More and more pregnant teenagers!
By superchook
@superchook (1786)
May 11, 2007 8:26pm CST
There seems to be more and more pregnant teenagers these day and I really feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for them because they will miss out on their freedom as they are growing up, they won't be able to do what their friends are doing. I wonder how many of them realise the amount of work it is having a baby. Do they realise that they won't be able to have as much of a social life? What do you think when you see a pregnant teenager?
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18 responses
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
12 May 07
I heard a story on a teenager from my friend.The girl,we can call her Wi.When she found there was a baby inside her,and she had to abort the baby.Wi had no money,and she couldn't tell her parents about her pregnancy,so she asked her friends for money.Of course she couldn't tell her friends that she was pregnant,she just told them that she need money for her mother's operation.Wi is my friend's dormmate and my friend found something wrong with her.Wi had to tell the truth to my friend and asked my friend for help.My friend sent her to the hospital for the abortion operation and took care of her for several days.But Wi's boyfriend didn't come to the hospital to see her and disppeared in Wi's world.Wi was alone,hopeless and sick for a long time.She regretted that she agreed to her boyfriend's requirement on ....
As a pregnant teenager,Wi suffered the pain on body and spirit.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
I feel sorry for Wi, obviously the boyfriend couldn't deal with the situation and decided to leave. You hear of this happening quite a lot. That is another thing teenagers need to consider, how strong is their relationship to have a child. Thanks!
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@shinjiao (1457)
• China
13 May 07
Yes,I think you're right.Other people shouldn't blame Wi's boyfriend--he is still a teenager.He has no ability to support Wi and the baby,he is too young to marry Wi.And he cannot make any decision except to leave.
Myself,I don't support *** before marriage.I think teenagers especially young girls should learn how to protect themselves in their relationship.
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@fyrechsr (293)
• United States
12 May 07
Well I had my daughter when I was 14. She is now almost 16 years old. Still lives with me as she always has. I also have 3 boys. All of which I had before I was 20. My daughter was the cause of rape. I was not going to abort. Im not a murderer. I have raised her along with the help from my mother. Yeah I may not have had freedom to go out and do all the stupid crap kids did back then, but I matured very quickly and raised my kids the best I knew how. As for my friends, they were right beside me 100% and did things with me and my children. The father of the boys has never been around for them. My youngest will be 10 next week so I figure I only have 8 years left and I will still be young enough to go out and have fun "legally".
So I dont really feel anythig fr the teenagers who are pregnant. They knew exactly what they were doing when they got themselves into the situation they are in. They need to deal with it what ever way they know how. I did and my children turned out pretty good if I say so myself.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
You sound like a very strong woman and I would like to congratulate you on turning a bad situation into a good and positive one. It sounds like you have done a great job raising your kids and don't regret it. I personally don't believe in abortion either. Thanks!
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@chalanash (59)
• Philippines
12 May 07
you are correct when you say they might not know what they're missing. I feel pitty for the pregnant child because how can a child take care of a child. i think she's not that equipped to take care of another innocent child. proper guidance will really help them in this difficult times.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
When I see a pregnant teenager, I think to myself and hope they do have a supportive family. It is very hard to be so young and have a baby. This is usually the time they go out partying and going to nightclubs etc. They can't do that with a baby. Thanks!
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@MeredithRX (117)
• United States
12 May 07
It is a bad situation. It's so hard because it seems that in today's society, teenagers are pushed to be more and more mature, but they're still children themselves. And, the worst part is, if they choose to go through with the pregnancy and then keep the child after they give birth, there is a additional strain on the whole family. There are some teenagers that take full responsibility themselves, but most of the ones I knew growing up basically just gave birth to their own little "brother" or "sister". The parents of these teenagers tended to become the caretakers. In most cases (the ones I knew) the teenager's parents actually adopted the child themselves.
It's difficult to have a child when you aren't prepared. It's especially difficult to do so when you're a child yourself! (Of course, a baby is a blessing no matter what the circumstances...)
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
12 May 07
Yes, it does seem that they have to grow up a lot quicker these days. It must have been hard on some of the teenagers parents that took on the responsibility of the baby. Doing that though, what does that teach the teenager? To me, I almost feel that is teaching the teenager to be more irresponsible.
