What about your bedsheets?

United States
May 12, 2007 3:47pm CST
Okay folks, help me settle an argument! According to some, your top bedsheet should be placed on the bed with the pretty side down. This supposedly allows for folding back the top edge and having a pretty side showing when the bed is turned down. Also, if made this way there is no sheet seam to rub your face/neck. Others say that the bed should be made with the pretty side up. What do you think?!
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32 responses
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
14 May 07
I never really thought about it. When I make the bed, I put the "pretty" side up. I don't consciously do it. It is the way that my mom and grandma made the bed. I always put a comforter over anyway, so I don't think it matters all that much.
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I agree with you.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
12 May 07
My Mom taught me to put the pretty side down. My husband thinks I'm crazy though. So last time I bought just plain blue sheets so it wouldnt be a debate. I say pretty side down.
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• United States
13 May 07
HAHAHA!!! Now that my friend is a diplomatic way for solving the issue!!!! Kudos to you!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
14 May 07
I guess it could be done either way, but I put mine pretty side up.
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
That's your preference, to each their own
@suscan (1955)
• United States
14 May 07
I was taught to put the pretty side up, maybe there is no right answer, I guess it is what you prefer.
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I agree, it's more a matter of preference.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
14 May 07
I put pretty side down, so, just like you say, when you turn it over to "turn down" the bed, it's right side up.
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I'm so glad I use plain white sheets
• United States
13 May 07
I've always made the bed pretty side down - that way when you pull back the covers for looks, or when you pull them back to get into bed you'll see the nice design/pattern. Putting them on with the pretty side up you miss out on seeing the nice side as it will be covered up by the blanket or spread. That's the way I've always done it. ^..^
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
Well, if that's what floats yer boat.
• United States
13 May 07
This is an arguement that I have with my husband everytime we make the bed together. He will put the pretty side down and fold it back to be seen on the top when the bed is made. But, I prefer to do the opposite. When I was a chambermaid we would pull the sheet over the pillows. My husband is so anal about this that if I make the bed and put the sheets on the way I have done for all my life, he removes them and remakes the bed!
• United States
13 May 07
ROFL! That is how the argument went with my friend a few years ago. Since then, I think about it everytime I change the bed! (Hence the posted discussion).
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• United States
13 May 07
It sounds to me as if your husband is one very controlling person. If it was me, I would keep on doing it the way I have been doing it, if for no other reason than to see if he would ever just give up trying. Good luck with this problem. Of course there is another way to get your point across. Put the clean sheets, pillow cases, and spread on the bed and let him make it. I hope this is helpful.
• United States
13 May 07
I make my bed with the pretty side down as I like to see the pattern when it is folded down. If it was the other way no-one would ever see how pretty they were.
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I don't buy pretty sheets so for me it doesn't matter.
13 May 07
I just put them on and as long as they look tidy I don't really care. So I personally wouldn't be much use when answering this as you can tell, but some also think what does it matter? (this isn't aimed to offend you) Small minor things like don't really matter as long as the person happy. hehe ~Joey
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
That's a really good point, I don't really care either.
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
13 May 07
I always do mine the pretty side up. It is more pleasing to the eye. As for the bed turned down, i used my quilt to do that not my sheets so i don't get turned down just my quilt - it's pretty on both sides. Interesting topic crazynurse! - Lyn
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
Thanks for reminding me, I'll need a new quilt next year
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
13 May 07
bedsheets - i will have the pretty pattern face up for my bedsheets
Hello,crazynurse,i will always put the pretty face on the top facing me,i feel more comfortable when i can see those pretty pattern when i am going to sleep. If the pretty face is facing down,so why do you buy that bedsheets as you cannot see it.
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
Well, I suppose that does make sense if you like things that way
• Austria
13 May 07
I think that those sheets are most annoying. I don'tuse them. I have a sheet on the mattress and a duvet cover, so the sheet doesn't get tangled in your sleep. then you just give the blanket a shake in the morning and the bed is made. I stayed at my in-laws recently and that darn sheet drove me crazy, takes forever to make a bed with that sheet. A comforter with a duvet cover is way easier.
