Try to perfect ourselves everyday!!!

@fdwjay (340)
May 12, 2007 9:58am CST
We all make mistakes,this is very natural.But if you found your mistakes,and let them be,there you got a big trouble. We should not reget for what we have done before.For we have no time to do that,the only way we do is to correct them day by day.Then,we will perfect.
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3 responses
• India
21 May 07
That's a good one but how do we came to know that we are doing a mistake... Means how can we judge ourselves at own ...???
@federickp (607)
• India
20 May 07
every one doeas mistakes..! Nothing to worry about that. i don't think perfection is the way to live life. Perfection never matches practicality, you have to make out a golden mean in between those. There is always a trade-off in between those. Although we should learn from our past mistakes and learn from them. I have myself experienced that when ever my elder tell me something to do this, that in this way and that way. Yes every one has some faults but gotto live with it and accept it as they are. I am happy with the way i am. And i think i am more practical and pragmatic person rather than a perfectionist! And what you say that then we will be perfect, i think nobody willl ever be perfect..
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
12 May 07
I perfectly agree with you, fdwjay! When we think that we're down and out, there's nowhere to go but up. Sometimes, mistakes and failures serve as blessings in disguise. They serve as challenges that force us to go beyond our limits and accept the undeniable reality that, as humans, we are capable of achieving things that we have not even dreamed possible. We only have to realize that we can always pick up ourselves after a great fall and move on to greater heights. If we can do that, then perfection is perhaps a heartbeat away. Dwayne Wade said it best: fall down seven; stand up eight.