I am pregnant and right now it hurts....
By Marie2473
@Marie2473 (8512)
May 11, 2007 6:53am CST
I just recently took a test and found out that I was pregnant, despite deposhot. Sure, nervous but still so HAPPY =)
The thing is, when I woke up today I have a strange pain in my lower stomach and it does not feel natural or good..
I have tried to call the doctor but I couldnt get through so I called a nurse. She said that it was normal to feel pains like this in the beginning, however I am really worried now..
To you out there that has or are pregnant - is it normal to feel pains in your lower stomach in the beginning of pregnancy?
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31 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 07
Yes, it is normal to feel early pregnancy pains. It's probably your menstrual cycle. If this is around the time when your menstruation would have been due, then you will very probably feel a kind of dull period pain.
Don't worry about it... that's the worst thing you can do. You might even get a very light spotting, and this won't mean anything either. I wish you all the luck in the world with your pregnancy. Keep smiling and experience the joys of pre-motherhood. It's always very daunting the first time round, but you'll make it. Stay positive and let us know when you give birth, if you're still here, at Mylot. :-)
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 May 07
Thanx alot. I am not sure if this is my period time. Have not had it for over a year since I am on the deposhot.. I hope that these are normal pains thouhg, however if they get any worse than now I will have to go to the doctor.
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@feathers26 (865)
• Philippines
11 May 07
I think you are lucky for expecting a baby soon, but with regards your morning sickness you need to visit a your obgynist/gynecologist, inorder for you to be check your actual situation and there is an expert advice regarding your situation.so that you won't speculate and you will have peace of mind.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
11 May 07
You could be feeling a number of things. When I was pregnant with my first child I had all kinds of pain and my doctor was so wonderful he told me to come into his office each and everytime I had one, which was ALOT, I went to my doctor every week if not everyday, your pains could be your hormones, it could be numerous other things also, some of us don't carry our babies as well as others, even our blood relatives, we all are different and all have pains differently than each other. If there is no bleeding or hard cramping I would not worry about and just get with your doctor if one of these happens or on your next visit, I am sure it is nothing but your body telling you "what are you doing to me?". Take care
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 May 07
Thanx for responding so fast. I will wait a while, however if it gets worse than this i will go to a doctor coz it really hurts and that really scares me...
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
11 May 07
Understandably you should have the doctor look at you, but don't be surprised if he says everything is okay, our first pregnancy is the hardest, it is the time our body is going through changes and be dealt with all the hormones getting ready for that wonderful bundle of joy. Just don't focus on the pain (I know it is hard) and think wonderful thoughts of how beautiful that is baby is going to be. Keep us apprised, even though we are miles away from you, we all worry about YOU~!
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
11 May 07
Hello,marie,i had no experience before but i know you may suffer from pain and some strange craving when in pregnancy,may be you have to take care of yourself from now on,eat more and sleep more so that the baby will grow healthily and have good nutrition.
Take care then.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 May 07
Thanx, yeah I have to change alot of things now and later =) Just hope that the pains i am feeling now are normal
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
I know how you feel. I am 38 weeks pregnant but when I was 4 to 5 weeks pregnant I got a pain in my lower stomach. I think it was my body changing and my baby beginning to develop. In the UK we do not see midwifes we are until 12 weeks pregnant. But I think early pregnancy is a very important time. It is a time when many women suffer morning sickness. I hope you feel better soon.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 May 07
Thanx, I will consulyt a doctor if it gets worse than it is now.. But i will assume for now that they are normal pains =)
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@happy0123 (6)
• Qatar
11 May 07
hi there marie! i'm 37 weeks pregnant now. and im a little worried about the pain you are feeling. earlier in my pregnancy, i never felt any abdominal pain. what i felt was extreme tiredness/lethargy, loss of appetite and dislike to a lot of smell.
i have read though that during the implantation of the fetus, mothers feel some pain, experience light bleeding just like having a regular menstrual period but the blood is pinkish in color. but not all pregnant women experience this. not all pregnancy experiences are the same.
perhaps it is best that you see an obstetrician to look into your problem. don't delay. every moment counts for your precious little cargo.
take care and congratulations! every baby is gift from God.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 May 07
Thanx. I think I will call the doctor again - and see if he can squeeze me in today mjust to be sure...
