My son is sick:(
By 4cuteboys
@4cuteboys (4099)
United States
May 11, 2007 8:00pm CST
He's 6 months old and has terrible congestion. We are running the humidifier for him, and i'm trying to get the mucus out of his nose so he can breathe easier. He is eating his solid food well, but his bottles he is doing terrible. And he is spitting up more than usual:(
Is there anything else (not medicine) I can do for his congestion? Should I be worried about his bottles? His soft spot is not sunken and his mouth is still very moist.
I'm just worried, I'm not used to him being sick like this:(
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16 responses
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
12 May 07
Well when my daughter what sick like that I used medicine to get rid of some of the congestion and I also bought a nasal syringe and sucked the mucus out of her nose and that helped a great deal she was able to breath long enough to drink her bottles. I wouldn't worry unless he shows signs of dehydration and I'm sure the doc would say the same thing since thats what the doc told me. Hope he gets better soon hun
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
12 May 07
Aw thanks! I feel better. I am paranoid so if I worry too much more, i'll take him in to the doc.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.
Yep, we use the big green booger sucker too ;) he hates it more than anything though!
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
12 May 07
LOL I'm surprised LOl My daughter used to laugh when I used it on her she hates it now tho LOL shes 10 months now
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
12 May 07
I know you said no medicine but I always used vicks vapor rub. Since he is so young still i would put him in a onesies and put the vicks on the outside of it. It always worked to break up my kids congestion. Or I used the warm humidifier and put the liquid vicks into it. Good luck I know it's so hard when your kids are sick.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
12 May 07
TRUE! I dont really consider the vicks a med, well I know it is, but I meant orally ingesting a medicine. Like i'm not too sure about decongestants and what not. But vicks would be good!!!
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
12 May 07
you can ask the suggestion from the doctor instead doig treatment at home because he is young child so its not good to ask someone's suggetion and do follow it as a treatment for a young child!!! take care of your young one.. take him to a doctor he will be alright soon!!!
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
12 May 07
Actually I called the clinic today, and they said to wait it out, as he has no fever or signs of infection.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
12 May 07
i have been told many times that a humidifer is actualy bad for a baby or child if they are congested due to it puts moisture in there lungs cause it is int he air. you didnt say if he was running fever though. i would watch him closely you may have to take him to the doctor. i thought my older child just had a cold when she was 1 and it ended up being rsv she was int eh hospital for weeks and had to be put in an oxygen tent. i was so scared. best thing you can do is give pedilite to drink and juices that are watered down some too. the milk will keep him congested due to its milk. yes he has to have it but if he is eating solid foods good then he doesnt have to have alot of it. also when youa re feeding him and he has the bottle make sure he is sitting up good. my youngest started on a cup at 5 months so you can see maybe if he will do it that might help some too cause he may have songestion behind his ears alot of times that happens too. the sucking of the bottle makes it hurt or just uncomfortable for them. i wish you luck and hope he is better soon
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
12 May 07
RSV usually takes awhile to develop, If I remember correctly (as my oldest had it once) it's develops from a cold, I think. I'm not really sure though...If he has/had RSV, you would have known it was more serious, they will def. have a fever with the onset of RSV. ALso, another thought, is that if he's not taking his bottle, he may have an ear infection. I know my little guy always got ear infections after he got done with a cold, as all that congestion didn't drain as well as it needed. If he's sleeping fine though, chances are he doesn't, most of the time when they have an ear infection, they don't like to lie down flat, I remember the only way I could get my son to sleep when he had one, was to lay a pillow under his matress, so he could sleep on an incline.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
12 May 07
sorry about all the miss spelled words i got a new keyboard and it is alittle different on size and such. i think it will take time to get use to it. that and it is very sensitive.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
12 May 07
Thanks for the tips. He did take a soft spout sippy cup earlier better than the bottle.
No fever. If he had one we'd be at the doc asap, I don't mess around with fevers.
What are the signs of RSV?

@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
13 May 07
My son was an RSV baby. I hope that you are using a cool mist humidifier. I do not recommend using a war mist and neither do pediatricians and don't use vapor rub in the humidifier as someone suggested. It could be that your son has a viral infection? Try taking him into a steamed-up bathroom that always helped my son. You might also have him sleep upright in his car seat. This too will help the congestion. Nasal decongestants always bugged my kids out so I don't know how yours are with those. To answer your question RSV is respiratory syncytial virus. Symptoms are fever, running nose, wheezing and coughing. Premature babies born in the late fall or winter are at risk. My son was born early, but he was a big baby yet still developed it.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
13 May 07
Thanks! Yep it's a cool mist one. He does have the runny nose and a little cough, but that's it so far. Thankfully he is eating better so I feel a little less worried, but rsv sounds scary :(
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@ladyljs (1303)
• United States
12 May 07
Ok hun, If he is eaint solids well...and keeping them down, don't worry.
