I was attacked by a raven today..
By liranlgo
@liranlgo (5752)
May 11, 2007 3:43pm CST
Never in my wildest dreams did i think that this could happen. I saw it at the movies, and i always thought that the transcript writer has a wonderful imagination, but i did not think that this happens in real life.
As you all know, i started studying and working massive hours each days, and when i returned home today, i thought that it is wonderful that i only have one more task today:
Take my dog to a walk.
I missed mylot alote and i knew that today i can catch up and read all my friends discussions. So, i got home, put the leash on my dog and went out.
I was walking by the sidewalk and he was sniffing the ground, ready to mark his territory, when i saw a big raven galloping towards me. He pecked me in the head, and flow off. Needless to say i was in shock.
When i looked up, i saw another 3 ravens sitting in the trees, making weird noises. So i just freed the leash from my dog and planned that he and me will run home as fast as we can. But when i was doing that the raven attacked my dog.
It was horrible hearing him scream.
So we ran home. but as i was running, another raven flow after me and pecked me again.
I never was so scared my entire life.
When i finally reached the house, my head was bleeding and my dog was trembling. My mother took me to the hospital, and they cleaned everything up.
But i am affraid to get out of the house now?
They can attack me again!
Did any of you hear of a case of people that were attacked by ravens? Do you have any tips? Would appreciate every response my friends.
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28 responses
@chloe9013 (532)
11 May 07
*drops jaw* im glad your ok. I didnt realise they did that! At first i found it really funny, untill i read that they started attacking you. I hope non of those that fly about near my work try to attack me.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
12 May 07
So scary. This is my first time to hear about ravens or birds attacking human being. I thought that ravens are just small birds that cannot do any harm to people but with your story, I'm scared. But don't be afraid to go out. Do everything to prevent them to attack you. Take a walking stick and smash them if you see them coming. I hope that you are now fine with your dog.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 May 07
I am sorry to hear this. Raven behavior is related to mating. Breeding pairs must have a territory of their own before they begin nest-building, and the territory and its food resources will be defended against others. So, maybe it was in your case. Also, Ravens retain an attraction to bright, round objects based on their similarity to bird eggs. Maybe shiny leash or your jewerly....
I hope you can walk around Raven nests and stay safe...

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
13 May 07
can you call animal control? in US we can call animal control in cases like yours....
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
13 May 07
I think that whatever happen to their babies is connected to attacks...maybe local people poisoned them...or local boys play with....or dog attacked baby...something unusual, otherwise, they wouldn't attack people....they are very smart.......and usaully they don't attack people...it is very strange....
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 May 07
OMG, that is indeed scary!! i remember once i was sleeping and somehow a little sparow was trapped inside my room, struggling for escape. it flew all over my head and was so scared that i could hardly move. the poor little bird was more scared. i yelled and ultimately my mom came for rescue. but dear, this is a raven, i couldn't have think of. can't you inform any aid nearby, who looks after this or may be clean up the area?
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
12 May 07
i just hope it will be all over by this weekend.
this reminds me of another incident. when i was a child we had invasion of monkeys from the nearby woods in our country home. that was terrible, they wouldn't give up teasing us imitating our actions!!
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 May 07
Lol mampi, that is the funniest thing i ever heard..Lol
are you sure they were monkeys and not humans..i somthimes get confused..lol
well the weekend has ended here in israel (short weekend), and the problem is not solved yet. I am trying to figure out how i will walk to work tommorow..
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 May 07
We are trying to do that now, but it is saturday here and no one can help, just tommorow, and we are all trapped in our houses, because they are now attacking every person that is on the street. I do hope we will find a way of solving that. Thank you mimpi:)
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
12 May 07
Hi Iiranlgo, Oh my goodness fancy being attacked by a raven, it must of been very frightening for you. I have seen them on the television like you explained but I have never really heard of them attacking any one for real I hope and pray that you and your dog are alright now.

@sunnyckell (483)
• United States
11 May 07
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry that happened to you. Are you okay? Don't be afraid to get out of the house. These kind of things happen, as crazy as they may seem. I had a friend who was sitting on her front porch swing next to her sister and they were just looking at their surroundings and then out of nowhere a bird flew into her sisters head and got caught in her hair. It was crazy! I don't know what type of bird it was though. I don't know of any tips to give you, except maybe running was not the best thing. You'll be okay. Don't worry. Hope you feel better.
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
11 May 07
I feel bad for you to have experienced this scary ordeal!
