Have you ever been affraid of a cat or had a cat that others were affraid of?
By msjigga
@msjigga (864)
United States
May 11, 2007 8:38am CST
I once had a cat named Precious. Precious was a very pretty persian cat everyone adored her when they seen her. I got her at a very cheap price I could not figure out why someone who claimed to love cats would want to sell her. Well shortly after I brought her home I found out why she was mean to females. My daugthers pet her and immeidately she scratched her, however when my nephew and my Dad pet her she purred. when I had company I had to lock her in her room because everytime a female would walk up the stairs she would scratch their ankles. I had so many scars on my ankles and the back of my legs. I was affraid of cats for awhile after having her she traumatized me. Have you had or been around a mean cat? Have you ever been affraid of a cat before?
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12 responses
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
15 May 07
yes-i have a black cat i inheirited from my uncle that was absolutely hell on wheels when he arrived here.he had my other 4 cats on the run and a couple members of my family,too.
i think it was just because he was scared,and couldn't figure out where my uncle went (he passed away),and in a strange place.
after about 6 months of affection,catnip and constant petting,he finally calmed down.
the one cat of mine still gives him a wide berth,though.
@cipher2004 (1183)
• United States
13 May 07
My boyfriend at the time and I were walking down the street.This cat came out of nowhere and clung to his leg and started biting him.It was horrible.The owners came out and grabbed the cat.They also paid for hospital bills.Cats can be mean sometimes.But I have never had a bad cat.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
13 May 07
Thanks for responding to my discussion. Preceious was a complete shock to me she was beautiful persian cat I never heard of a mean cat before. I was always told dogs can be mean watch out for the dogs. We were affraid to let Precious outside without a leash because she could run off and attack someone. That is crazy I hope your boyfriend is ok.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
17 May 07
I have to agree with the first poster...cats don't act like this unless they have a reason! Perhaps a woman was mean to her. I know some people that are scared of cats and I am slightly suspicious of these people - although usually if they spend time around cats they change their minds about them. Anyone who is mean to animals has something wrong with them.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
18 May 07
Thanks for responding to my discussion. I agree thst people should not be mean to animals. Precious was a very mean cat to every female that came around her. I was affraid of her my daugther was scared of her anf she loves cats she begged me for a new cat. I would have to keep her on a leash when I took her out because I feared that she would hurt someone in the neighborhood. My other cats would run free in the yard and would be ok. Precious bit a hole in my daugthers coat for no reason I had to get rid of her because she could have hurt my daugther bad my daugther was 4 years old at the time and Precious could have really hurt her. I took Precious to get declawed they thaught maybe she had rabbies I did not think so they said the only way they can check if they cut her head off I was not in agreeance with that. I ended up taking Precious to the Animal Rescue League.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Its such a shame that Precious was like this to you and your daughter and any other females yet didn't react that way to male cats. I just can't help thinking that there must have been some kind of abuse in her kitten days, that made her react that way, and must have been from females...thus she continued to associate any kind of abuse to all females. I've had cats all my life, and never had any "monsters"..only way I can put it. All of my cats have been fairly even-tempered. I hope you don't judge all cats by the behavior of this one...Precious' behavior was just a weird extreme example and sorry you had to go through that
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Thanks ever...I'm glad you no longer fear cats :)
My avatar picture is from a scanned photo I made from the cover of a book I have called Your Magickal Cat by Gerina Dunwich..when I saw it I identified with it...though I do have a cat like that and his name is Pyewacket...Here's a picture of my "real" Pyewacket..hehe--the "ham" in my life and loves all my attention
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Hi pyewacket! I no longer fear cats. I did fear cats for a little while because of Precious. Precious was not all bad because she taught me a valuable lesson PRETTY DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN GOOD. Pyewacket I love your avatar. Oh and where did you get such a clear cyrstal ball? Thanks for responding )O(

