Do you like to be left alone when you're angry??

@vega83 (6342)
May 13, 2007 4:15am CST
Or do you like to talk about it?? I think I'm the talking kind, I don't think silence or retreating achieves anything, but that's just my personal opinion. Have you ever walked up to someone who's mad about something else, only to see that they don't wanna talk and they take it out on you?? Now, that's not fair right? But some people need their own space to work out stuff in their own time. I'm not one of those, I don't tend to stay mad for long anyway, and I think the reason is that I get it out of my system and finish it before it goes further. So what kind are you, do you like to go into your shell or do you like to be open when you're angry or mad??
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73 responses
• India
24 Jul 07
nice discussion i want to be alone wheb im angry i dont want to talk with any1 but still they must talk to me and ill b cool n im new to mylot can you help me out.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
24 Jul 07
hey welcome, newbie, well, if you need any help, then just ask, and I'll help you out. You can send me a message regarding anything you want help with.
• India
24 Jul 07
Hai i'm really happy for your response i'm adding u as my friend and at the asme time tel me how my earning will increase, and when u will be online most of the time so that i can ask many questions?
• India
26 Jul 07
hai y no reply for my msg
• Switzerland
5 Aug 07
Yes. I take the time to reflect upon what happened, and myself. Besides, people who are angry wouldn't come up with a decent conversation anyway so whilst the issue is still brewing I think it's just sound to be alone and figure things out. Works for me, I'd say.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
9 Aug 07
Well, if it works for you, then it's great, I guess we all have to find the right thing that works for us.
@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
24 Jul 07
I thing it really depends on the situation and the way I am feeling at the moment,but mostly I prefer to be left alone to make a bit cool and then to talk about it calmly, Like you I do not stay mad for long but I need time to process what I am feeling before talking. I do not take it on another person when I'm upset. And usually only the person I am upset at knows how I am feeling, nobody else. I do not think it is fair to take the people that have nothing to do with it, and it is easy to me to separate both things.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
24 Jul 07
Yeah, that's true, other people shouldn't be caught up in something that they're not a part of. That's just unfair.
@lols189 (4742)
23 Jul 07
i like to be alone when i am angry as it makes me calm down and forget all about it rather than talking to anyone about it
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
24 Jul 07
Yeah, I guess not all of us are venters, some of us just like to forgive and forget.
@Helium (97)
• United States
26 May 07
I have to be left alone or I'll start yelling at people for bothering me.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
24 Jul 07
Well, I guess you just need you time then.
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
Yes. I prefer to be left alone in a while when I am angry. that is because I don't want tomake things worst. I might say something bad to a person or brought up something bad from the past. I would rather stay alone for a while, let things cool down first and think of what has happened. If everybody is calm, I think that is the best time to talk things over and let things cleared up.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
24 Jul 07
Yeah, calm is good, especially when things need to be cleared up.
@Dumpertaker (1187)
13 May 07
If I feel like I'm going to lose my temper, or I'm already angry I'll either go to my room and start playing on my PS2/PSP/PC (it's odd but I find I get further with games when someone or something has annoyed or angered me) or I plough into one of my Turds projects. I am a natural loner anyways, so I'm usually by myself most of the the time anyway.
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15 May 07
My dad used to abuse me as a kid, and I used games as my vent then, especially fighting see, I could seriously injure someone...even "kill" them, and I never actually hurt anyone...also if I lost I incurred no injuries either. It still happens now too, with me getting games like Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur, just has to be done!
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
15 May 07
Yeah, games are a great vent, you can take out all your frustrations without actually hurting anyone, or yourself. They act as my vent too sometimes, but only some times, as I don't really need to vent most of the time, I guess I'm just lucky in some aspects, and bad things don't happen that often...
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 May 07
I think gaming is turning out to be a really good vent, I do that too, it makes me feel better when I'm angry. But then gaming feels better anyway.
• United States
29 Jul 07
It is best that you stay away from me when I'm angry. It is better for me and much safer for you.I need to be alone and if anyone says " get over it" or " it not that much of a deal" I will become livid.I have a real bad temper so it is best to leave me alone.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
29 Jul 07
Well, I usually say that stuff, like get over it and all that, so I better not be around you when you're mad.
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• United States
29 Jul 07
Exactly.But I haven't been that angry in a very long time. I guess with friends and family you should ask them. If they want to left alone , leave them alone. If they are like me,they will get back to you when they need you.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
30 Jul 07
Yeah, with friends and family, either you already know whether to leave them alone or not, or you could ask them, that's true.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
13 Aug 07
I would like to remain silent and vent my feelings when the other fellow calms down. I find it is of on use shouting, when other person has cuased you the anger.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Aug 07
Yeah, sure, by talking it out, I didn't really mean shouting and yelling anyway, if that's the way things are going then I would rather stay by myself too.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Aug 07
you're welcome
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
14 Aug 07
Thanks for your comments and opinion.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
21 May 07
As usually I am a contradiction on myself, I like to do both depending on the situation. There are times when I just want to vent off my frustration then I let it go. Then there are other times when I need to just have some alone time, so I can talk myself out of the anger. I tend to let myself feel the emotions that come at me, but then analyze them, why do I feel the way I do, etc, and work it out. So often during those times it is best if I am left alone. Other times when it is something that is just I don't know dumb, I am better off venting out my frustrations, and letting it go.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
26 May 07
Yeah, well, it really depends on what might work for a specific individual in a specific argument... We all have our own ways of venting...