I hope you can recover well! This sounds like something out of Hitchcocks The Birds! It is most likely the ravens protecting their babies which were nearby! Don't take it to personal, only a birdbrain would do something like this! Take care Liranlgo.
@irfan_fatboy (192)
• India
12 May 07
Laugh Out Loud thats the only thing i can say :)
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
12 May 07
It's very unnerving when this happens. In Australia we have that problem with magpies - I wonder if they are related. It happens annually when the birds are protecting their nests. I've had one touch my head, I could hear it's beck snapping at me - eek. Wearing a hat when walking helps to protect your head but won't stop them swooping. It's such an animal world isn't it!
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@celinlocario (334)
• Philippines
12 May 07
Really scary. I thought only the eagle does that and with its sharp claws, the wounds are deep. Ravens are smaller birds and I thought they do not attack people. Better wear a hat and bring something for smashing them if they come near you. I hope you are now healed together with your dog.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
12 May 07
Yikes, thats scary! We have a lot of Crows around our apartment Building that have started nesting, so it might be just as well for me to keep a lookout, especially with the kids and such.
This actually reminds me of when I was just a young girl.
Me and my sister loved to go out and play, but one Summer, we ended up terrified of going out.
There was a Magpie that had started harassing people. We couldn't go out without the magpie being there. It wasn't attacking people, it was flying down and landing on their shoulders or their heads, giving us all quite a fright.
Someone finally called up the RSPCA about it, and they came out to see if they could catch it. As luck would have it, they didn't have to try. One of the officers placed some crumbled biscuit in his hand and held his arm out, and the bird came flying straight down.
The officers said that it had probably been tamed by someone and now was too tame to be left on it's own in the wild. They took it to a centre where it would be looked after for the rest of it's days.
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@jene1985 (224)
• Australia
12 May 07
birds can aatck if they have young to protect as a child I got attacked many times and still today am afraid of birds. they dont like eye contact and one thing I was taught to do is if you see them in the trees or whatever keep your eyes on them.
@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
11 May 07
Dear Liran!!! How dreadful it sounds... to be attacked by ravens... I hear about more and more nowdays - has the world gone crazy? What could possibly made those crows to attack you?!?
I hope you are OK and feeling better now. Don't worry about going out, I don't think they will follow you and if they do - take an umbrela... I heard it helped someone else. Besides, I have found this for you : http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3250041,00.html
I hope this helps and will make you feel better.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 May 07
Thank you yonatan. it bacame worse much similiar to the article you linked here. It seems like they are attzcking everyone that gets out of the house here. We have only a one road to get out of the house and it is not possible now. and it is shabat we can not call no one.
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@vikimishra (628)
• New Zealand
11 May 07
That is scarry ...i don't know what to say ..i am shivering with fear..i really get sacred of all these things.Pray to god nothing haoppens to you and your dod and you all will be safe
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
14 May 07
When I was a child probably about 7 years old I took a walk to my brother's friend's house to tell him it was time for lunch. They had a large mango tree in their yard and I was cutting through the yard to get to their home.
A raven swooped towards me and pecked me, I dropped to the ground on my stomach and put my hands over my head to protect it and began to scream as loud as I could whilst my face was in the dirt.
Now I do not know if there were other ravens attacking me at that point or if it was my imagination as I could not see anything, and my child's imagination was very good. But, at any rate to my mind I was feeling like my body was being pecked apart by all these swooping down ravens.
Eventually my brother and his friend heard my crying for help and shoed the birds away from me and got me home.
I am 41 now and as I think of this incident I still recall the fear and sense of doom I had that frightful day.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
14 May 07
This sounds so similar to the experience that i had, and for a 7 year old child, this sounds terrible, you probably are still fearful because of that event from crows and ravens.
This is still going on here for the 4th day..it is terrible. Thank you so much for your response modestah
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
12 May 07
This is... incredible!
Liran, I hope you are already now.. the pecking didn't leave a scar, I hope? They attacked you and your dog. Unbelievable. I think you should report to the authorities and get them to do something about it. I don't know much about ravens but why would they attack you for no reason?
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 May 07
Wiz yes it is unbelievable. We already phoned the authorities, but because it was the weekend here, they will take care of it only on Sunday.
We found out that they have a nest near our house, and everyone that lives in my street they see him as a murderer..Lol
So tomorrow someone will come and just move the nest to a more appropriate place.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
13 May 07
Do be careful and stay clear till the problem is taken care of...