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• United States
13 May 07
You know, more and more I am inclined to give the comforter/duvet cover a try. I'm just afraid that in the summer months I might get very hot. In the summer, I pretty much just have the sheet over us.
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• Austria
13 May 07
well then in the summer just use the sheet, you can still do that.
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• United States
13 May 07
i put it on my own bed pretty side up-but some hotels i worked in made you put it down so you can see the color boarder when you roll the edge.
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I'm curious, if the sheet is just plain old white which side would be the pretty side?
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• Canada
13 May 07
This is really a good question! I use to argue about this when someone was helping me make my bed. Not that it happened often. But you know sometimes your mother is visiting and you follow each other around the house and chat. I can remember a couple of occassions that she wanted to put my bed sheet down and I want pretty side up. Actually my husband when he makes the bed does the same thing. Finally I decided to put pretty side down for a few months to see how I felt about it. To see if I would always wish it was pretty side up. Well I did still wish it was pretty side up although I really dont' know why that matters to me? The difference is pretty side down means one fold so pretty side is shown. My way with pretty side up means two folds to keep pretty side up when the bed is turned down and so statisfaction all the way around. So I still like my way the best because it still makes the most sense to me. I hope you understood that?
2 people like this
• United States
13 May 07
Yup, I followed you! (remember, I teach college nursing for a living and I am used to trying to follow student's thoughts as they respond in class/clinical!!) I actually like the idea of two folds to reattain the pretty side when rolling the covers back. That does solve the entire issue!!!
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• United States
15 May 07
I have been a nurse for 28 years. I have been teaching the last 13. It is a most wonderful profession with so many avenues to go down that one cold never experience all of them!
• Canada
13 May 07
CrazyNurse,, that is really neat. My daughter is taking nursing in College right now! She just finished first term and and is starting the second. How long have you been teaching?
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
12 May 07
I was always taught to put the pretty side down so that when the top edge was folded down the pretty side of the edge showed. This works well for if you have a blanket or something, obviously, because then only the pretty top edge shows. In the summer I don't bother to turn the sheet down, I use sheets that don't have a rough seam and I just stick more of it into the foot of the mattress. (I leave the top edge about at the same level it would be if it was folded.)
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• United States
13 May 07
Another great way to solve the issue!!!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
13 May 07
LOL...I have fitted sheets and a quilt, but if I was to make the bed. I would do it exactly how you have described.
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
Does that mean you don't make beds?
• United States
15 May 07
Okay, crazynurse, in a facility setting, the sheet should have the seam UP or OUT so the patient doesn't get irritated skin on their faces and necks. That's where it all started. Studies have been done over this subject. BUT at home? Any way you see fit is right. So, it depends upon occupation of the person with whom you are having this conversation! I'm sure everyone doesn't know this. It's in my nursing book, but I've known about it for years. I'll have to look in a magazine to see how "home" sheets are supposed to be!
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I never would have thought about how patients in care facilities would be affected, good points.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
15 May 07
That's a good question! I have wondered about this myself for years. I used to put the pretty side up, but then I noticed it was softer, so I have been putting the pretty side down and turning it back at the top so you can see the pretty side folded down. This should be interesting.
@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
I wonder if my plain white sheets have either soft or rough sides, I'll have to pay closer attention
@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
18 May 07
I don't think it really matters but I always make mine with the pretty side down.....
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@rebelann (113145)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Apr 20
You're right, it really doesn't matter.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
13 May 07
I think if your a fancy sophisticated person then yes it is proper to make the bed with the pretty side down and true no sheet seam to rub your face. If you're on the other hand like me just a plain Jane grandma who doesn't know the meaning of fancy or sophistication then the sheets are put on with the pretty side up. That's just my opinion from an old boot... Me... lol Take care
• United States
13 May 07
Well Grandma, you and I are in the same club! That is EXACTLY how I feel. I was raised very non-fancy (is that a word?) and I always place them pretty side up. A friend told me a few years back that my way was actually incorrect. AFter a bit of research (that is now verified with the myLot group!) it appears that pretty side down is 'proper.' Guess I am not fancy or proper! Ha! Long as they are clean, it doesn't matter to me!
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