Does this look familiar?

United States
May 13, 2007 12:24pm CST
Does this look familiar? You are coming home late from work and happen to pass a lady or a guy on the streets with all their bags and stuff and they are laying on a cardboard box. You think, "Oh my god I need to hurry by," or "I hope they don't beg," America is impoverished. Badly. And our government does not care. They only care about the people with the highest bank accounts. My mother is homeless and I am in a dorm--a Job Corps dorm. There is nothing I can do for her but I keep trying. I sell art to help shelters in the area and treat her to lunch as often as possible. Americans, people who have the right to live in a save environment, or so says the U.S. Constitution, are dying on the streets. People who can help usually don't. They are too wrapped up in their own world to worry about others. Let me make it more clearer to you: On any given night in America, anywhere from 700,000 to 2 million Americans are sleeping on the streets. In Atlanta alone, there are over 4,000 children homeless in the school system. As you read this, are you overcome with anxiety, grief, fear, or sorrow? If you are an American, you should be. And there is something you can do to help. In whatever city you live in, look up the local homeless shelters. You can make a difference with only $5.00. That small amount can buy toilet paper, soap, and food at the dollar store. So I encourage everyone who reads this post to PLEASE donate to your local shelters. Americans are dying and the government doesn't give a damn. My comfort is this--there are more Americans than politicians in this country and you America can help the shelters help put a dent in poverty.
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