Milk causes more mucus and his little body is telling him that he doesn't need that. A few days without the milk will not hurt him at all.
My little boy would get this and I would take him into the shower with me...let it steam up really good and stay for a while.
Don't forget, this might be an allergic reaction to the pollens in the area too! They can make you feel like you have the flu!
If it doesn't start to clear up though...don't take any chances! Get to your docs asap!
@varunoberoi (266)
• India
12 May 07
just 6 months old... and congestion... boy i dont know much about babies... but when i was having congestion and was having a hard time breathing... i could not even sleep... but my mom got me this ayurvedic device... used to cycle warm salty water up and dpwn you nose... which cures cynas ( dun know how to spell it) and also cleared my nose
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
12 May 07
you can get a saline solution to squirt down his nose (which he will absolutely hate by the way) and it will help loosen up any mucus that doesn't want to come out. your doc can give you specific instructions for this though. It worked well with my first as he was sick ALL of the time throughout his first year (the second one, is 8 months and has yet to even have his first cold, and hopefully it'll stay that way!) As long as he is having enough wet diapers, and he still has tears when he cries, he most likely is not dehydrated, if you are worried, offer him some juice, in a spoon, or whatever form he'll take it in, so he's getting some fluids. ALso, try to keep his meals light, and stick to foods that are water filled, such as melons, fruits and veggies. Stay away from the meats for now, (although I doubt he'd feel up to eating them anyways!) I would be watching out for constipation as well, as sometimes this happens when they are sick and not consuming as many liquids, if it happens, talk to your doc. about using mineral oil, it works wonders (although it WILL stain your clothes or his if it spills!). Good luck. we've all been there, I remember with my oldest, I was constantly worried about him. When all else fails, take him into the doc. I always say it's better to pay the co-payment and it be nothing, and you sleep better knowing he's safe, then not pay it, and your up all night worrying! HOpe your little one feels better soon!!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
13 May 07
Try using one of those nose sucker things- Sure its a pain in the butt for the kids but it gets alot of junk out- Other than that I'd say take a hot shower and let the bathroom fill up with steam- then take him in there- the steam might loosen up some of the congestion! The humdifier should help too- If he isn't better by Monday take him to the doctors- They might be able to give you something.
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
12 May 07
Suggestion: to thin mucus, water is usually the safest bet. Also helps protein digestion. Might be that he's using his water for digestion, and doesn't have enough to thin the mucus sufficiently.
Not at all sure about the rest of it, but I'd think some dietary advice is needed. If the bottles aren't working, maybe the solids can stand in for them somehow.
@jimhuo2008 (572)
• China
12 May 07
oh, my dear friend , don't worry about , everything will be fine soon, I think everyone see your message will all be sad , thougt most of us don't know how to deal with it, but we will pray for your son. wish him be fine as soon as possible. good lucky to your family.
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
12 May 07
Bottles tend to be a bit hard for babies when they can't breath through their noses, since they either try to breath through their mouth whilst drinking or drink without breathing [can't recall exactly which it was].
You can use a saline solution to try and help him a bit, you can get it at your pharmacy but it's no real medication. Just table salt in a 0.9% solution, getting it from the pharmacy though it's just sterile which of course is what you want when working with a 6 month old kid I'd say.
2~3 Drops of that in each nose opening a day should be enough to reduce the congestion and allow breathing through the nose again, because of the blood vessels in the nose lying closely on the surface they can get damaged a bit causing minor nose bleeds, but they don't do any real harm and most likely it should no longer be needed to do after a couple of days anyways unless it's a chronicle form.
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@citygirl (1080)
• Canada
12 May 07
Don't worry about the bottles. Milk or formula caused more congestion. I would give him boiled water, or apple juice in the bottle only especialy as he is eat his solid food. Milk is the worst thing for congestion. When my three were small I took a small amount of vicks and mixed it into vaseline mixing it well and rubbed a bit on there chest and behind there ears. That worked for mine.the more water or apple juice you get into him the less chance of him becoming dehydrated. If it gets worse though please don't hesitate to take him to a doctor. Good luck.
@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
12 May 07
You have a lot of really good answers going here. I go through this a lot with my little one. She has terrible allergies and Oklahoma isn't the best plac eto be right now for people that have them. I try to do as much as I can naturally, I like to use the little noses saline drops. I put 2 drops in one side, let it sit for about 30 seconds or so then suction, then do the other side. I do this several times a day. Doctor told me that saline can not be over used, it is safe for babies. At one point I was using it ever hour to an hour and a half.
He is going to have momre spit-ups than normal because the drainage in the back of his throat, don't be surprised if the spit-up because actual vomiting. Just make sure he doesn't dehydrate, Clear fluids are the best, they will help loosen the mucus. I would offer more clear fluids like pedilite and apple juice and such more often.
Hugs to you... hope he feels better soon.