the same time. Like I said I don't want to offend anyone and since I am new I hope no one minds me sharing this.If this is offenseive in anyway to any one I'm truly sorry.
My name is Sarah
I am but three,My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid, I must be bad,what else could have made my daddy so mad?
I wish I were better, I wish I weren't ugly,I can't speak at all, I can't do no wrong Or else I'm locked up ALL the day Long.When I awake I'm all alone The house is dark and my folks are not home.Don't make a sound I'll try to be nice so maybe I'll only get one whipping tonight. I just heard a car My daddy is back from Charlies Bar
I hear him curse My name he calls I press myself up againt the wall. I try to hide and fad into the wall. I start to weep and begain to cry. He shouts ugly words and say it's My fault that he had a bad day and suffered at work.he slaps me and hits me, and yells some more. I finally get free and run to the door. The door is locked. He grabs me and throws me hard against the wall. I fall to the floor with bones nearly broken.Daddy continues with more bad ugly words spoken. I scream I'm sorry But it's much to late His face has been twisted into unimaginable hate. The Hurt and the Pain. Again and Again. Oh Please Dear God Have Mercy.Oh Please let it End.Daddy finally stops and heads for the door.As I lay there motionless sprawled on the floor
My name is Sarah and I am but three. Tonight my daady murdered me.
Sorry this is so long but it truly touched me. I can remember many nights when my children heard their dads car and they would stop what they were doing and run to their rooms and hide.
This is not a life No one should have to go through this. NO MAN Or WOMAN has any right to lay a hand on their partner(That is NOT LOVE).Unless it is loving, caressing, gently touch.
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