Hip Hop is still alive and especially..Real?!

@valina01 (123)
May 12, 2007 9:52pm CST
Hi everybody there..I'm still askin if Hip Hop is real..I mean..all what I see on Tv..Gangsta Hip Hop..txt that talks about guns and things lke that..rappers that wanna be the thug man always..and all things like that..That's real or is just fiction?! I'm italian and I don't live in the Usa so i don't know and I can't know if those kind of people and the situations that they sing in their songs are true..! For me is all lke a movie..a gangsta movie that i watch for fun but for somebody all that can be real..And i really wanna know your opinion about this..! Is hip hop alive?!
2 responses
• United States
13 May 07
hip hop is real But it is the media which creates the bad image that's associated with all the hype for they know it's the way they make huge profits So don't beleive everything you see most of the artist are just everyday people like you and me just making a living using there talent the media portrays them in the wrong way
@valina01 (123)
• Italy
13 May 07
Yes, i understand it..so it's how i thought..!
@kluk424 (45)
• United States
19 Feb 08
i think he realer now then ever but there alot of fake cats coming up