@msjigga (864)
• United States
13 May 07
Thanks for responding to my discussion. I do not know if she was traumatized or not but her previous owner sold her to me really cheap I could not believe the price for such a beautiful cat. Precious was very mean we would not let her run around in the yard without a leash in fear of her getting loose and attacking a child.
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@RendiRed75 (113)
• United States
15 May 07
I've never been frightened of cats and none of my cats were frightening to others (with the exception of my cat Crookshanks, but he was only mean to one person). I found Crookshanks when he was a small kitten, he had to have just been weaned. Someone dumped him out in front of my home, and I heard him out in the neighboring yard (before the neighbors built their house there). I heard him for days and searched for him and finally found him there three days after I had first heard him mewing. He latched onto me quickly and thought of me as his Mommy. He was so very loving and was stuck to me like glue. He got along with EVERYONE, except my daughter. He didn't start out that way. She would pull his tail and push him around and was quite mean to him. So, he got to where he would attack my daughter's ankles when she'd go anywhere near him. When he'd hear her coming, he jump off of my lap and go to the sofa to wait for her to come around the edge of it, then he'd pounce on her. My daughter was old enough to know better than to mistreat an animal. It got so bad that she'd walk around the house afraid of every little sound, just knowing he'd jump out at her and attack her. I don't count this incident as "having a cat that others were afraid of", because he was merely responding to his OWN fear of my daughter. I had to give him away because I couldn't have him and my daughter at constant odds. I cried for days when I had to part with him.
My step-father, before he married my mother, had two Siamese cats. They reminded me of the evil Siamese cats that were in the movie "The Lady and the Tramp". My step-father called them "attack cats" because whenever ANYONE would walk into his house, the cats would immediately go for the person's throat! They were very calm with my step-father, they just hated strangers. He did keep them around for a long time because he figured that if anyone ever broke into his house, the cats would take care of them. But, after some time, he realized that he couldn't always make sure they were secured in a bedroom before people would be able to visit. I was the only one, aside from my step-father, that the cats would warm up to. But, I've always had a way with animals. I've never had trouble with animals who others thought were mean.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
18 May 07
Thanks for repsonding to my discussion I am sorry to hear about your loss. My daugther was much too affraid of Precious she was a very pretty persian cat that was mean to every female. It sounds like your step father had the real life si and am I love the movie Lady and the Tramp but I did not like them cats they were so mean to Lady.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
21 May 07
I have never been afraid of cats. But I did have a cat one time that acted like my attack dog. Instead of a cat. I took this cat in when it was a kitten. It was given away by the owners before it was weened. So I had to use a plastic bag, put a small hole in it and feed the kitten milk. I ended naming the cat psycho. He was a black male. One time after I had moved with my ex husband to a trailer. It seemed the cat got more aggressive towards strangers. I had a friend come over and stood in the door way. I told her to watch that cat was going to get her by the way he was moving. She said she wasn't afraid of no cat and didn't move. Well, the cat stood up and bit her on the thigh. Sat down beside her and dared her to move. I seriously think he would of bit her again. I am not sure why he did this. But I just could tell and she didn't listen. Another time my ex husband and his friends were being mean to the cat. well, the cat was mad of course. My husband thought he would teach it lesson by putting it under water. As you know cats hate water. As soon as my ex husband was done putting water on the cat. He picked the cat up and held it in front of his face and was saying something mean to the cat. The cat reached out and slashed him right across the face with his claws. I started laughing because my ex husband really deserved what he got from that cat.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
14 May 07
I have had many cats in my life but I have only come across one that was really mean. This cat would hide under the kitchen table and attack anyone who walked by. I have never seen a cat act like that before. I had to push it back with a broom once and I really hated having to do that, but I was very afraid of it.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
14 May 07
Thanks for responding to my discussion. I had too use my broom to get Precious to go anywhere or do anything. She was a mean cat she would jump up and scratch me and my daugthers. She would purr and rub up against males. I was so scared of Precious, I had to take her to the Animal rescue league because she was harmful to my children, she bit my daugthers coat if the coat wouldn't have been thick my kid would have gotten hurt. They wanted to test her for rabbies they said the only way to test is by cutting her head off I did not know that.I did not allow a rabbies test. I have never ever seen a cat act like her before she was beautiful but mean.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
25 May 07
Lightning was a bottle baby from the day he was born. He grew up a momma's boy completely. Any one he didn't know or like, got a swat with claws extended. When our daughter was born, he became her guardian angel and would always lay under her crib at nite or next to her on the floor or couch and come get me whenever she started crying. He's mellowed out somewhat in his old age but still warns ppl that come over to look but don't dare touch. lol
Tigger came to me at about 4mos. of age when a fellow mylotter started a discussion about her wild cat. We seem to think he may have been abused b4 she aquired him cause he wouldn't let anyone near him and she just didn't have the time or the space to properly tame him which is where I came in at. He is now in his forever home and loves it here. Took me about a month to slowly tame him down. Basically, he was afraid of being hit or thrown just by the way he reacted whenever I would try to pet him or pick him up. He now has free roam of the house and sometimes would come up to me just to be stroked. When I first got him thou, I thought wow!! I sure have my work cut out for me. His milestones brought me to tears each time he reached one. First mew (instead of hissing and growling), first purr, first time he let me pet him, first time he allowed to be picked up, first time coming to me for attention, and now mewing for help whenever he tangles himself up around the kitchen chairs with his 6' lead I keep on him all the time. He's used to it and loves playing with the end of it which is why he is always getting himself tangled. lol
Only 2 mean cats I've ever owned and known.
@toyhamarz (124)
• United States
21 May 07
I rescued my cat. It was winter time and she was hanging around my grandfather's house. She had survived one blizzard, there was another on the way and she was sick so I was worried she would wouldn't survive the second one. So I took her home and she was the sweetest animal while I nursed her back to health so I named her Sweetheart. Then suddenly she didn't like to be touched, she'd hiss and swat and basically go crazy when my mom or I went near her. The women at the vets office actually reffered to her as the cat from he**! But as soon as my boyfriend or my moms boyfriend came in, she'd actually go to them and cuddle and want attention. So I kind of figured that she must have been abused by a woman. It took a ALOT of time, but after giving her alot of space (meaning 5 feet away from her if I needed to walk by!) and letting her come to me and not forcing her be around people if she didn't want to be, she is now a Sweetheart. It only took 7 years, lol. SHe'll even let my 11 month old son touch her tail with out getting mean!

@toyhamarz (124)
• United States
23 May 07
Persian cats are beautiful! My Sweetheart is a gray tabby... And I would have declined the rabies test too!
@msjigga (864)
• United States
21 May 07
Thanks for responding to my discussion. Sounds just like Precious. Precious was a beautiful darkbrown wih light brown and black persian cat. Gorgeus cat the cat from He!! they want to test her for rabbies because they said her actions were odd. The only way to test for rabbies is by cutting her head off I declined.

@sallyxu126 (1184)
• China
18 May 07
I think I don't ahve this kind of cat before,but I have a cat similar to this suitation .
she is half white and half black and it is black around her eyes, so some one afraid of her and feel she is too mystic .
and she also hurt me for twice.
but she don't hurt ones usually and she only hurt one when she feel dangerous for herself.
so I think she is not the kind of cat as you said.
@larryfisken (339)
• Norway
13 May 07
All my friends are affraid of my cat because it scratched them so its normaly outdoor, but the cat respects me and never scratches me.
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