You are so right, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are, the baby is definitely a blessing.
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@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
12 May 07
I feel sad and somehow angry to the guy who took advantage of the girl's weakness. I always have these questions how and why the girl let the guy took advantage of her? I used to think that maybe it's the person's family. Maybe the parents are too strict or so busy and do not have time for their children. But now i'm thinking otherwise. I've a niece who got pregnant before she turned 18. Everybody in the family were very shocked because she has a very supporting parents, even supported the relationship. The fetus was weak so she had a miscarriage. After that her parents talked to my niece to try to break the relationship for the time being. They ask her to just finish her studies then if she still want it she can marry her boyfriend. She actually agreed but after a few months she got pregnant again. We didn't know that they were secretly seeing each other. The first time we were thinking it was unfortunate but the second time we don't know anymore. Luckily, my niece has a very supportive family. We accepted the situation, give her the support but we certainly did not accept the boyfriend. Right now he is definitely out of the picture.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
Your niece is lucky that she has a supportive family. I understand that some guys do take advantage of the girl, but I don't think that is always the case. Maybe that is what your niece's boyfriend did though. Unfortunately, you can't really stop them from seeing someone unless you are able to be around them all the time. I hope everything goes well for your niece. Thanks!
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@mostwanted47 (259)
• Pakistan
12 May 07
I feel sorry for them, you have already explained the after-effects of teenagers having a baby. Teenagers having babies will not have much freedom or else they'll have to sacrifice their babies for freedom and they will be into a situation where you'll have to choose one. Although rate of teenagers having babies is lot low in our region than in other regions of world. So I have seldom come across to witness. I'm just assuming and giving my comments based on it.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
In Australia, I have noticed that it is getting worse with teenagers having babies because there is a baby bonus, this is when the government is giving them money after the baby is born. I think this is ok for the first child because it will help them to get all the baby things they will need, but they do it for every baby and now there are people that keep having baby after baby.
I think some teenagers are just looking of the money side of things and not about what the rest of their life is going to be like bringing up a child. I am not saying all teenagers are like this though. Thanks!
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
16 May 07
I know..I know many girls were pregnant when i was in high school and that was in adays the number has tripled or more.and its just soo sad.they have no idea the amount of work that goes into babies..they are cuet and thats all they know and think its all about..Soo i was talking to my g/f the other day and we were talkig about this too..her niece is prego..if i had a soon as she hit her cycle..i would have her get the depo impnat or whatever else shots they have for pregnancy and also have the talk and about use of condomns,,and pray she uses them..but id rather her get an STD than prego.. actually neither but..a child having a least i could make sure that wouldnt happen//.or a greater chance it wont happen..i have a boy hes 4 and whne that tiem hits im gonna find the loudest crying baby and make him spends lots of time with it to show him that not protecting himself..this is what he wowul dbe in store for,,,and mothers of girls should do the same..maybe that would be a wake up call eh?
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
17 May 07
Chook..your right about the shots and pill..i didnt think about the effects of them being so young..great point..i just wish they would find something for them along with a condomn,,but i love the idea of the baby dolls..that would be such a great idea,,that should be a requirement in schools..something help stop teen pregnancy..
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
13 May 07
I think it is worse when a teenager gets pregnant because where are they going to get the money and time to take care of a child. They are still in school or should be in school getting an education so they can get a good job and have children later when they can afford to have them. Many teenagers are still immature and are not ready for the responsibilities of being a parent. It also does take away from their free time with friends and doing other things.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
I wonder if teenagers look at how much it will cost to raise children, it's not easy and is very expensive. Thanks!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
17 May 07
Well, if they don't realize how much work having a baby is going to be they will shortly realize it. I got pregnant at 16, but I gave birth at 6 months. My body just wasn't ready for that type of trauma. I realized very early on that I had a long row to hoe and it wasn't going to be easy at all! Not many kids understand that, until it is to late and they are pregnant. There is no social life, no more fun, just baby bottles and bonding. It is so hard to convey that to teens, they think they know it all!
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
17 May 07
This must have been so hard for you, having your baby so early. Your baby was probably in hospital for a long while. It must have been a really stressful time for you, I hope that you had plenty of support through this time. Thanks!