• Singapore
13 May 07
Strange question. You have to ask the person with me. I don't mind. Either I yell at people around me, burn the place or just nurse my raging fire. But give me a while to cool down (if I want) and I will be able to keep my anger under control. I am perpetually angry so I am quite seasoned at handling it already.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
13 May 07
So you burst with anger, and then you retreat, and then you get back to normal. Hmm.. sounds pretty normal to me.
• Australia
13 Aug 07
I don't tend to show my anger so it's hard for people to know when I am really angry. But in saying that, yes, I do like to be left alone when angry. Don't know why, but I don't think it really helps to have someone talk to you as well as you telling people about your anger. It usually makes me feel worse rather than relieve and less stressed.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Aug 07
Yeah, in most times, just complaining about what's going on can make you feel worse, but what I meant was if there is a problem that can be resolved by talking instead of reverting to your safe place, then it should be taken care of.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Aug 07
well, I guess we all have our different ways of dealing with things. If I'm angry about something and it would help in solving a situation by talking, then I would definitely like to talk it out.
@nurhoney (1123)
• Philippines
13 May 07
this is how i do it...when iam mad, i would love to calm down first coz when a person is mad, they tend to say things that they dont mean coz they cant think well in that after i calm down, i would like to talk about it and settle any arguments there is...i hate to sleep with bad thought or unresolved arguments coz i cant sleep well with that and i wake up with bad headache...iam the type who just can easily get over with arguments as long as it isnt that serious.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
13 May 07
I guess that is the best way. And sleeping on it, which is something most people do, that never works. In fact you should never go to bed mad at someone. It's good for no one. I like the way you handle your anger.
• India
5 Aug 07
No I want to be share my angry with some one who can solve that problem. or i simply attack on the person upon whom i got angry. Normally when u get angry keep quiet for some time. try to divert the mind on some where. and begin to think your self. spk to ur inner heart. definetely u will find the reason whether u are right or wrong getting angry
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@lpetges (3036)
• United States
9 Aug 07
no! i like to be able to yell at someone! just kidding, i am not a very angry person, and when i do get mad i share it right away,,,i don't hold back.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
9 Aug 07
Yeah, for a person like me I like to talk about things, and I'm definitely not the kind who blows up on the wrong person.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
10 Aug 07
Yeah I'm kind of like that too. I just try not to bottle things up, if something is bothering me about someone I can definitely get it out without being too angry and blowing up on them.
• United States
10 Sep 07
Yes sometimes but not always because I don't become angry without any reason. I am not very dominating or selfish. Rather, I am very adjusting person. I also believe that people can make mistakes so there is often other's carelessness which makes me angry. And if I am unable to convince the person who is guilty in my opinion then I prefer to be alone to calm down my anger.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
11 Sep 07
Yeah, I believe in resolving things if that's possible so that I don't have to be with that anger in me. I think the sooner it's gone, the better.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
I'm the type of person who wants to be left alone when I'm angry. I'm just afraid that I might say anything rude or bad that I will regret later. When you say something you can not take it back, even if you apologize for it the damage has already been done.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
9 Sep 07
Yeah, that's true and words can hurt more than actions and always stay with you. It's best to control yourself in anger.
• United States
14 Aug 07
i talk. it's like i have to prove my point...over and over again. but that's with my hubby. if i argue with anyone else, i back off pretty easily i think. i don't like confrontations, and maybe it's more dramatic for me to walk away...but with my hubby, forget it, he gets an earfull, ha, and i'm not sure why. maybe i'm more comfortable with him? i dunno!! ha!!
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
14 Aug 07
Yeah, I think you're right, it also depends on who we're talking to and what situation it is. If it someone really close then we can speak our mind, but if it's someone we don't know that well, then we don't know how they'll take the confrontation.
• United States
12 Sep 07
well when I am angry I usually keep to myself and make sure that anyone that I come in contact with to leave me alone. Some people press the issue but as people get to know mw they dont bother me. I try not to take it out on someone that dont have anything to do with it. That is why I try my best to keep to myself.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
12 Sep 07
Yeah, I hate it when someone is angry at something and they take it out on someone else, that's just not fair, so I guess it's best if we take that time out for ourselves, so that we don't do that.
@Auraib (102)
• Pakistan
12 Sep 07
well when i am angry i just take out all my anger on a piece of paper...talking is so much better than silencxe it just builds in you if you remain quiet
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
12 Sep 07
Wow, that is a very interesting and effective way to go about it. So you are still venting your feelings but at the same time there is no chance of anyone else getting hurt at all. That's great.
@emjay101 (42)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
when i am so mad, no one should ask me if i am mad or ask me anything about my anger. i should be ignored when i am angry. i want to be alone on that moment. being alone will help me think of the situation and make me realize who has the fault. it also help me choose the proper words to say to burst out the feeling.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
8 Sep 07
That's true, you think the best with a calm mind, everyone does.