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
11 May 07
I do believe that it is normal to feel different pains and such at the beginning and all thro your pregnancy. It is just your body adjusting to the new situation as things happen and change within your body. If these pains are persistant and dont go away from time to time..or if they get worse...I would suggest making a trip to the doc or hospital...just to be sure. Chances are everything is perfectly fine...but just on the side of percaution! Good luck with your pregnancy :)
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@ruhina_0786 (57)
• United States
12 May 07
Hey Marie Congratulations on becoming a mother although i want to experience the same, i know its a wonderful feeling but at the same time you get pains also but do take proper care of yourself
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
11 May 07
It is normal to feel pains like this in your tummy. As it's still the very early stages of pregnancy, it may just be the embryo embedding itself more firmly, or it may be the womb lining thickening even more. It happens from time to time. As someone said, if it's around the time that you'd have your period, it may just be that.
Try not to worry too too much. Strange aches and pains are par for the course with pregnancy. I wish you all the very best, and congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy.
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@sunup13 (420)
• Canada
11 May 07
The first time I felt it myself I had to think what am I in for! Your stomach has to make room for a baby so naturally it has to move and stretch. SO that is what the pains are your uterus and stomach starting to stretch and grow. It doesn't feel all that great but it only lasts a short while and in the end it will all be worth it! Good luck and congrats!
@amgine (225)
• Philippines
11 May 07
i guess it would be best for you to really see a doctor. im 7mos pregnant now with my first baby and i couldnt recall ever feeling those kind of pains. just go see a doctor immediately. hope everything will be okay.
@aniez0906 (263)
• Indonesia
12 May 07
be a good mom...
@irfan_fatboy (192)
• India
12 May 07
its quite normal to feel pains when you are pregnant so no need to worly pretty lady just relax and check for the doctor frequently ;)
@nigtvamp (102)
• United States
12 May 07
I felt lots of pains in my abdomin durng my pregnancy. It varied from slight pains to "ohmygodwhattheheckisthat" pans. My best friend who went to nursing school told me it was the ligiments stretching and the body prepairing for the, um, expansion it will soon be dong.
If you would feel comfortible talking to a doctor about it though, then do it. It never hurts to ask, especially when you are pregnant. :)
@jrwork (5)
• Thailand
12 May 07
Hi there, pls relax and do not worry so much and take more calcium food.
My wife is also pregnant for about 3 months and at the beginning stage say between the first month, she suffers regular pain in the stomache at nights before sleep.
Worry as usual, I brought her to see a the doctor but that was what they say exactly your doctor said to you. Now she's fine just suffer a little of giddiness now and then.
@tictactams (135)
• Australia
12 May 07
hi all women experiance differnent problems when they are pregant some have no problems other have many i know that ive had five kids i had the crapping for a few weeks it was just normal dr says that the body going thro changes to make room for bubs i dont think you have much to worry about but it always pays to go see the dr anyway just to make sure i know with my three boys i had problems all the way thro but my girl nothing at all if you have niggling problems and your worried then see the dr cause if your stressing its not good for bubs and it will put your mind at rest whats wrong take care hope all goes well soon you will have a new bundle of joy
@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
12 May 07
hey tha's not normal. that depends on the pain that your are feeling. if it's like you're having a dismenorrhea then it's serious. you could be having a threatened abortion. it the pain is bearable and it passed after a few minutes then it's probalby nothing. it's true that during the first trimester we will experience pain but if it's persisitent don't take it for granted consult your doctor. i've 3 kids all of them i've experienced pain. my sister who is an ob-gyn advised me that whenever i feel pain i should always tell my doctor about it. if it's nothing you've nothing to loose anyway. also check your panty. if your discharges is brownies or reddish you could be in danger of losing the baby. but don't panic just take it easy and go to your doctor. i hope that i was able to help you. please take care of yourself.