Are PitBulls bad pets???
By SmokePiff
@SmokePiff (436)
United States
12 responses
@naturesgurl (65)
• United States
27 May 07
Oh i love my pitty, He is a big lovable baby, I get really upset when people talk down on the breed, as if they are the only breed that can be "bad". They passed thier temperment tests, with a higher score then a lab, or even a beagle. I believe that anyone who wants one of these beautiful dogs, needs to have a serious background check, and even some training themselves on how to respectably train and love these dogs, I know not everyone who wants a pit, is gonna treat it bad, by abusing it, or fighting it, i know becuase i am one of these people, i didnt get this dog becuase i wanted to look tough, or for any negative reasons, the truth is, my lil guy found me, i fell in love with him the first time i laid eyes on him, and i had to keep him. He is nothing more then a big baby, who loves licking your face. I have found from having different dogs, like a pug and shepard mix, ( that currently live with my pup rocco, ) that they seem to be much more obedient, he is only just over a year old, and it didnt take him long to know his boundries, in the yard, it took my shepard mix, three years, and even getting hit by a car to realize she needed to stay in the yard. ( she didnt get seriously hurt, it was winter and she slid across the road when the tire hit her, on time i say thank you for ice. )She is now, six. My pug, well my grandmothers pug, is two years old, i have had him since he was three months old. (she lives with me... i take care of her b/c of medical reasons) and he dont know his boundries at all in the yard. lol i could go on and on about my animals. On to the point. I think they are the best dogs, I think the media hype and misinformed people make it hard for these dogs, and give them a bad name, Yes there are bad pits, but just like any other dog, if you treat them with no respect, beat on them, keep them tied up or penned, give them no mental stimulation, or physical stimulation, and constantly forget to feed and water it, they will go bad to. Its not the breed its the deed that is done to these dogs. THey are wonderful. I will deff. get another pit in my life time, maybe even two.
@Melissa528 (744)
• United States
11 May 07
I think pitbulls are great pets. If the dog is aggressive then I blame it on the owner. It is the owners job to train the animal to be a loving pet that gets along with people.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
12 May 07
I agree with Melissa, its all how you train your animal. If you train your dog to get along with people and other pets...then thats good because if you bring new people to the house the dog will adapt to them...and not feel like there the enemy.
@lizabeth (666)
• United States
13 Nov 07
I think pitbulls are great pets for responsible people. I have one that lives in the house with a chihuahua. I always make sure not to leave them alone in a room. They get along great. Pitbulls need lots of attention, love and exercise.
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
19 Oct 07
Pit bulls are amazing pets and companions. They are easily trained and listen very well. I find these dogs to be smarter and more protective then any other breed of dog and I also own a big Rottwieler. As long as they are raised right they are a great family pet and can be trusted but if you get on that was abused it might be a different story. I got my pit bull 3 years ago from a guy who was trying to turn her into a killer but this dog does not have the heart to kill. Anyways I was offered her but didn't know if I could care for her because I had heard all the stories at the time to. Anyways I said maybe I could and he said let him no fast or he was taking her to be put down. I looked into that dogs eyes and they were so sad you could tell she had been through so much in her 11 weeks of life that she was ready to die. Right there and then I said I'll take her. It took me 2 weeks of hand feeding her to get her to eat then it was another 4 months before I had even heard her bark. This dog was so broken I though she was a lost cause but I stayed with her everyday feeding her until she was ready to eat by herself and so on. Here we are 3 years later and my dog is doing amazing. She is so good and understands pretty much evreything you say to her. Anyways the pit bull is the greatest pet I have ever personally had.
@iloveyoubee (4)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
yo! for me pitbulls are not bad pets because they are very friendly and playful. I can say that also it depends on how you will train your pet pitbull if you will spoiled him or discipline him properly.
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
28 May 07
As with any other dog, his personality and behavior will reflect that of how he was raised. I used to go along with the sterotype that pit bulls were automatically dangerous, but upon owning one my view has totally changed. Pit bull owners do have to take care in raising the pet, they have needs like being well exercised and often pit bulls don't mix well with other dogs.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I really dont know.I think is based on how the owner trains the animal.SO i really cant judge them even though i've heard some vicous
@IceGurl (3)
• Philippines
11 May 07
for me, pitbulls are not bad pets actually they are are very sweet. more sweeter and gentle than a golden retriever. i can testify it myself because I have one and she never showed such one sign of agressiveness aside from being playful.You know what,pitbulls are just like children. It is how you raise them up.It depends on the pet owner if they will provoke or teach their pets to be agressive. The trick is never hurt them bad.
@robynlisa (69)
• United States
30 May 07
we have a pit & she is the most loving dog ive ever owned. very gentle, playful,curious & sweet as can be.
@Tiffany1234 (1)
30 May 07
No i dont think they are pitbulls can be lovable pets just over the years they ave got bad names for theirselves an i find it very unfair. It depends wot way u bring up any animal wot way they turn out an pitbulls can be so loving it annoys me the way people make them out to be.