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
13 May 07
I was 17 when I had my daughter and 19 when I had my son. I have never felt like I missed out on something. THey were and are percious gifts from God. I wouldnt change a thing even if I could. They are now 27 and 25. Both my kids graduated with Honors from school and went to a Christian college after graduation. THey are both fantastic adults. I love them with all my heart.I dont think bad thoughts when I see a pregnant teen it's not my place to judge. I know alot of older people who are lousy parents,I dont think age plays a factor in it.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
It sounds like you did a great job raising your kids. I am not saying that teenagers can't do it though. I just feel sorry for them that they don't get to have their freedom as much, but I was wrong about that and I realise that after reading 4monsters4me response. I am not judging them either, I hope for the best for them. I do get annoyed when I know that some mothers in Australia are just having baby after baby because of the government money though. Thanks!
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
13 May 07
It is such a shame to see so many young girls having babies, i agree. I think, here in australia, the money the government offers has a lot to do with it. And it doesnt always get spent on the babies. Then they are eligable for a pension. These girls are handed all this money, it looks good, but then that child starts growing up. You then see a lot of grandparents then helping out and looking after them. I know of a few cases like this. I feel for the children, some are having a terrible upbringing. I know there are some that look after there child very well. But you dont see too many. My daughter is 20. Luckily she has no intention of having a baby yet, as she wants to have a career and something behind her before she has children, so she can give them a good life. If one of my children were to have a child while young, i would support them, but i hope they dont, as i want them to enjoy being young.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
I really feel that if the government wants to hand over the money, then they should do it with the first child only. That would help them get things for the baby, if they actually decide to spend it on the baby. I know one person that keeps having baby after baby because of this money. She has 7 kids now, but can't support them properly.
If any of my kids were to have a baby at a young age, I would support them too. I just really hope they enjoy their life before settling down into parenthood. Go out and enjoy that freedom. Thanks!
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@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
22 May 07
I feel sad for those teenagers who are judged. Alot of people associate pregnant teenagers with being careless, stupid. What about the teens who were raped..or the ones that took all the safety precautions but somehow it didnt work?
I know being pregnant at that age is just horrible and sad to see. But whenever I see a teenage who has a child, and see that the child is healthy and happy and that the teen is being a great mother, it just totally gives me a whole new respect for young mothers. Not all of them should be judged becuase there are alot out there who are doing everything they can.
A guy in my grade (11) has a child, and the child is one and a half, the guy is young and so is his girlfriend, but that child is the happiest toddler you'll ever see. I admire people who can work things out even if the odds are against them.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
22 May 07
Yes I definitely agree with you, there are some people that have replied to this discussion and they had kids while they were a teenager and are doing really well. I think good on all those teenagers that brought their kids up giving them the best they can and becoming great parents. Some teenagers were even able to go on with their studies and get jobs, while having a baby at home. It is good to hear of these success stories. Thanks!
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@ChampagneGiggles (699)
• United States
16 May 07
Hm, what do I think when I see a pregnant teenager.... I think "Wow look at that. Another life being brought into the world, congrats to the female." Quite honestly, what are they missing out on? A few nights of drinking so hard they can't remember where they were? Or maybe dating that guy down the street who hates kids? Oh but what's even worse, they're forced to be responsible, mature, caring adults. Gee that's awful. My point is, a child is always a good thing regardless of the situation. And having a baby will either bring out your worst or your best, pray it's your best. They'll still have social lives, they'll just need to learn balance and time management, skills that benefit anyone. And yes it's hard as hell, but going through difficulty now builds the character they'll need later, when trying to get that job or that promotion or something else they want. It definitely puts your priorities in place. And once they see their child, I can pretty much guarantee you that while they'll miss a few things of their pre-pregnancy life, they wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
16 May 07
Yes, I know that every child is precious, as I have lost some children to miscarriages and a stillborn. Maybe not all teenagers that have babies feel that they missed out on their youth, but there are a lot that have told me that they did and regretted it. Don't get me wrong, they don't regret having their children but they do wish that they had waited until they were a bit older. Thanks!
