Global warming
By lisaneuc
@lisaneuc (56)
United States
May 12, 2007 4:32pm CST
I keep running into people trying to convince me that we all need to do something to stop global warming. I just don't see it.
I'm happy if you feel like you want to do something but I think I have a right to decide for myself what steps I will or will not take.
I can't believe how pushy and arrogant people are on this issue.
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12 responses
@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
12 May 07
You are young and live in the worst polluter in the world. It is your life that will undergo the most dramatic of changes. Saying that you will decide what steps you will take is rather like saying you will decide how fast you can drive. Not to worry, the US will be the last one to act, and likely when it is too late, as usual. Forgive the rest of the planet for being pushy about the survival of the species.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 May 07
I'm sorry that people approach the need for change in an arrogant and pushy manner. You sound like you are willing to listen to the facts and options and make some choices on your own. So I encourage you to learn about global warming on your own.
Al Gore's recent book and film "An Inconvenient Truth" is full of interesting information and offers some alternatives that individuals can choose to make a difference.
I'm very concerned about global warming and want very much for us to work to slow or stop it. Some people get pushy, I guess, when they feel passionate about something. I try not to be pushy, but I do encourage people to make "green" choices.
For instance, I no longer let my engine idle when I'm waiting for someone or something in a parking space. I recycle as much as I can. I am switching to the fluorescent lightbulbs one by one. Those are just a few small steps I'm taking while I try to learn more about what I can do.
I trust you will make some good choices after you know more about the issues from your own research.
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@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
19 May 07
Saying that other people are arrogant for trying to save the planet, is making you out to be arrogant. Because of people like yourself, this planet will not be habitable when your children and children's children become adults. Please, for the love of Christ, change your habits and change how much pollution you make.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 May 07
Here's a multiple choice test:
Which of the following would not constitute arrogance?
1) Deciding to cause the sun to set in the east.
2) Deciding to cause the sun to rise in the west.
3) Deciding to change the hours in a day to 23.
4) Deciding there should be 367 days in the year.
5) Deciding ice ages should no longer be followed by global warming.
6) Telling others who are committing no crime how to live their lives.
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@lisaneuc (56)
• United States
19 May 07
I'm not saying people are arrogant for trying to save the planet. I'm saying there is room for different views on the complex subject of climate change.
The arrogance comes in when you assert your right to tell me what I *have* to believe, how I *have* to behave, and how I *have* to agree with your interpretation of a subject that is, at the very least, open to numerous interpretations and not at all settled.
If you want to change your habits to live like you're still in the Middle Ages, please, by all means do so. I prefer to take advantage of the progress that all kinds of technology has made possible.
Despite disagreeing with you, I'm not asking you to change how you wish to live. Won't you extend the same courtesy to me?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
17 May 07
There is nothing to be done on the issue of Global Warming.
A bunch of scientists getting together and forming a consensus that man "might" be responsible for global warming means absolutely nothing.
That word "might" suggests that the possibility exists and nothing more.
There is now news that a lot of scientists are now changing their positions on this idea that man is responsible.
The truth is that the facts do not really support this theory and that there is not nearly enough data available to really understand global warming, let alone assign any blame for it.
There are scientists who say that Mars is also undergoing global warming at this the idea that man is responsible for it is seriously in doubt.
We already know that the earth goes through warming and cooling trends which range from Ice ages to tropical conditions.
The earth is still emerging from the last ice age and so it is warming up.
That means that ice packs and glaciers will shrink and melt, as will the polar ice.
This will continue until the earth gets warm enough to then start to cool again.
This happens in cycles in much the same way that the seasons change and is completely normal for the earth.
Man has very little if anything at all to do with this process, and there is no more way that he could prevent it than there is that man could cause it.
Preventing pollution and saving energy makes sense and is a good thing to do, but doing these things is going to have no affect on global warming or climate change.
To suggest that man is in control of these thing s is arrogant and irresponsible of those scientists and fearmongers who make those claims.
Man can not control is governed by nature and subject to whatever nature dishes out.
This is not the first time that global warming has been an issue with the last 100 years it has been brought up at least 4 times, and global cooling has been used at least twice.
Each time the forecast was for imminent doom because of catastrophic climactic change.
This is like a fad that reappears occasionally in the scientific world, always preaching doom and gloom and always calling on man and governments to take extraordinary steps to prevent the end of life as we know it, or the end of the world.
People get pushy and arrogant about this because they buy into the BS that the scientific world comes up with.
They think that just because some scientist says something that it must be fact.
What they forget is that scientists start with an educated guess and try to find ways to make the guess to be proven as fact.
While individuals are usually fairly intelligent, people as a group are stupid, and as a group tend to believe anything that someone with a little education or authority tells them, and mass hysteria can quickly follow.