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
17 May 07
When I was younger, I was walking between two trees on the way from my grandmother's house to the neighbor. I had Mocking Birds swoop down and attack me. Apparently, they had a nest in the tree and thought I was a threat. To this day, I cannot stand to be around birds that are not in a cage. It was pretty violent too. I wish I could tell you what to do, but birds can be pretty vendictive and they tend to remember people and things. I hope they go away soon. When I walk my dog, I will let her loose sometimes to frighten the birds away as I've said, they freak me out now. She's a Golden Retriever, so she sneaks up on them then pounces. They get away, but I don't do it for her to hurt them, just to get them away from me.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
11 May 07
We have a problem with crows attacking people here. They do it when they are nesting and they are trying to protect the family. Ravens are from the same family as crows so this is probably what they were doing. If I were you I would take another route with your dog for awhile as they are likely to do it again. They are very intelligent creatures and alert all others in the area to the dangers around them. You and the dog must have been quite a site running from the birds. I hope the both of you heal well and quickly. If you ever get the chance to observe the birds without getting attacked you will be amazed at how smart they are.
@mivarg (277)
• India
15 May 07
I am reminded of the Hitchcock movie Birds, which gave me the horror of my life. It is really strange that you were attacked by some ravens. They may definitely have reason of their own,but you might just have been the person near them when they were in such a mood. I don't think they will follow you and your dog and attack you. I feel that happens only in movies. I can imagine how shocked you were. I interact a lot with some birds, and am sometimes scared when a species of drongos, with big tails fly over my head. I have seen them attacking other birds, and am scared when they inspect me and fly above me. I always run for cover in such cases. I have heard stories about crows attacking some people. I don't think you have to be scared forever about this. just be a bit watchful the next time you go for a walk. I think running away makes them a bit agrressive. Just keep a big umbrella or stick in your hand, which you can use to chase them away, just in case they attack you. But I am sure that they will leave you alone, and the previous attck was not something deliberately aimed at you.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
16 May 07
I talked with people that work with birds professionly.
The attack was deliberately aimed at me, for sure.
One of their babies fell down from a tree, and a dog came and messed with the baby, and this is when they started attacking people that were with their dogs.
They do remember us, i tried twice alredy to go out, because my father thaught just as you do, and they attcked him also.
It has gotten to a stage that the whole street people that have dogs can not walk outside. They attack all of them.
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@mivarg (277)
• India
16 May 07
I was simply hoping that it was not deliberate. In fact I have come across a similar incident. A man destroyed the nest and a few of a a day old crows in them in front of some crows, and they started attcking him. They were pretty fierce and dit peck hard on his head that he ended up bleeding. And it became diffcult for him to venture out for an year, as the crows would attcak him whenever they spotted him. This was even a news item in the local newspaper. I guess the situation in your locality needs more attention and studies about bird behavious. In the mean time, it is safe not to go out with your dogs for a while.
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@Sharmarran (1)
27 May 23
Many years ago (c 1990), I was walking to the store with my youngest daughter, who was about 8 years old at the time. There were no trees in the immediate area. It was open grassland. The largest Raven I had ever seen, was standing alongside the sidewalk. As we came near to where it was, it ran towards us. It frightened my daughter, and she yelled "Mom!" It ran all the way up to us, making all sorts of noises. I put out my hand and said in a loud threatening voice, "STOP!" It stopped, walked off the sidewalk, and just stood there watching us go by.
My daughter was worried that it would still be there on the way back home. I told her not to worry, because I will never let anything hurt her. Sure enough, on the way back home, the Raven was waiting for us in the grass beside the sidewalk. When we got nearer, it jumped onto the sidewalk. Again, my daughter said, "Mom" very nervously. The Raven started to come towards us, looking directly up into my eyes. I had a very dangerous look in my eyes, and I was not afraid. I simply said, NO in a very strong voice. The Raven looked at me for a minute, and then hopped off the sidewalk, and watched us as we walked by. It actually watched walk all the way down the block.
We never saw the Raven again. Not sure where it came from, or where it went to. I think Ravens attack people and animals a lot more than some people think. And not always because they are mating, or protecting there young. I just happened to run across this article, so I thought I would share my story, to let people know "it happens" more often that you may think. My daughter was afraid to walk to the store for a long time after that. I had to repeatedly tell her that is was not there anymore.
Thanks for letting me add my story. I know this article was added years ago, so I hope they resolved their Raven problem. In my confrontation with a Raven. I believe the Raven could sense that I was not afraid of it. If it had tried to hurt me or my daughter, I would have wrung it's bloody neck.
@GoAskAlice (5834)
27 May 23
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