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@simple_butterfly (478)
• Philippines
17 May 07
Pregnant teenagers just gave in to temptation. Maybe they have no parents guiding them on the reality of this world. Me, as a parent, I will try my very best to educate my child about what the future brings when she will do this and that. Just guide your teenagers and pray for them always. :)
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
17 May 07
I think that is the best we can do, try your best at educating your teenager and hope for the best. If they still end up pregnant, then always be there for them and support them as much as you can because they will need it. Thanks!
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
12 May 07
I actually don't feel sorry for teens that get pregnant because they made that choice. They are perfectly capable of understanding the consequences and can control themselves.
I also don't feel that just because a teen has a baby her life has to be over. My best friend had her daughter at 17. She had a pretty normal life after that. She graduated high school weeks before her baby was born premature. She went to college, graduated and is now a high school teacher. She dumped the father of her daughter right after the baby was born because he wanted nothing to do with the baby. But got back together with one of her exes who was a good "father" to her daughter. He wasn't a complete father because he refused to do some of the fatherly stuff (like change diapers and things) but he looked after her and babysat sometimes and liked to hang out with her. She also had a social life and went out with her friends (had a fake idea and sneaked into clubs and stuff like other college kids).
She also babysat for her cousins to earn extra money to buy things for her and the baby that she wanted to get. She is 25 now. Her daughter will be 8 next month and she is my hero. Her daughter is one of the smartest kids I know and is a wonderful little girl. She is best friends with my almost 7 year old daughter. My daughter was actually born the day after her 1st birthday and they are more like sisters then friends. My friend is the greatest mother I know and I wish I could be more like her. I was 23 when my daughter was born. I never finished college and have no life. She is living the dream life right now with a career, great boyfriend (she broke up with the other guy and now has another great guy that she has been with for 2 years) and a wonderful daughter.
Her only problem is she still lives with her parents in a 2 bedroom house so she has to share a room with her daughter, lol. But she is saving up a lot of money to buy her own house that way.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
This is great to hear. I am so glad that she has been able to do what she wanted to do. She sounds like a great mother and has done the best she can, which has obviously been working. She sounds like a good role model for other teenage mothers out there. She has proved that you can still do things when you have a baby. Good on her! Thanks!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
12 May 07
As you so aptly stated, I immediately think of the teen's own lost experiences. Their own years of teen fun and growth are being stripped from them. SAdly, so many teen girls view having a child as a 'romantic' thing and being a mom is almost like 'playing house' to them. They really don't see the 24/7 job of motherhood and the fact that there is no turning back. It is a forever committment. One of my daughter's friends is pregnant and she is all aglow and excited. I really don't think that the fact that she will now forgo college (at least for the fall semester), a planned summer trip abroad, and many other things that she had earned. Of course, the grandparents will end up having to do a lot of babysitting if this little girl is to go to college (now it will have to be locally instead of the university to which she had been accepted that is 5 hours away). So very sad.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
I feel sorry for this girl, I understand that she is excited, but to go to university is going to be very hard for her or not going to happen at all now. Another thing that I have heard a lot is some of them are having trouble with their relationships, so they think a baby will make it better. I don't think I have heard of anyone with relationship trouble working things out because they had a baby. It may happen but there is a good chance that it won't. Thanks!
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@ZaffireWolf (480)
• United States
12 May 07
It's funny to kick them in the womb.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
13 May 07
I don't think voilence is going to solve anything.
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
17 May 07
I think becoming pregnant is a blessing from God. However my statement is relative, since a teenager becoming a mom might consider it otherwise. Teenagers become pregnant out of curiousity. Also because most of their parents are both absent, busy making money thru over time. Its always good for parents to stablish an open communication relationship with the children. This way they can discuss things and see to it that their children are in the right path to success.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
26 May 07
Yes, I agree that the parents have a big responsibility in this, but there are some parents out there that will bend over backwards for their children, they are always there for them and are willing to listen to their teenagers and still it happens. I also understand that there a parents out there that have no time for their children and don't care what their teenagers are getting up too. This is very sad. I do see your point though, thanks!
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@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
25 May 07
Yes I get you point. But if parent are there giving guidance to their children, then their child can have the chance to overcome peer pressure. Most teens are confused not to know what's right from wrong. If parents can openly talk with the children and spend time with them, they can't be with friends with bad influence too.