have you told anyone happy mothers day or have you been told?

United States
May 13, 2007 10:10am CST
i am sure at work today i will be telling alot of people that lol. i work at walmart i think it is a have to do there. but i dont mind either. my kids got up and got dressed for church and never said a word i think they forgot lol. oh well no worries. hubby got up and hasnt said a word yet either. that is nothing new he isnt into holidays anyways. i was just wondering did anybody tell you yet? has someone done something specail yet for you? have you told anyone yet? what is the best mothers day you remember? my best was the first year i could be told that. it was just great hearing it. best gift was the house was cleaned for me when i got home lol and some else cooked dinner lol.
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16 responses
@rahulmig (1030)
• India
13 May 07
i havent said happy mothers day to my mom infact i have been tld by mom
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• Philippines
13 May 07
The first greeting that i received was from a former co-worker. Then my mo-in-law and some friends soon followed. It is nice to receive such. I even reprimanded my husband to greet me though he just gestured with a smile when we woke up in the morning.
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@kaka135 (14930)
• Malaysia
13 May 07
Yeah, I've called my mum and said happy mothers day to her. I'm not staying at my hometown now, so I'll wait until next week only celebrate the mother's day with her. Besides my mum, I greeted my mother-in-law too. Actually she called me in the morning, and greeted me happy birthday. It's my birthday today. and thus, I just wished her happy mother's day too. Well, I couldn't really remember any best mother day. I just remember there was once Mother's day, and we wanted to go out for dinner with my whole family. (I was still quite young.) We was looking for a few restaurants, but they were all full. At last, we had dinner at around 9 o'clock. Since then, we were afraid to go dining on mother's day itself. ^_^
• United States
13 May 07
My husband woke me to tell me my youngest son was on the phone, wishimg me Happy Mother's Day. Hubby had already called his mother. I expect to hear from my daughter sometime today. She may be working today [she is a nurse] and lives in a different time zone. My oldest son doesn't have a phone and seems to march to a different drummer anyhow. My mother is a subject best not discussed at all.
@abroji (3247)
• India
13 May 07
This year for the first time in my life, through another discussion, I wished happy mothers day to all mothers in myLot community. For the first time because, it is not customery in India to celebrate the day. I am really envious about this point of your culture. A day to remember our mothers is the finest thing to do. I find from these discussions how much you value your parents and the bondage of relations. Thank you easymoney.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
13 May 07
yes I got an e-card from my oldest daughter and the other two got on Yahoo IM to wish me happy Mothers Day and I wished all 3 of my girls Happy Mothers Day because they are Mothers too. I am currently in the UK and Mothers Day here was in March. I got to celebrate it twice.
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
14 May 07
Yes my daughter sent me a beautiful card . It was from my both children. My son does not care about cards etc. His way of showing love is different, but he loves me. My daughter cares , remembers and tries to make me happy whenever she can. well like any other mother, I love my children and always wish that God Bless them with his best blessings.
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
13 May 07
My youngest daughter sent me an e-card and let me know she had to work this weekend. she works 12 houor days. I will see her this week sometime she said. My hubby kissed me and wished me a happy mothers day and gave me 2 roses, one yellos the color of my avatar and 1 blue. I have never seen a blue rose before. It is very pretty. i have not heard from my oldest daughter yet but am not surprised. She will remember by the middle of the week and call or stop in at work. that is how it ususally goes with her. I helped my granddaughter make a gift for her that is still at my house. I called earlier to remind her and there was no answer. I left a message for my granddaughter to call me. They will let her whenever they get home. Hubby is taking me out to dinner tonight so I don't have to cook.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
13 May 07
I called my Mom first thing this morning. We told each other Happy Mothers Day. My kids havent called me yet. My step-daughter gave me a poem she made at school this morning. It was very sweet. I'm cooking dinner,I just hope they do dishes.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
14 May 07
I told a few people at work. Both my daughters called me from Texas to tell me, and I called my mom (also in Texas). My guy did things around the house while I was at work, and made me dinner. After dinner, he told me to go sit down and relax cause it was Mother's Day, and I wasn't supposed to do anything, lol The best Mother's Day in recent years was my first one after my divorce and my oldest daughter took me out to brunch, and then we just hung out together the rest of the day.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
14 May 07
Yes,I sent more than 20 messages on the Mothers day.I sent these messages to my friends and told them please to give my best wishes to your mother on this day,and Happy Mothers Day to your mother.Of course,I also received at least 20 messages to reply my bless.My mother and my grandma were so happy to enjoy their celebration and their gifts.I cooked a dinner for my mama and she sent my grandma a platinum ring.Woawaowao,really a great gift!
• United States
14 May 07
Yes, my son and husband told me first thing in the morning. Then, my sister, and sister in law, and I all called each other to wish each other a happy moms day. My mom, we took her out for lunch, and I emailed my friends who are mothers. When we went to lunch, there was an older woman sitting by herself having lunch. She looked so sad that we all went over and wished her a happy mothers day! She started to cry and told us thank you! I don't know what her circumstances were, but I am glad that my whole family decided to wish her a happy day, and I hope it made it a little better for her.
• India
13 May 07
i told few of my frnds bout mothers day today....den we all went together to buy gifts for our mother....it was really fun...choosin gift....n all...:-)
@artonya1 (37)
• United States
14 May 07
Yes I have told my Mother Happy Mothers Day Twice I text threee in the morning and i called her three in the afternoon to tell her. I tried to tell my grandma but no one answer the called
• Ireland
13 May 07
Mothers day was on the 18th of March here! But happy mothers day anyway :)
@gizmo528 (731)
• United States
13 May 07
Happy Mother's Day easymoney and all the other mother's out there. Yes, I've told several people Happy Mother's Day and a few people have told me as well. I haven't really had a best Mother's Day yet as all my children are pets. My husband did take me out to dinner tonight so that was nice.