Laughing! How do you actually do it?

@muscare (3068)
May 13, 2007 5:47am CST
We often read replies to comments and dicussions and see that the response 'lol' comes up quite a lot. I too have a laugh at funny discussions and replies. Now, myLotters, the thing I would like to know is how do you laugh, and what sort of sense of humour do you have? Do you have a quiet little giggle, or a huge belly laugh? I know people with such a high pitched laugh, I'm often surprised it doesn't shatter glass!! I myself have more of a low chuckle, and sort of a dry sense of humour, sometimes a little 'warped'. Tell me about your humour.
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6 responses
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
25 May 07
I have to say I am not very proud of my laugh. I laugh quite loud and without warning sometimes, it shatters the silence around, and if you are to close it either scares you or deafens you or both! I remeber seening a family video and all I could hear all the way through it was my laugh, it was then I realised how load and annoying it is. I have tried to tone it down a bit but when I am find something really funny or am surprised by how funny something is I can not help the loud ear peircing laugh, it even scares me sometimes!!! I also have a kind of evil laugh that is much quiter that I do when I am laughing in a group or trying to be quite, I have quite a wicked sense of humour and my laugh sounds some what wicked at times. When I think about it I think I am always laughing....yes I am strange. But happy!!!!Lol
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 May 07
wow-wow-wow. you can really give out such good laughs. and the variations...oh well, it seems not so many can do that. i must admit it is a talent of yours.
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
26 May 07
Well, fawcey, I'm sure youd be a great one to have at a family gathering, at least you'd break the monotony of which some gatherings of this sort are well known for! Now, does your laugh shatter the silence, or glass? As long as you can keep finding things to laugh about, that's better than having a life that's too serious. Stay happy!!
@mohdzul (60)
• Malaysia
13 May 07
how can i tell my humour even though i cant see your laughing to it.. :)
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
14 May 07
I always let people know if they've made me laugh with a'lol' or a 'ha, ha'. I sometimes add them to my replies if I am joking. I'm sure you've had a laugh or two at some discussions or replies.
• Malaysia
14 May 07
yup..for me may may i like to use hehehe..but i don like to start joking but prefer others..coz i good listener...hehehe
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
15 May 07
For me, a lot of times when I'm typing a funny response, I've got a big smile on my face, and sometimes forget that people can't see that when reading the reply,lol. I'd hate for someone to think I was serious when I was actually being funny about something!
• Philippines
25 May 07
my reaction really depends on how or to what degree was i affected by the funny feeling. i can really be laughing so much i have to leave the computer for more than a quarter of an hour, then in the process, my kids will also take a look at the ffunny thing and laugh out with me. there are times when smiling will be sufficient. at times the smile will never leave me for the whole day. it gives me such a light feeling it makes me feel so good for as long as i am awake. nice, huh?
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
26 May 07
Hey, that's good. At least you get the most out of something that is funny, smiling all day!! I also think that some laughter is contagious, as your family has shown!
@aweins (4199)
• India
27 May 07
When i am laughing actually i am not floored with the laugh. if i read a discussion i generally smiles, sometimes a little HEHEHE.......... HAHAHA............... is also there but i cannot laugh out loud what this LOL, really means. i write LOL, no doubt on it and also uses it most of the time when i chat or respond in my discussion in mylot but at that time i generally smile or for the most a chuckle. now i think i have get into that habbit of writing LOL, whenever i feel amused or even when i smile. i have never laughed in a manner that it feels that it can shatter glass. i dont have high pitched laugh. most of the time i am giggling and i really enjoy reading and responding to certain discussions.
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
27 May 07
Yes, I'm a bit of a chuckler myself. I like to put lol when I'm a little amused, but very rare is it that I laugh out, and I'll put it in a response if I'm joking, otherwise the person may think I'm serious with something I've said. I sometimes forget people can't see if I'm joking or not through the monitor,lol!
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
26 May 07
I don't laugh with a huge belly, but I do give some smiles when it comes to funny discussions.
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
27 May 07
Yes, it does take a bit for me to have a big laugh, not that I've got a bad sense of humour.
• India
25 May 07
My sense of humour is quite instant. I hardly remember any jokes. But doing chatting or conversions the humour just comes to my mind. I usually don't laugh so much as to ache my tummy. I don't find anything so funny as to laugh so much. But of course I do laugh like a smile on the face and exhaling the air out of your lungs...
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
26 May 07
Yes, I'm also have a fairly quick wit while chatting. It keeps my wife on her toes, and giggling! It really is rare for me to have a big belly laugh, takes something extraordinarily funny.