How early can you test for colour blindness?

May 13, 2007 2:05am CST
My son(6.5) can't differentiate between brown,green and grey, and black,navy and dark grey. We did an 'online' colour blindness test and he couldn't see the second shape on any of the tests. I'm just wondering if he may just be too young to test? Or is this going to be another problem he's going to be 'labelled' with :( TIA D
1 response
• United States
13 May 07
You can tell early on, it appears your son is color blind but he's not going to labeled as anything.:) My brother (he's 25) is color blind and no one even knows! People actually find it "interesting" whenever it comes up. They try to point at colors and see if he'll get it right, lol. It's cute, you really have nothing to worry about.
• Ireland
13 May 07
I'll make an appointment at the optitian for him so. He's already been diagnosed with mild ADHD, ODD(oppositional defiant disorder), possible dyslexia(have to wait until he's 7 for the neps assessment on that one!), problems with his pelvic alignment and colour blindness on top of all that sure makes him interesting lol. But he's a sweet little monkey really lol Thanks, D
• United States
13 May 07
Aw I'm so sorry your little boy has to go through all of that! He is much too young, but surely he'll grow to be a little trooper. Chin up!:)