Once something is reported on TV, then it becomes regarded as irrefutable truth because the TV news would never mislead anyone or run stories that weren't true.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts on this issue.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 May 07
"I'll keep a laminated copy to distribute to all those people who keep yelling at me in my SUV!"
To anyone who might think she is making this up, I have a friend who will sometimes utter unkind things concerning the people who drive HUMMER's whenever one goes by.

@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
12 May 07
Global warming has been turned too much in a sort of fashion trend which is tiring quite a lot of people, guess what; you CANT stop it. So whether it is going to happen within 10, 20, 50 or 100 years that we have a drastic climate change. What does it matter? Or do you think it's more fair simply that you live in an age it didn't go it it's worst yet but pushed that off to your grand children?
Myself I'm just enjoying life as well, if a climate change would come in a couple of years then so be it. In my opinion the governments can better be looking into methods of protecting the cities and working on evacuation plans for when it happens rather than trying to stop something you simply can't stop.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
12 May 07
I do disagree. I think individuals will make the biggest difference. If we wait for governments to make the changes, it will be too late.
There are things we can do to reduce the global warming. Since it is being worsened by human choices. it can be lessened by different choices.
Live for today with no regard for tomorrow is what has got the earth in this condition. I want my great-grandchildren to have a better world.
@janidanielli (132)
• Canada
14 May 07
If the government was secretly hiding billions of taxpayers money, that they had diligently skimmed over the years and vigilantly covered up. And all of a sudden you kept running into people that were trying to convince you that we all need to do something to stop this embezzlement and secrecy and we should all get our entitlement of the money, I think you would be in favor of that cause.
The difference is, that helping the environment is not something that you will receive instant gratification for. The reward isn't something you can buy a Gucci purse with. And if you plan on "livin fast and dyin young, then saving the environment would be a big waste of time for you.
Preserving the planet we live on is something that will happen one way or another. At this point in time, it is a matter of choice. But when this planet starts cooking (excellent for those who like to tan in a hurry, you won't need more than a few minutes), it won't matter how mighty the nation, or how strong the arm of that nation......When it comes to mother nature, there is no prejudice or favorites. Those of us who worked our butts off reducing, reusing and recycling will fry in the street right next to those of you who didn't give a damn. And good ole mother nature (who has been around since the beginning of time, a lot longer than man) will make right what has been made wrong.
Is it possible that you have mistaken pushy and arrogant for frightened with a sense of urgency. It's a time in the world where everyone needs to start looking out for everyone else. On this matter it's: "United we stand. Divided we fall."
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@lisaneuc (56)
• United States
14 May 07
Frightened and urgent people don't spit on you or key your car and they don't knock things out of your hand in supermarkets.
If someone is fearful of frying in the street, it seems to me some of the blame lays with those who are deliberately fear-mongering and distorting the science and consequences of global warming.
The Armageddon-like catastrophes you speak of don't even represent the mainstream views of the supposed global warming "consensus."
Is the planet warming? Absolutely. To say that the effects of that are going to be more severe than at any other time in history and are going to be uniformly negative is, on the face of it, nonsensical.
Please take measures in your own life which you feel are consistent with "doing your part." I use fluorescent bulbs. I'll adopt other green technology as I see fit. But I reject the right of anyone to physically attack me or force me into a way of life based on the fact that I don't buy into their fears. That goes if you're talking about global warming or alien invasions or fundamental Christians or the Amish or Scientologists or whatever the "fear-of-the-month" club is pushing.
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@janidanielli (132)
• Canada
15 May 07
Okay, well, that is a bit of a different story. You might have mentioned this appalling behavior in your original post. I think however that your issue has less to do with global warming and more to do with behavioral problems. No one likes to be told what to do let alone to feel forced into a choice.
I am happy to hear that you are making environmental choices that are suitable for you. It demonstrates that you are making an effort to do what you can. I too am trying to make more environmentally friendly choices, but I'm not about to give up some of the things I hold dear (my car for example).
I am just tired of driving down the highway behind the guy that throws trash out his window every 5 km. It's like smoking when you are pregnant. Why would you do it when you know how negative the effects.
I don't actually believe we will "fry in the streets", but I'm tellin ya, I can hardly handle the heat these days! So all I'm saying is, I am prepared to do what I can to take the heat off. As for the mainstream views of the supposed global warming "consensus" I watched the documentary. The high carbon levels will trigger another ice age and in another 100 000 years they will be prying our frozen bodies out of the ice caps with food still in our mouths. is that the "consensus" you speak of?
What concerns me, is that before that all takes place, its gonna get HOT! I don't like the heat. And most people I know get cranky in the heat. So if you think people are rude now......
