i need advice on potty training a 3 yr old little girl

United States
May 12, 2007 8:41pm CST
My almost 4 yr old daughter is giving me a hard time potty training her. She knows how to pee & poop on the toilet but she wont do it. She starts school in September for the first time and she needs to be fully potty trained & capapble of wiping after herself (which she isnt). I have tried everything I can think of so far. If anyone has ever had this problem can you please give me some advice or even if you havent had this problem any suggestions are welcomed. Please Help!
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5 responses
• United States
13 May 07
I have 3 children and each one was different with potty training. Your daughter sounds like my middle child. He knows what to do but only want on the potty when it was convenient for him. He was smart and lazy at the same time. If he was watching TV, he did want to stop to go potty and miss something. And the same thing if he was outside. My husband and I put an end to that by putting him in underwear. No diapers or Pullups. He didn't like pee running down his legs and having to stop everything to take a bath.
• United States
13 May 07
Thats a pretty good idea eventually she will not want pee running down her legs so she will learn to go on the toilet..Hmmmm..very interesting ima have to try this if it worked for the two of you..wish me luck cuz I need it with her.
• United States
13 May 07
OMG I thought the samething! LOL But you can't get anymore real then that...Real Advice.
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• United States
13 May 07
Good Luck! I'm sure she'll do Great.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
13 May 07
It was that age my son learned to use the potty. We first played with. We first tell him to sit there and tell him what that one is for. Then one day when he was about to drop his poop we just told him that its nice to put his poop on the potty and not on his diaper. He hesitantly agreed but then when he felt it was much comfortable using it he just loved the potty already and when he feels like it he just tells anyone and that's it. At age 4 we taught him to use the regular potty already since he was able to sit on it already. and he just loves to see his poops come down the drain.
• United States
13 May 07
Awwwww...thats so cute he tells people that he uses the potty. My daughter tells people too but its a lie. Yea I think thats the key to the whole potty thing..they jus have to be comfortable with it, and when they are.. bye bye diapers! Thanks for your story
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
14 May 07
I think you need to find a 'Big Girl' toy that she wants..but she has to earn it by acting like a 'Big Girl' in other words using the potty. You still have time until September and my guess is once she starts..the process will be a short one. You just need to find the right incentive, until then, just drop the subject and give her a week or 2 to mature. With my son, I tried training him and it turned into a nightmare..he was too stressed out for it. I stopped, drop the topic for a few weeks, then brought it up one day, this was before the pull-ups.. I found terry cloth/plastic pants called them diaper pants. I said if he would try them, he said yep..I bought some underroos and told him when he went a whole week at the sitter's with no accidents he could wear underroos. He had them the following Friday.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
14 May 07
He wore exactly what he wore at home..I just brought extra, but like I said, once he started it was maybe 2 accidents that first week and then it was done, he was trained.
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• United States
14 May 07
He sounds like a smart boy. Hmmm..maybe I am stressing her by trying so hard to potty train her...i never really thought about it. What did you let your son put on when you took him out in public during the potty training time?? I jus put on some pull ups for her because for me its easier than stopping every 5 minutes to use the bathroom.
• United States
14 May 07
Oh okay...thanks so much for sharing your story! God bless you and your family
• United States
16 May 07
My son is only 14 months old and it's easy to give advice but it doesn't mean that it's going to work but I will try my best. I think you should start some sort of reward system with her. Maybe you could make a chart with her and put a sticker on the chart everytime she uses the potty and after a certain amount of stickers she could earn some sort of prize. I'm going to buy her the potty training book and DVD for her birthday (if I could find it) and maybe that will work. You could also ask her if she needs to use the bathroom just incase she forgets. Good luck! I got a long time before I have to worry about that.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
17 May 07
Hmmmmmmmm I didnt have a time frame for my girls so i just let them go when they were ready they were ready i dont think i really forth much effort into it. My oldest didnt go to potty till after my second was born and i think she did it mainly avert all the attention from the baby and give some back to herself. And my other daughter trained right before she turned 3 but it was easier for her to get it because she had older sister doing it. She did have accidents alot at first then not so many after she really realized she didnt like the feeling of wet cloths, she never pooped her unders though. Do you use pull up or just unders. Pull ups can be an inhibitor. I know you have a time frame to work with too but maybe you could try to just not push it and let her chose it as the time lessons though and if you dont see any progress I would change stradegy Some how make it seem like it her desision. Good Luck!!! i am awaiting for my youngest to get to the age to potty train i might need help with this one myself youngest is my only boy.
• United States
17 May 07
Thanks for everyones advice..and let me update all of you as to her progress. Today was the first time she went the without using pull-ups..she kept her panties on the whole day up until her bedtime. Everytime she needed to use the toilet, she would tell me and we would go to the bathroom..she didnt have any accidents today and Im so proud of her..she is learning so fast in front of my eyes & as im writting this my eyes are filling with tears because my little girl is growing up. I bought her a toy she has been asking for because I felt she deserved it, so in the end Im very happy and so is she..we both got we want! Thanks for everyones advice...You all are true lifesavers!!