Mercury Thermometers

May 13, 2007 4:17am CST
I bought myself a mercury thermometer and it says to shake it so the mercury goes down to below 36 degrees (centigrade). I tried to shake it and it's NOT MOVING!!! It's staying on 37.1 degrees so how do I know if I'm getting an accurate result or not?
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4 responses
@bon_jing (88)
• Philippines
13 May 07
Hold the thermometer at one end, the one opposite the silver end and shake it as if you're trying to shake the water out of it, somewhat in a flicking motion. Try it, might help.
1 person likes this
• Australia
13 May 07
so flick it like when you're doing the bendy pencil trick?
• Philippines
13 May 07
ah... yes... but a bit harder.. aggressive...
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• Australia
13 May 07
I figured it out! haha thanks for the help guys
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
13 May 07
Mercury thermometers are these days a throwback to an older generation. These thermometers do have a couple of problem, first as you just mentioned, sometimes it is difficult to move it back to the original position. You can reset it by flicking multiple times, but make sure it does not slip out of your hand or the thermometer is done for. But, also check if the room temperature is less than 37.1 degrees, because if it is so then too it is very difficult to get a mercury thermometer reset to under 36. Cheers! Ram
@smacksman (6053)
13 May 07
If you look closely just above the bulb you will see that the center capilliary is constricted. The idea of that is so that the mercury goes up but does not come down easily. Thus, when you take the thermometer out of the patient's mouth to read it, the mercury doesn't fall in the cooler air and so give a false reading of the patient's body temperature. To reset it, hold the end opposite the bulb and flick it hard five or six times. Then look at the consriction again to see if the mercury is all back in the bulb. If you still have problems, go to your clinic or vets and ask them for a demonstration. Once you see someone do it you will get the knack.
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
15 May 07
try taking out of your room and you will notice that it will change.the temperature you are seeing is your room temperature, maybe there are a lot of electronics being used inside your room ,like your pc,refrigerator,tv and even your flourescent.i notice this that if i turn on my aircon at 18 degrees centigrade, my thermometer says 28degrees.