I certainly hope that those people who are shoving environmental practice down others throats, realize that they are doing more harm than good. It doesn't help anything to sound like a raving lunatic. What we need is a sensible approach to this issue. Because even if there is no such thing as global warming and we continue to thrive as a species, we will eventually be faced with medical conditions that arise from pollution ( a very real concern right now )and the questions of what to do with all the trash that will be popping up under our feet because there is no room left to hide it. Not to mention water shortages due to drought and polluted water, and food shortages to go along with that.
Then again, our technology is better than at any time in history. And the government will be working on plans to evacuate us to the next available planet once we've turned this one into a landfill. And surely everyone will get to come there. Hasn't the government always looked out for our best interests in the past. Certainly they would never make light of a serious situation. Nor try to cover it up. Ya, I'm confident that everything will just work itself out........................
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Jun 07
Global Warming has become a religion.
I'm still wondering what happened to the Hole in the Ozone crowd. ;~D
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
9 Jun 07
we all have the freedom on how we treat our environment..but if we know what's really the best for our mother earth, then i therefore conclude that we better make some good things that can help to lessen the progress of global warming..were living in this world, and it's only in our hands if we want to destroy it or preserve it for the coming years..that's all my friend..have a nice day..
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@krayzee (1160)
• Romania
15 May 07
You said in a comment "Is the planet warming? Absolutely. To say that the effects of that are going to be more severe than at any other time in history and are going to be uniformly negative is, on the face of it, nonsensical."You really have got to be kidding here.
My dear girl, not only this year is going to be the warmest ever but there are also more deeply ingrained changes. For example in my country one of the most fertile areas we had (and which has been known throughout the history as such) is said to be turning to desert in a few years. Isn't that radical and severe? When did fertile land turn to desert in all the history you know? (there are of course the Sahara desert and others but I think there were deserts before man appeared).
As another example the icecaps are melting. Once again when in history have you known this to happen? According to the scientists it did happen but before man appeared and with catastrophic consequences. And so on.
The thing is there are changes, irrevocable ones, all around us. In my country we used to have four seasons, now we only have two. It changes from very cold to hot in a matter of days. It's pretty freaky if you know how it used to be. And this only in the past few years, who knows what the future will bring.
As for "a right to decide for myself" it's clear that you don't understand how serious the matter is. It isn't for yourself you make that choice, it is for all of us, and for your kids and grandkids and so on. It isn't like if you make the wrong choice you and only you are going to suffer the consequences. It's all of us.
Sorry if I seemed to you "pushy and arrogant" but it always amazes me how people choose not to see what they do not want to see. There are changes for the worst all around us and we're the only ones who can at least slow them.
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@markjabo (2)
• United States
12 May 07
I certainly agree that things have gotten quite hysterical with regards to this topic. The science is extremely complex but gets reduced in the media to sound bites that project 100% certainty that there is some sort of cataclysmic ending that is coming.
Humans have been around for 100 thousand years and have managed to survive worse conditions. Our technology is better than at any time in history, I feel pretty confident we can adapt to any minor (or even major) climate disruptions in the future.
-Mark Jabo

@murciaman (441)
10 Jun 07
I can see where you are coming from obviously have thought a lot about this issue based on all your replies to posts....i have a degree in environmental studies and have an open mind where global warming is concerned.It is very easy for scientists to come up with a hypothesis to substantiate their fears, especially when they are being funded by Government no matter what country is involved.Scientists can come up with statistics to prove almost anything ..two sides to every story and all that...that global warming is taking place is difficult to deny given the records of temperature of both land and sea that are available... i cant really see that we as individuals can alter this one way or another...if the temperature of the planet does continue to rise then there is no doubt there will be disadvantages to some countries and advantages to others.. the human race is still here because we do have the capability through our innate intelligence and technology to adapt...i dont think we should focus on preventing global warming. I think we should focus more on adapting to global warming.. a difficult task yes becasue we dont know exactly who will benefit and who will lose but i think it is the tack we should follow. As a postscript it should be noted thatwe assume that the levels of carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is directly related to the increase in temp of the planet.Another school of thought says it is the other way round...i.e. the warming of the planet casues increases in carbon dioxide. Which is true? At present there is no evidence either way...the increase in Carbon Dioxide as measured at Mauna Loa in Hawaii has accelerated since the 1950s but other evidence shows that there is a marked timelag between the increase in Carbon Dioxide and the increease in global temperatures...this is missed by the proponents of man made warming by using tiny graphs which dont really show the time lag.... the significance here is that the current record temperatures in the last 4 decades are due to an increase in carbon dioxide levels 800 years ago!!So evidently not man made!!
AS far as you are concerned i would advise you to keep an open mind... take information given to you with a pinch of salt.. research and make your own mind up...use argument and reasoning to state your point...more importantly you are young (and pretty i might add) so live your life to the full ... and dont get too Serious!!!
@ecobusiness (9)
• United States
26 Jun 07
hi....everyone decides for themselves the steps needed to take towards any issue. global warming is for real and my push to any renewable resource of energy is always a plus for everyone.