God's people
By nesha23
@nesha23 (31)
United States
10 responses
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
12 May 07
Nesha, I'm sure that there are various reasons why many people do not believe in God. Different peoples have differing belief systems, cultures, ways of life, and religion. These things could probably account for the disbelief in god.
Apart from what I've already stated, I feel that many do not believe in God probably because they were not brought up by their parents in an environment where they could be aware of the existence of God. Perhaps their parents do not believe in God either. It's like the belief of their parents were pass on to them. It could also be likely that they grew up in a place where belief in God would not be necessary for their survival. They may perhaps already have all the luxury and privileges life has to offer that they become satisfied with it, even without the need for a god.
Also, I surmise that it could be probable that many do not believe in God because their personal experiences probably run counter to the idea that there is a God. For instance, they could have perhaps experienced great trials in life, where they truly needed the help of God, but God did not respond to them, no matter how hard they've tried, and God's non-responsiveness to their call probably leads them to believe that God is just a fluke.
It could very well be likely that many people just do not believe in God probably because they do not really believe in things that could not be seen or could not be proven by incontrovertible evidence. They are probably empiricists who will not easily believe in something without sufficient proof of that something and, hence, their disbelief in God.
Further, it could perhaps be probable that many people do not believe in God because there are just too many religions with varying Gods all over the world, and all are claiming that their God is the one true God. Confusion may perhaps result from this and frustration may probably follow, which could possibly lead many people to finally conclude for themselves that there is no one true God that they could believe in.
These are probably just some of the numerous reasons why many do not believe in god. There are surely more reasons behind the disbelief in a God, and whatever these reasons are, I think it is only proper that we all respect such and understand those who do not believe in a God.
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@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
12 May 07
I don't believe in god because there is not god.
Seriously... I don't know why I don't believe in god. Maybe back in catholic school none of the teachings made sense. Too many holes in the bible. And I didn't like that a god would tell you all the stuff you cannot do, forbidding you all the fun stuff in life. So what's the point in living if you're not supposed to have fun? God gives you freedom to choose but if you don't choose god you go to hell. Well I ain't down with that. Nope, a religion like that is not for me. I'd rather deal with life on my own terms. The hole thing just doesn't add up.
@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
12 May 07
I didn't say I don't love myself, of my neighbors.
I also don't kill people, I don't covet anyone, I don't lie, I don't steal either...

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
15 May 07
i think she/he meens that you should be asking "why do people believe in god"
because atheists are not obligated to prove why there is no god

@acmepride (1546)
• United States
12 May 07
lonnie, just to clarify, are you essentially saying that disbelief in god=stupidity, and since many people do not believe in god, they are stupid? If you are, can you, at least, kindly explain why? Thanks in advance.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 May 07
actually religion is the one who says they "just appeared"
through science, we see that energy never ends, so basicly, there is no end in time, which meens there is no beggining, which meens there is no need for a creator.
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
11 May 07
If you ask an atheist why he doesn't believe in God, he will tell you that God is supposed to be one who is very good and is full of mercy etc... etc... but then if God exists, there should be no evil at all in this world, because God is supposed to be protecting us. But, what we see around us is what we can say a tornado of evil destroying every little virtue that is trying to stand in its path. Most of the people who claim to believe in God, do not lead a noble life, one seeing which others try to take them as an ideal to live. It is because most of us try to preach things that we don't practice. Naturally, it is disgusting for one who sees hypocrisy everywhere. Moreover, these days, men want proof of the existence of God. They will acknowledge God's existence only if science says so. Lastly, some of the religions have a biased view. For example, the Christian will think that only a person who follows Christ will go to heaven. Similarly, the Muslim thinks that only a person who believes in Allah can go to Heaven. so, according to one, the other will be in Hell... that is all so much of nonsense. In my opinion, I think people can belong to one religion, but still believe in something that makes some common sense, like being tolerant and understanding that no matter what one's religion is, God is fair to everyone of us no matter what religion we belong to and the basic concept of all religions is to love everybody and make this world a peaceful one to live in.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 May 07
im an atheist and i would not say that.
that is a weak argument.
i would simply say "because god is illogical"
@tuposkid (286)
• United States
11 May 07
Simply because it is right. And the human soul is naturally inclined to evil (sin nature that everybody was born with)
Every human is born naturally sinful. It is the choice that we must make to either leave out sin and turn to God, or stay in our sin and deny Him. Now I'm not saying that Christians don't sin...They do..They are human. But they should try not to, and be ready to confess it when they do sin.
People don't believe because its natural to not believe. Which makes believing so much sweeter.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 May 07
what about the ones that never learned about god.. ooo they are all sinners too
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
12 May 07
Most people who do not believe in God do so because there is no proof of his existence. I am a Buddhist and an atheist. I can not prove that God does not exist but I, also can not prove that Zeus does not exist. Common sense tells me that they don't.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 May 07
firstly, i dont believe in god because it is illogical.
secondly, we dont assume something and try to disprove it.
we dont say there is a creator and then try to build evidence for or against it.
we look at the evidence and try to come up with a solution for it.
that is the problem with god, the problem with your question, and the problem with people asking atheists to disprove god.
the burden is on the theists not the atheists.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
11 May 07
The same could be asked of why so many people believe in God. The belief in God is part of a religion, and not everyone has the same religion. You make think it's odd that people don't believe in God, but another person make think it's odd that you don't believe in their deity.
Believe it or not, the concept of God is not universal. There are cultures in this world who haven't even heard of the Chrisitian, Jewish, or Muslim God.
It's either a matter of choice or ignorance. People either are ignorant of the concept of God, or they choose not to believe in him.