Question If You Know Someone Did Something...and you wanted to get even...

May 13, 2007 2:39pm CST
If the did something Like burn down a house, and you are 100% sure they did it or know who did. I understand that Curses and hexes are out they only make things worse for yourself, and loved ones. However what about a truth spell. What if I were to cast a spell on the person to have to tell the truth, and have him tell people the bad things he or another member of his family had done. Admitting his guilt. Would that count as medling? and would myself and my family be hurt more?
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9 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 May 07
Coaxing someone (by way of spellwork) to admit their guilt etc IMO isnt meddling at all..but if you are unsure how you feel about coaxing then why not try something in the "justice" area maybe... as for hexing ppl....LOL let me tell ya, if ANYONE is dumb enough to mess with my family the LAST thing you need to worry about is me hexing you BUT that doesnt mean I wouldnt do it..I'd do it in a heartbeat and not so much as bat an eye over it...I protect me and mine and if that means I need to hex you then so be it becuase not only would it be for us but it would be to protect others from suffering the same at the hands of the person in the future ya all around IMO its not a bad thing
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@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
14 May 07
Interesting. The first thing I thought of was to report him to the police. Simple, direct and non-mystical intervention. No need to worry about spells, curses, evil thoughts, bad karma, god, or indigestion.
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• Canada
14 May 07
The police arleady suspect this family, as everything they have ever done has been reported to them... thing is I feel it will go no where like all the other things they have done.
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• United States
13 May 07
If you're comfortable working the spell and really want nothing more than to bring this peron into light, for the sole purpose of justice and not revenge, I think you'll be ok. Just be certain you are not pushing the spell in any one direction, especially in the way of revenge. Try a small divination to see if doing the spell at this time is right. Place a black and white stone in a bag, white is yes, black is no. Say a little prayer to the goddess/whomever you wish about your dilemia. Shake the bag, and pull one out. Whatever that says, is your signal as to whether or not you should continue.
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@Galena (9110)
14 May 07
if someone had brought harm on those I care about then I wouldn't hesitate to work a hex on them. I practice traditional Witchcraft, which is pre-Wiccan and hasn't got a history of beleif in the Wiccan Rede, which is a modern concept in Witchcraft. in the right situation, and worked by an experienced practitioner, I don't beleive that hexes make things worse.
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@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
14 May 07
i guess any curse or spell is out ya... but directing the person to tell the truth is more practical... afterall, its better to get the person to know his mistake and to own up... it will be good for u and him and everyone else involved...
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@MisterPlus (1915)
• Philippines
14 May 07
It will be better if you tell God how bad you were hurt. God will be there for you. Don't take any chances for you to do any bad thing for the person who did you wrong. I believe God will make all wrong right. Just pray. Cursing is bad.
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• Canada
14 May 07
A truth Spell is not a curse, and I don't believe too much in the christian god... I have my reasons
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@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
14 May 07
I think there's a slight misunderstanding with regards to the whole "power of three" thing. The return in threes is actually a guideline, how much actually comes back to you, depends on the chain reaction one sets off with magic. For me it is a simple choice of if the result is worth it. Being responsible for one's actions is the whole point of the rule of three. If you believe that your cause is just, and you're prepared to bear the consequences of your actions, then by all means do it.
@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
14 May 07
Cast a mirror spell on the property damaged so that whoever did damage to it gets the same damage in return. It is not your doing but theirs that is being turned on them. It goes just a step beyond a protection spell. I a not wiccan, I am a beliver in choas. Everything has a reaction, and if you don't direct that reaction, you are allowing it to linger and hurt you more. Karma has already sent it into the ether with their action.
• United States
14 May 07
Wow! This is a dilemma. You do not want to harm anybody and only want these people to tell the truth. The question comes down to your definition of harm. If you cast this spell and these people tell the truth, are they not confessing to a crime? Intentioanlly burning down another's property is arson and is a punsihable offense. Additionally, these people, by confessing, open themselves up to civil reprecussions. Jail time and a civil lawsuit seem like "harm" to me. I understand that you are trying to find a way to remedy the situation, but no matter how you disguise your thought and no matter how much you try to convince yourself that your intentions are noble, you have to agree that your deepest, most fundamental desire in this situation is to "get even." If you already know in your heart that these people are responsible, then why is a truth spell necessary? If you already know, then why do you need to hear a confession? Is it for peace of mind? It cannot be for that becasue you already know the culprit. The only logical conclusion left is that you are driven by "revenge." You either want to humiliate them, get them into some type of legal trouble, or you want to have information on them to use against them later to prevent them from doing something (blackmail). Think about it like this; if you have to convince yourself that something is okay to do, it probably is not. If somethinig is harmless, you just know it. Doing something harmless is as natural as walking down the street or drinking a glass of water. Do you have to convince yourself that drinking a glass of water is harmless? If you have to convince youself that a particulart action is harmless, should that not set off a warning bell?
• Canada
14 May 07
This family is nuts, I mean there 24 year old son threatened to shoot my 35 year old uncle with a rifle. He told my cousin I he'd get us when we are sleeping. He is not trustable, I mean he already killed 2 dogs. Anyone capable of doing that is capable of taking a human. He truely believes my families land should have been his, so what is he doing? righting a wrong? If your family had land and the nextdoor nieghbours had been friends with them and they passed down the house to a family member in a will, and the nieghbour snapped because for some reason they believed they had rights to that land. Terrorized you for years. Threatens you a week before they burn down the house that sat on the property and then sit there and try to blame other friends of both families and give their whole name, people who my family know indeed did NOT have anything to do with it. Because for one these people are just as upset as we are. Plus the hot spots started close to there property. I do feel getting them to admit who really done it and pay for their sins. Here arsen is a felony, it ranks with grand theft auto and murder. Would you let a murderer walk the earth if you knowingly knew they had done it? This guy has already furfilled one of his threats, why wouldn't he do another one? I DO NOT think that a truth spell used for him to tell the truth and take the responsibilty of the crime he did commit to be harmful for him. I just know that even in magic meddling is usually wrong and in this situation, I am unclear if it would be concidered meddling.
• United States
14 May 07
Of course it is meddling. You are causing somebody to do something against their will by using magic. Please do not misunderstand what I was saying. I am not saying that I would let these people get away with anything. If I could, I would curse them to their grave. By the time I was done, they would fear the very sight of me. All I am saying is that your dilemma seems straight forward to me. You want to get them back, so do it. If you fear the magically reprecussions will be too severe for you too handle, do not cast any spells. That is what it comes down to. You are meddling, it is that simple. Even if it is a "harmless" truth spell. The real question is, can you handle the consequences of your choice?