What is the best thing we can do for disabled persons?

Disabled persons can do many things - We should help the disabled.
@ibsnet (1268)
May 11, 2007 1:52pm CST
I was just roaming in outskirts of city today. I halted on a building with a banner showing '10th competition for Disabled persons'. I entered the premises and what I saw was really painful but surprise too. I saw how the disabled/partially disabled kids and persons are taking part in different short competition with some one disable to his legs, some on arms but they are trying to win the competition with a great effort. I just waited there for an hour to see what these disabled people can do. I realised we should help more the disabled persons financially and mentally to grow them with whatever they can do. I met the organiser of the competition and extended great thanks and personally donated a gift (just $2) to the organisation. What you feel how we can do the best for the disabled persons?
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4 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 May 07
I think it's very important that we support and encourage the disabled people. I worked for 3 years in an adult foster care home and learned that no matter what their disablility they are still people and need love and affection. Even something as simple as a smile can mean the world to someone who doesn't get many smiles from others.
@gcarrie (40)
• Philippines
11 May 07
for one thing, never let them feel that they're different. treat them as normal as possible. i have a sister who's disabled, im so used to having her around that i feel there's nothing different about her. i hate it when people give her stares that make her uncomfortable. it's just so insensitive.
@Norstar (694)
• India
11 May 07
The best thing that we can do for the disabled people is not to pity them. Second best thing that we can do to them is not to underestimate their capability. Third best thing is not to deny them opportunities.
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
11 May 07
Make the impossible easier for them, in example rather than aligning things horizontally in shops so you have a brand on each row going upwards things should be placed vertically so you can grab the product from each height. Make flat escalators rather than the ones with trays, the flat ones are wheelchair accessible unlike the ones with trays. And there's more of these sort of things, the best way to get an impression of how their life is to spend a day in a wheelchair yourself and belt yourself down so you'll have to do everything sitting down in a chair.